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Everything posted by FireBeaSt

  1. rizos go bloody to kill 60-65 lvls wars.. (:o)
  2. lowbies? HAHAHHAHAAH
  3. 3 vs 8 .. and after that CHN bring 10+ to kill 3 people... really i laugh.. ofc we make soe before they came .. gf guys ..
  4. FireBeaSt

    poli pk !!!!!!

    gamiounte ligo .. min agxwnesai .. pekse to game sou
  5. FireBeaSt

    WS april 17

    I really wanna see all that clans es fun tfd terr anarchy and others more .. what you will do when the update coming.. and all want take baium.... I will laugh with all of you .. with that perfect 500 people (ally)
  6. FireBeaSt

    Anathema April

    server is boring cause they have 16 parties vs 4-5 ... that players you are ... you can kill one party of enemies.. when you have 2 or 3 more... china Brazilians and others ally ..ladies