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Wow, thats a lot of shit talking on every step for person who later creating excuses ZP style "everything is like we planned"... Didnt knew i dont play, thought its my CP ill know this now. How about your pills? U have some dependency for recording everything what happens around u? I mean like ppl who are addicted to selfies? Are u sure u arent the person who should use pills every day? Its mental problems, try get rid of that cause might be too late... Would advice try cure Narcissism, but sadly thats not cureable... BTW if u think that theese "wooden jokes" of yours are funny, im sorry to inform, they are only for u, and maybe few deadbrained around u... Dont waste time for another "cool joke" ill be back here again after month or more ✌️
Oh that what it is... secret ZP tactics "in action"... Isnt your pt "we play for PVP"? Do u even realise how fckn PATHETIC u look like hiding in that clan and autocanceling every war started? 2 months of spilling shit on KKK army cause they PR, bsoe and now u doing better? KKK lost heroes - no PVP, and what tragedy happened to PVP MASTERS? 2 fckn pt go to fight and u PR with KKK behind Fuck was this? Regroup training? Killing cam behind Oren castle was this CS achievement for GD i guess...
Yea is rly nice that i dont know shit and everyone else do So where is YOURS logic if "u farmed only few pieces till now" and everyone still whine we need cloth back? THIS IS WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT, U wont farm shit cause u farm few hours, and bots will farm 24/7, SO question is WHO WILL FARM MORE EVENTS AND WHO TAKES ALL CHANCES??? Are u rly so fckn naive??? ull farm 10 items and bost will get 100, nice chances, yea its WORTH to get chance to drop cause u are so stupid to think "i will get it and its worth", sad thing that the one will get them is ppl who farmed 24/7, oh wait its not ppl its BOTS... Rizo where are sets? Just add theese cloths and ull see where they are, noone wears them cause of seal, and ull see KKK CHN and RMT randoms runing with A, oh no here noone buys items RIGHT?
Yea, lets feed POOR BOTS, cause u want have a chance to get cloth, and they will have 10x more TOP logic ladies... Oh and remind me, what is the point of Zaken patch if bots will get all sh on this event? Zaken farm? who will need it if there will be plenty of A sets already? Womens logic FTW i see...
They better wait for their savior KKK, what a brave enemy we have there At least they are strong at talking in HV...
MY FRIEND? Monkey... u couldnt be my friend even u would be last piece of shit on this earth
Funny thing u talk that language... visit some doctors? Not sure monkeys Autism is curable... BTW to inform u and not paranoy on anyone come to beat shit of u, ill say everytime "BANANA", dont look like complete retard by talking to ppl like with me, cause its rly sad...
Here it is No i like tell to that lame who he is on real, cause he thinks he knows everything, wins everything and plans everything.. still fail everything... And treats to everyone imaging that its me on any char that rapes him fckn poor shitter with early Paranoid..
Oh heeeere this monkey hiding I also have some questions to @Koll how was yesterdays stream of CS? Yea i liked too, especially cause of GLORIOUS ZERG FIGHTS, oh wait, not this month i guess? So question is how the fuck can QUITTERS, "monkeys on brake", "Offline players" (you understood already) VOTE? Arent they "on break" cause of got fked up on last olly, and suddenly decided go for "PLANNED SUMMER BRAKE"??? P.S. how long u going play offline? i gues olly will show right? if KKK get hero back "brake is over" ? Cause from zerg i can see only HDM 1-2 pack after EU prime, and some FEAR. So WTF u even try to do here? Lick ass to admins and get back Cloth to drop and then go bot 24/7 low lvl mobs to get nice chance (for doing nothing) and then maybe get some cloths? @Koll Cause i dont see any other reason, only to get chance to farm event 24/7 on bots for chance to get OP item, while everyone knows theese EMO QUITTERS dont even play already 2 weeks. So its obvious what is this, calling all rats from ratholes and monkeys from palms to get more votes, about... Ppl play for 2+ years and still dont have A sets and u want on fckn event add them more to server than it was dropped on RIFT / 2 years? Its not fckn Zaken patch , and Baium dont drop Cloths, so the only one who will get profit here will be fckn BOTS cause u cant even handle theese adena spammers. U already had few events when fucked up server, so dont do mistake AGAIN. U can go and try check any 20+ locations how many "farmers" are there now and will be 24/7. I choose to dont have chance to get Cloth on event farming, but at least ill know botters wont get that also. Some ppl will farm for hours and get event ites hard way, and bots will farm 24/7 and u think its fkcn FAIR that both will have chance to drop Cloths? If u want add them, then do this event on at least 60+ or 70+ mobs, for new players even 1 tablet will be OP, not even talking if they start pick items worth of 200+ kk. BTW @iAxZp seems like Event manager is your cousin, ask him, i think he will do you a favor on this event. Go back to your palm and continue sucking banana for at least 2 more weeks. P.S. @Koll next time they will Vote add 10+ sets to drop list, its ok also maybe? Or 16+ weapons, lvl 3 epics and many other stuff. Use brains...
Obviously brings less money that KKK army, and abused too much for his payments, so admins did "lesson" that banns "are ON"
Wrong wednesday... Also what u want, they didnt had 2-3x more ppl than we had in CC so why to waste time...
Nobody is going to ban ppl who bring you money! Plenty videos and posts, and didnt heard that any donater got banned, cause of using cheats and shit like that Case closed.
OH my, not so much talking here i see, maybe cause on HV more ppl see your bullshit? Try here anyways, ull get your glory Oh wait u are pretending now "the smart one" who dont talk bullshit right? Try compare your last post and shit u write on HV every time, and ull see how pathetic u are, by this hypocrisy when sometimes u manage to write 2-3 sentence that are not stupid, and rest shitchat on HV, u are not smarter at all, dont even try...
Triggered? I see u dont feel difference between 2 words "triggered" and "pop-eyed" by seeing how can be adult ppl so retarded to brag at every corner about any shit they did Every day you can look at chat or HV and see how pathetic can be ppl with this deadbrained "dick measurement", and sadly theese are not growing up cause u cant regen dead brain cells. BTW Bizzy how u going to fix CHN and Korea, if asslicking to Jwan for epics sharing will success?(oh it was a secret? SRY) Or Korea wont be needed just like was with sjeks? And yea recruit more untill only enemy on server will be mobs and server will die again. Cause for last reborn server can say Thnx to ally split, and mostly to sjeks, who said he want cancel deal with CHN, to get more ppl back to server, and u fckn monkeys dont care about ppl who playing on server to get fun, u just need free farm/cash seems. ZP i can answer for u why u didnt came to baium today, cause broken PRLord was off maybe? U are still piece of shit if broken party not online(even when many of ours parties now mostly inactive) and u know that, so keep up with your stories, most important is that u believe in that bullshit Try sometimes, like Modoy said, come to fight not when have 2-3x more zerg, then talk shit fckn pimple... pop-eyed pop-eyed