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Posts posted by Pince

  1. 16 hours ago, BlackJack said:

    doesn't show it by insulting everything that moves on forum ~~~for no reason at all.

    edit: oh and not to mention that random bragging that he/his cp is the best while constantly shit talking everyone else even randoms being inferior to them. While the only reason he is strong in-game is because they spend thousands on buying epix. So because he spent IRL money on a game, he feels superior to everyone else and decides to down talk people and straight up insult them. "amazing person". If he doesn't act like that otherwise, only means he is duplicitous as well.

    Pendragon... WTF is wrong with u... U buy so hard epics, and at oly u asking ppl to borrow epics for fights... Do u fckn EAT THEM??? :/

  2. 4 hours ago, Sensei said:

    Find me a reason that i would b.soe from something like this...


    Oh myyyy even lames like u get lucky once/life time :o BRAAAAVOOOOOO!!!! Can i buy u candy? How the f ppl u can be so retarded to screenshot every sh u do in this game ffs :D Dont have any better things to do here? WOW I DID M CRIT - BOOOOW TO ME :D How many time u fckn lame bsoed from BS when i came up from top spot up? Hiding begind trees or bsoe thats all what u can, and now fckn pvp masters start talk shit :D i still have trust there are at least 50 % players in your clan not so brain dead.. But wait... nope i dont :(

  3. 1 hour ago, pistolas said:

    oulalalalala   first of all i never say that i am pro player .... but i realy enjoy my new weapon and second month hero  .. and enjoy to see you so MAD

    yes perkunas is so good that try feed pony and necro  its not my problem that they faild   .... i want to say a tnx to perkunas they feed me to 864    

    P.S give more to try harder you know were

    U get money for posting bullshit or what? Why u tag me here? :D Maybe cause u already know who barks bulshit about reaver? Nedd grow up a little to pass that? Im mad? :D Man u must be a psychologist cause u can see ppl minds and what they think and feel :o Perkunas feed u 864? :D Are u rly so retarded or what is wrong with u? U know there is "watch fight" and ppl saw how u got last 150 pts? :D Hide in darkest corner and bark your sh there, maybe wont look so shitty before rest of server ppl cause of talking so stupid things... Oh i know, all players from server who are not SM ar Perkunas thats how u count theese points, and NONE was feeded all 864 from Perks :D fuck, u r hilarious... Try shoot to your head - should help a bit.

  4. 4 minutes ago, MoDoy said:

    wth, so if you out of nowhere pm me and starts barking in my PM its not bragging? :D i see, so ofc you never brag, because for you nothing you say is bragging but "giving arguments to idiots" :D cool story ;)

    Couldnt answer this last msg ? pm from nowhere? All server knows  about your sh talks in hero, and i pm u to brag about something? RLY? ? just like u said "cool story" ? barking pm to stop sh talking = braging! Roger! Will know that for once ? do u ever look what u wrote  before "submit replay" ?

  5. 2 minutes ago, MoDoy said:

    i see, so bragging on forum from you side doesnt count, understood :( so i guess discord doesnt count as well :( what about you pming me, could that be considered bragging?

    ps: BlackJack = DajToVillage , gogo -4 him pls, but dont try to meet him alone, coz you might get rekt with high chance :/

    I repeat again, dont show me sh if im answering something to idiots where they talk shit and i give them arguments, show me at least once where i brag only cause i need attention. Lol why 4- ? Is that means much? Simply i dont understand who the f is he thats all. And what will be when meet alone? Its very strange if PR on max con - loose to necro? Istnt its OBVIOUS? wtf is wrong with u... its like u have sh dmg even to robe and go for hp and fast atk speed... its obvious and didnt even worth to mention... ok i see nothing interesting more here, good day for all cya in game. Case closed ??

  6. 2 minutes ago, MoDoy said:

    except the thing all those points are bugged since server start, you cannot go into -, thats why every single clan has ++ CRP points vs every clan in that table ... and there is still one of those guys every month who tries to brag about how they rekt enemies coz they have +100 CRP in clan war list, hilarious ^_^

    Hm could  link AT LEAST one post or screen or any sh u can link where i was brag about anything? Even drunk to death i GUARANTEE u my friend u wont see NEVER any sh i brag about. And dont bring here sh if i answered coments about other ppl retarded sh were writing. I mean brag like last day morons write sh to hero to ppl see them in chat. Its like "LOOOK AT MEEE IM HEEEROO" fckn pathethic ?

  7. 1 minute ago, Yomana said:

    You understand there is no logic in that :D Its like i say none can be so lucky to make +16 yaksa when i break 30 of them and i make only +12. But +16 yaksa exists.

    Its just RNG. We lost sayomi hero cause in one of the last 2 matches  he won only 6 points when he needed 10.

    Naah u lost Sayomi cause V4 kicked his ass at last fight ? well like i said i dont even care, went oly, lost, keep playing cause dont care, while ppl talk sh here... my fckn phone will die on recharge cause answering posts ? np soon going go from work so wont write here again for long time ?

  8. 4 minutes ago, Yomana said:

    I didnt play friday so idk , but saturday (last day) i was on our feed wave and we didnt feed pistolas even once. 

    I doubt someone from clan accepted to feed DA anyway. Its a waste of points to feed 100+ points to one of the strongest chars in oly.

    Then ppl Modoy is San0 for sure ? noone can be so lucky get all top fights for 20 fights left, and then i get fckn random with 4 pts and loose cause of him by 2 pts ?

  9. 38 minutes ago, MoDoy said:

    @Koll i guess we need to put clan wars points list on top fix priority so we can finally settle who is smashing who in clan wars :D right now everyone thinks he is winning coz the points reset just for the losing side, so in the end everybody is in ++ CRP points vs everyone ^_^ is it even on any bug fix list? this CRP counting from clan wars?

    Problem is its yours side talk sh on every sh you ppl do, got video about killing last rush of half nonbuffed ally to crest room and doing youtube "crp farm" and when we open wars that moment we see 150 CRP on NF ? bad farming dont u think? I told u, your side like fckn kids with big mouth proud on any sh they do... even if its in your own pants... less talk sh more respect to enemy side who gives u fun, no enemys - PVE. I dont think many ppl play here for PVE ?

  10. 17 minutes ago, Yomana said:

    Pistolas couldnt play many matches cause of his job this month as far as i know , i dont understand what you mean feed chains. He played a lot open oly , we didnt have him in our feed waves. He got some points i think from other enforcers when they had clear image of their hero attemp (like zigys fed diosmio sometimes). Apart from that you lost DA cause you fed ES with it , so its your fault entirelly. 

    Saying gm gave us 10 points from nowhere , when friday same thing happened and saturday morning people got their 10 points back , is a joke. Two occasions that people lost points , two times they returned it. Simple as that.

    Idc about what myrm says honestly. Im sure your side knows that myrm party and NF dont have the best relationship.

    Edit: If by feed chains you mean that he was trying to disrupt your feed waves then shouldnt that be obvious like rizo said? 

    I mean last day when he didnt went to catch or any chains like DA and necros or sumoners do, but went on feed chains to get 10 pts from every game to get max for all fights. And then bark everywhere how good he is  ? fckn waste, thats what he is if he dares talk shit knowing how he got this DA hero ?

  11. 4 minutes ago, MyrmidonAch said:

    "Call themselves a cp" its what Bizzquit said to insult my cp . I told him it must be frustrating for him losing heroes from an irrelevant call themeselves a cp bunch of players.I didnt refer to your CP wtf are you talking about ? I only mention that you got fed as your matches reveal at the end of 5th week nothing more than that.Also i didnt use shout to Gz other heroes ffs why you spread lies like that.

    Well my and Zaza nicks was in same sentence so its obvious why i understood like you talk sh about me. Put . Next time to not confuse ppl ??

  12. 18 minutes ago, Rizos said:

    I thought its obvious. But if perkunas dont know this mby thats why they finnish with 5 hero. Not gonna teach u for free tho.

    If its ibvious tell your dog stop bark about Reaver lost, cause u ppl nothing compare to him on DA. Just respect if hes better. Just like Modoy plays good on SR in oly and i dont like him only cause big mouth ?

  13. 19 minutes ago, MyrmidonAch said:

    Ok mate w.e you said .4th week you didnt fail and you finished with 97 or last week of oly they didnt feed you thats why from 97 you reached 325 . Dont be a hypocrite and dont insult me i never said here something against you. They fed you and you failed as we fed our heroes and succeed ,If you needed more 30 matches last day in order to take hero not my problem ask gms to play 60 .

    Wtf was that "call themselves a cp" did i fckn mentioned u/cp anywhere on this sh forums? No, so dont talk about me or my CP pls and i wont even write here. I repeat i dont care about hero, anyone from my pack can get it im not the one who prouds fckn shine circle or will talk in fckn hero chat like "hi all grats with new heroes" and few h later same retards talk sh about ppl they were gz ? Hero is only bufs in pvp for me, rest of u can go to street and scream about it if u like, maybe ull get some aplause there. GL

  14. 13 minutes ago, Yomana said:

    You dont post much but every time you post its like you got triggered :D

    Yes we sucked san0 balls to give us 10 points cause their server RRed. Excuses cause you failed the DA.

    PS: I play hear 2+ years and i have read , 1)admins help Reaver, 2)admins help UniQue , 3)admins help Soil ,4)admins help perkunas, 5)admins help NF, 6)admins help China

    @San0 pls decide who you help

    I dont care about forums and sh are going on there thats why write rare ? But ffs when ppl start write here bullshit like Kktx... "we done 70% dmg to baium then Perks ported in and finished" or like Myrm was talking pm like an adult person last oly day, and now i know ive been HARD FEEDED TO 90 PTS ? how the f ppl can be so retarded... there wasnt even 1 oly when Perks feed Zaza on main and this is HARD FEED... why Pistolas didnt go random chains if hes so good and waited for feed chains ? 

  15. 20 hours ago, Sensei said:

    I'm entitled to.
    I have a shiny bubble after all.
    Do you? :P

    I play all 3 primes everyday too

    U should know GH is peace zone... strange why we never see u untill our prime end ? oh pack of heroes is good only for reloging ppl killing and sh talking here later ? Damn u are so good... strange why so many CRP farms and videos on youtube but... WS still has more CRP vs NF ? i gues its broken ?

  16. 23 hours ago, MyrmidonAch said:

    You fed so hard Pince/Zaza but these guys from "call themselves a cp " took it from you .So it must be frustrating

    Speaking about my cp activity propably you ll go early for sleep granny 

    Nice info where we are from . I have one guy from Sudan too maybe you wanna meet him

    I move at TOI 5/7 at least and i am only see people relog under stairs or LinaHellborns pt PR animation 

    BU----RT No 2

    P.S 4/4

    Lol Myrm i like u talk here sh now and online in pm u pretend nice person ? Hard feed? Ppl u must been sleeping ? last week i had 97 pts and Psy? 200+ And last day hero goes to yours side cause u suck balls for San0 for 10 pts.  And u get ONLY 2 PTS MORE. Zaza relogs to most of pretenders so better stfu and dont talk here bullshit if u know nothing. HARD FEED ??? Wake up and grow up... Crying here WS feed hard, u have many spy so come to TS and look how much ppl we had ? last week had 2-3 waves and u? 5 and more and like Modey said NF 69 SM so their chains too so just pls STFU....Where u saw we call ourselves anyway? We play 10 ppl and dont fckn care to scream like fckn kids "we are best, we are top" when get fucked up all time y can only whine about low online and now when got fckn overfeeded u sudenly HAVE SKILL ? DAAAMN MASTER CAN U TEACH ME! Fckn lames u feeded even your shot DA and take it ONLY cause ballsucked for 10 pts ? pathetic... if respect yourself at least a little dont talk bulshit here about skills cause yesterday on Baium we saw that SKILL... next month take 30 hero and u can do baium!