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Everything posted by Myrtan

  1. Another one obsessed with my person Im glad I have such fans.
  2. I told you. Leave me alone you creep!
  3. You judging Legiana's video by personal hate to him not the quality of the video.
  4. Good, your videos are interesting. Especially the last one
  5. He just want to provoke me. But not this time
  6. Myrtan

    Jungle !

    This pvp from our point of View: resist, resist, resist, resist, resist, resist... + that CHN Archer. What can I say, you achieved epic victory. GZ!
  7. Didn't know Katsumoto, Anytime, Ripwalker, Lilith, Rizo etc. are low lvls and all Jungle are 70+. Seems like, all that time I was living in mistake
  8. Dude, watch my videos! I don't even use Greater Helaing Pots. This is how hardcore I am!
  9. Man you have obsession. Saying my name in topics where I dont take part in discussion. You need some special therapist. You talking about fighting like a man rly? Jungle, WildAtHeart, AngeliNeri (Phoenix) started fighting with much bigger lvls Perkunas, TFD, ES etc.parties when they hit 60. What can I learn from Stiba? He come, because BizzQQuit called him. Las few months Stiba didn't do nothing, just farm in SOS/FOM because there were the places where war hits them less. Jungle is in AB from lvls 58-60 so bring your invalid arguments out of this conversation. Bizz forgot how much Anathema helped him in Times of need, and prefer to work with Totaly Toxic. Telling Anathema to give castle to TT, after their loyality and always helping in WS is just a silly joke.
  10. Myrtan


    With specal discount! Im tired of arguing with you under every topic. Let's say you are right and gtfo.
  11. Myrtan


    QQ, you are crying and trashtalking much more on this forum. Youv'e been doing this before I even registered. Don't be hypocrite, I can see your trash posts below every topic.
  12. Myrtan


    Very low sense of humour
  13. Myrtan


    Pay attention dude three mass pvps and pvps pt vs pt
  14. One more SLOT free! We currently looking for SWS, BD, WC/OL lvl 65+ (Can make exceptions)
  15. NO, DT are same side just different crest. We both are on this side right from the beginning. Weve been together when our enemies were a lot more than us, and jungle, phoenix still were 60+, so here were never any dickholding just standing strong. What can I say about your previous mighty ally consisted of 70% of all server. This wasn't just dickholding, this was real orgy.