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Everything posted by GoddessOfLight

  1. Can we expect to get it before second semester or pherhaps before northern autunm this year? i'm sure we can have it even with few bugs....
  2. Using 0,5 speed to watch this, maybe next time just make video longer
  3. it should be AT LEAST 2h for just 10% exp
  4. ​no, from voting polls u cant understand which option is for what ​i've said that isnt the case
  5. you can have bad english and still understand what someone's meant. Its not this case....
  6. GoddessOfLight


    While watching Shut1Love pking some ppl stream, one dude tried to debuff his summon and got flagged, is it suppose to be like this?
  7. GoddessOfLight


    well at least he is killing some bots
  8. can't afford and even if i could i live in south america, so yeah, fuck it
  9. You QQ about something they only have between 20~40
  10. ​well maybe its because this skill ONLY hits multiple monsters if they are in front of you, same as normal atks.....
  11. its like that on classic official
  12. ​this dude gave up his glad to make nuker ;P
  13. got lag spikes, restarted now i cant login
  14. ​Such a genius. u managed to not find mobs that doesnt exist at all... good job m8. ​so i wonder why i saw these mobs while watching streams from ru classic ;P
  15. ​it should drop at classic 2.0 not 1.0, as i said at off they boosted adena by 300%
  16. ​this amount of adena is not from classic 1.0, i know they boosted adena by 300% in official classic not long ago. You tell me, why shackle drop maximum 13k?????
  17. Cave Servant in dv droping 70k to 100k sometimes? i dont think this is right
  18. ​So,what you think to server online of true:) ​im saying that 1k its not full for this map lol, we have alot more monsters at each location ​more monsters dont means the map is more big since 1 guy can kill aproximately 10 mobs per minute , this map will be full that easy ​10 mobs per minute???? not at 3x ​depends on what zone u are and what lvl u are .. u get it? ​ofc, using ss... but it wont happen when you dont have adena even for hp pots