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Everything posted by TrekPazt

  1. also please. make cloaks transferable between chars on same main account for some euros. cmon !
  2. pokud umis AJ tak doporucuju spis mezinarodni klan
  3. no cloacks no fun ty fot tip tho . i would open it expecting cloak . not 100% rune
  4. if u can find +6 top weapon for same price as B clean top then its worth it of course . i doubt that too . i sold +7 samurai lately for 45kk and i think i was ridicoulously cheap. in reality +6 weapon will be like 40kk while Aoba will cost around 22kk. thats half . C shots cost 1/3 of B shots. C shots around 13, B shots are around 47 ? how much u would need to close the gap economicaly ? 800k shots ? will u ever use that ? :D
  5. would it be possible to expand list of possible macros ? right now list for macros has 48 slots ,which is not enough for ppls like me.thx for responses
  6. i know that theres mana regen bonus from +6 heawy sets (its writen ingame) ,but i heard theres mana regen bonus from any +6 set .is that true ? does heawy just have more mana regen ,but all of them have that bonus ?
  7. well PP has prophecy too . now i understand that its far behind in terms of damage , but it makes u tanky which is not bad
  8. PP is quite superior to WC . i would love to make PP work in some CP. i was thinking with enlightenment,+8wit and dance of conc PP could buff quite quickly and maybe catch up to WC in buffing speed. iam not there yet so i cant try it . what do you guys think ?
  9. PP is not bad . has zerk :) vamp u can get from stew
  10. cant login. stuck in endless loging in animation thats there right after enering nickname,password and pressing log in . already loged characters are ok and NOT disconected edit : iam trying to log different chars . anyone else ?
  11. some ppls decided to farm enough money for RB jewels by farming CBP .... its overfarmed as fck .
  12. u will spend 2s for every 20 beast soulshots summoning it . that kinda lowers it :D
  13. PP + BD buff ,+8str setup,CM +10,othell 6,lvl 46 ... beast shots make like 1s kill time difference on 2x mobs ,but around 500 adena per kill difference . 10000 mobs x 500adena is 5kk. thats sweet if you want purely exp ,then it makes sense to have shots on , but otherwise i doubt it
  14. cause summoners are quite expensive to run. if u use B grade gun and hit mob 4x times then u end up with 200 adena expense. if summon in the meantime hits 4xtimes thats around another 560 adena . thats 760 adena to kill 1x mob. expensive. in the meantime nuker one shot such mob for 100 adena C grade blesed spiritshot . archer needs 2 hits max . 100 adena too . daggers needs like 4-5 hits. 250 adena . nowhere close to 760 adena sumoner uses . if u stop using best shots you can actualy farm something and this is not obvious. normaly u go . buy shots and farm . it doesnt even hit u that its possible to turn shots off . atleast thats what it was for me ... edit : + my point was that u actualy DONT NEED them. u can farm without shots and its fast i actually even tried to farm without beast SS and without my weapon soulshots . its possible. not everywhere ,but summoner can do it . edit2: now when i think about it u propably dont need 4 attacks from summon .more like 3 ... so my math will be off ,but whatewer . iam lazy
  15. you are posting it like as if it would be something obvious. i would like to hear how many times u tried it
  16. i have warlock and now PS so thats not option . thx for tip tho
  17. this goes for fighter style ... i also tried mage style at lvl 66 in plains of glory. demon staff +7 vs goat +8 .... demon has about 40% more damage, but u still kill it with 3 shots most of the mobs . so goat head staff means u will pay 150 adena per kill . cheap as fck also . edit: i write this as tips cause i only heard how expensive summoners are and indeed they are if you are doing it wrong.
  18. just wanted to share my realization maybe it will help somebody