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Everything posted by caesar1989

  1. Hello there! I've just started playing on this server yesterday, with my fiancee, and I've to say that it is really awesome. I am an old player, used to play from C4 up to Gracia, then i went on a long break and tried other things, like WoW, FF14, Diablo 3, Tera... etc. etc. etc. Unfortunately I can't play alot, like a couple of hours a day but not every day ... But it's not a problem, I'll slowly get to the endgame, enjoing the grinding process in the middle I've got some newbie question, regarding the game and the server specifically, hope someone can help me L2Classic 2.0 what Chronicle does it refers to? What is the Max character level? How much does the donations influence the game? Is it a problem if me and my fiancee play from the same IP? (we live together, it would be difficult to do otherwise) Is there a database/site (not in russian >_<) to check for drops and spoils? If you have any suggestion or a little "todo checklist" that every newbie should follow when starting an adventure here, please feel free to share it
  2. caesar1989

    [LF] 2.0 Mods

    Well, you have a point there! (: The main reason I do this is because I can't relate on anybody else (except my fiance) to progress in the game. Also, we don't play that much (we both have a full time job, and some real life to take care of) and we like the "grinding" part of the game more than the endgame itself (we usually get bored if you get too much help and get to the endgame content too fast) edit --- I'm going to start a sort of "presentation" thread, also to ask some newbie question about the server (Already did it for my main language, but I want to know more also from the rest of the community )
  3. caesar1989

    [LF] 2.0 Mods

    Thank you Kse! (: I'll follow your suggestion and use the color patch for the moment looking forward for the drop & spoil one anyway keep up the good work!
  4. caesar1989

    [LF] 2.0 Mods

    Hello there, I've just started playing and as I've always done I'm levelling up a Dwarf (with my fiance) so that we can cover all the needs of our main chars. I've noticed that in the past some mods where shared to simplify some aspects of the game (like chat color changes, what the monsters Drop/Spoil, lvl and aggro of mobs) Is there a version of this mods for the 2.0? Thanks in advance for the help (:
  5. Grazie Drizzt, Farò una prova e vedrò come mi trovo, cerchero di giocare solo per svagarmi senza troppi rompicapo Grazie ancora, ci si becca in game
  6. Ciao gente, In passato (più di 10 anni fa!) ho giocato a Lineage 2 su un piccolo server privato, eravamo una community piccola ma compatta e avevo stretto delle belle amicizie. E' passato un po di tempo, e dopo aver passato del tempo su diversi altri giochi (FFXIV, WOW, Diablo 3.. e altri) ho deciso di tornare su L2 Il "nuovo" L2 non mi soddisfa molto, troppo semplificato.. e mi resta un po confusionale. Ora, volevo farvi un paio di domande riguardo questo server, tenete conto che lavorando posso giocare poco (1/2 due ore o poco piu alla sera, e non tutte le sere): 1. Com'è la community? 2. E' un pay2win? Cioè ci si può potenziare facendo donazioni? (se si evitate pure di rispondere alle altre domande ^^') 3. Giocando poco (1/2 ore a sera) si riesce comunque a godere del gioco? 4. Ci sono wipe/reset del server? Se si, quanto spesso? Grazie mille in anticipo per tutte le risp, Spero che questo sia il posto giusto dove poter ricominciare