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Posts posted by freakout

  1. 8 hours ago, San0 said:

    - FIXED shadow blade to be used with dagger.

    - FIXED missing skill on hierophant Steal Mana

    - FIXED Combat Thrills to not override Great Fury and Vice-Versa

    - FIXED double heavy armor passive on knights/bards instead of new heavy armor passives.

    if possible, check about counter buffs from SR and HE please...

    now that you can only activate it from auto attacks, both became pve buffs...

  2. hey! Dont be rude bro...

    Just saw your tests and first of all, thx for helping with it.

    I got your point, when you say that your top geared dagger is not 1 shotting a top geared healer (you checked that your max dmg with double blow + CC on litus was 8k, and he has 11k hp)...still a lil stronger than it should be...but its just my opinion

    I also agree that if you invested 25kkk adena on a dagger, it should be lethal as fuck!

    But that was not my point...i wasnt really complaining about your 12k dmg on my archer, when i was farming at FI with PP point is that when we fight ppl at the same average of our equips, our noob AW (no dye + no baium tali + no baium ring + no OE weap) was doing 6 to 9k dmg when triggered...and thats not dificult to happen in a pvp

    And those 9k dmg = 1 shot for a "normal" player...

    But still...its just me complaining about it...i must be wrong then

  3. 1 hour ago, Werew said:

    I personally believe mp pots should never exist in classic, there are rechargers and clarity buff, elixirs have enough cd  to be acceptable I agree on this.

    Sr and he are utter trash atm I don't think there are worse dd atm,  and the triggers  are useless as they are now , the way I think they should be is that both counter dash and rapid shot(rapid shot  should give atk speed to all classes not only to archers 15% for archers is not worth to have sr in pt  if is for all then at least is worth to have sr for farm in pt ) ,  should have low duration like 15/20 sec max and activate  at 1k dmg + done not received  this  way you need to have live he/sr in pt with decent equip to constantly make that dmg to activate this. 

    This is why I mentioned mostly  only single target debuffs, this would give every class something unique that if used wisely can have impact but no class should have the power to have major impact alone 

    for medusa and song of silence duration can be reduced to 5 sec  , quick spear is also 5 sec and can be broken by dmg (5 seconds will still have impact but won't be OP).

    The main idea behind all this is to make every class useful  but not OP



    im playing a SR atm and im ok with that...the only thing that i would do is change his ArrowRain to 900 range. 

    I think that we are missing the point about daggers, imo...the only thing that i dont agree, is a dagger 1 shot 70% of the classes, equally buffed/equiped...

    But as Vezz said...if its ok for the majority, we will learn how to play against it!


  4. you guys are too excited...thats good, i think...


    5 hours ago, iAxZp said:

    WTF ARE U EVEN TALKING ABOUT. CLASSIC PROJECT STARTED TO BE DEBUFF FIESTA, croud control and CURE debuffs was all the magic. if ppl want to f1 pvp can jump to next il pops up 

    Thats exactly my point...noone wants a F1 battle...and daggers are doing shadowstep + backstab in 70% of the pvps

    Not only those who got 25kkk on equips, like @sung said...


    10 hours ago, Donkihot said:

    nothing is gonna be balanced.

    TK is useless piece of carbage for 5 years

    Hawk is useless piece of carbage for 5 years

    SR is useless piece of carbage for 5 years

    SPS/SORC in pvp are useless pieces of shit

    and until now daggers there useless pieces of shit as well.

    What balance u want? Best tank for PVP - DA. If u play other tank in pvp, u give advantages to enemy.

    If you play any other mages, not the necro, u lose. 

    Simple is that. 

    "but any dagger with good equips don't die to fast imo"

    good equip is bw l + 8 which cost 3b, mj jews + 5 cost around 350kk for 1 piece, so triple that amount, aq 2.5b, core 4b. baium tal 3b.

    Pls if u dont even have close items to that dont even talk that daggers are op.

    Daggers are most dependent class on items.


    awkay, clever boi

  5. On 10/30/2020 at 6:11 PM, Reddish said:

    Now daggers can fight now not only each other, but other classes too, OP impact ofc:D

    Guys...sorry about the QQ post, but are you guys sure that the daggers are "OK" now?

    I mean...after we see some pvp videos and a lot of ppl dieing by 1 shot from the "new daggers", we created a poor AW to try it...we are backstabing lvl 80 tyrants by 4~5k....without dyes, +0 DD, and without dances

    It was really necessary to remake something on the daggers classes? Or it was just the blind THs that were needing something more?

  6. 15 hours ago, freakout said:

    oh! Sorry...before your announcement, i didnt tested the "outside area"...i mentioned the green area, after the tunnels where there is only 1 mob showing the passive skill of bow weakness

    and the others, dont seems to receive more dmg than the first days of the update


    did you checked those mobs that i mentioned? The carbonemys, Pterosaur, velociraptor, sarchsuchus commander...they didnt show the bow vunerability passive, and seems to be as rough as the first days

  7. On 9/9/2020 at 9:09 AM, Setzer said:

    First 2 fights without Orc my friend, and your leader said it was OK for the last one, complain to him next time. 




    Actually, i am the leader...and noone is can come with your whole 13 members, we will fight same way, as we did before

    • Confused 1