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Everything posted by ZaZaDaKiLLa

  1. Up ) i am looking for good company to play with )
  2. логично но не обязательно
  3. Какой то вопрос не вопрос Оо Поиск кп от поиска клан отличаеться не?
  4. ZaZaDaKiLLa

    LF EU CP

    HE 78 LF CP Crazy enogh, speaking and laughing a lot.
  5. Don't even dare to say i wasn't active in lvl Sauvignon. How many times i was on other chars and on my main to def. Shame on you!
  6. I am not trolling you Andrius you should speak more with ppl you play and ask them about their opinion too. And even you didn't do it alone with few more guys doesn't mean you have right to do it. We couldn't lvl Sauvignon till 80 lvl if all ppl from ally wasn't active didn't share their acc's for supporting, buffs and help. Your action's didnt hurt Bizz actually they hurt's ppl who wasted time and their energy on this.
  7. how about 9 of this 30 ppl you count wasn't agree about your act with pp? and more important they didnt knew it!
  8. and others .... Guys i will be really grateful if you will stop flood on this topic . The situation what happened its important for a lot of ppl. If you are so excited to speak with each others please move to other FLOOD topic Thank you.
  9. Andrius even now your attitude its not respectful. and if you think its still funny you did this action you are wrong.
  10. So i said not just once and i will repeat it to you because your words are similar with my point for view. The ppl are the power they matter not pixels on the screen, and if you acting like that in game its means you do same in life . I am realy sad that ppl like to insult others just to confirm their steepness.
  11. He will do it dont worry. I am more curious if ppl who leaved CP and didnt follow sjeks ,will receive anything after Bizz will send to CP leaders items for effort they made.
  12. According to your own words now. Everyone who exp-ed this char and wake up at 4-5 am logged supports stay off pt to lvl Sauvi. Have right's to decide. And even if it wasnt just you who did it and was few guys more IT WASNT ALL PPL WHO DID THAT JOB DECISION!!!! and you guys didnt have right's to dlvl this char. ALL of YOU WAS AGREE and knew that he is ally char then we start lvl up him till 80! and more of that Sauvi was lvl 77 then we start to lvl not 76!!! You did this just because your feeling's was hurt's Andrius.
  13. Dear old clan members and Administration of L2 Classic Club, In connection to the changes “wickedsick” alliance had in the past weeks, not only we lost game assets from ally bank due to actions of sjeks to delete, crystalize items but also was a clear example of what low paths sjeks is willing to take against players within our clan. As we already know, all alliance assets will be returned (if possible) as result of almost a week of investigation and questioning by server administration and following the decision of ally leader BizQQuit all the items will be splitted between those who put effort in it. These are very comforting decisions. However there is one controversial action sjeks took which proved us all how disrespectful he was to OUR common effort and time. And more exactly: All clan members were informed and it was decided to raise a prophet up to level 80 to benefit of its unique skill for such events as rb, sieges etc. All members of ally knew that this character and ACCOUNT is property of Perkunas clan, and exactly leader of ally BizQQuit and his cp. So as BizQQuit proved over years to be a good leader, to whom people have respect and trust, nobody had doubts that even if something will change alliance and clan Perkunas will have this character. Almost everyone was invited to participate in following this goal and those who were active had access to the account, all this to speed up the exp curve. Anyways we are not robots, but gamer's with real life activities and professional tasks. And time ,as we know, is valuable. In conclusion, every clan member who exp-ed this character playing PVE or RB also those players which offered their supports, but also those that were left out of party at priest are in the end humiliated by sjeks’ action to delevel prophet to 76. In current server rules there is noted that players must follow a FAIR game and have RESPECT for others and precisely: 4.2 Play fair. 4.3 Respect other players, Administration and GMs. Even if our alliance was splitted on two camps, sjeks didn’t had any rights to take such actions against character Sauvignon and decide for all. Moreover, considering the fact that password was changed at a certain time that was the reference point after which any actions taking against the character should be considered against server rules stated above. His actions showed his disrespect to everyone's joint effort to achieve such difficult goal. I am asking people, who took different side to think about this fact, that sjesk’s does not have any privileges as well as any other party leaders including BizQQuit to harm own alliance effort and put it to waste. He acted as an offended spoiled kid and not as an adult who would not take such actions against own people. I want to bring attention to the fact that Sauvignon’s delevel from 80 to 76 brought not only to a item loss of a book, which indeed is a game asset, but everyone’s loss of time and effort for the long 3 months during which together as a team pushed towards this goal. I consider that those who actively participated in this ally event have right to ask together to return Sauvignon back to 80 lvl. We ask server administrations to reconsider their initial decision on this subject. Sincerely yours, ZaZaDaKiLLa ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Уважаемые бывшие со-алийцы и администрация. В связи с произошедшими изменениями в нашем альянсе WickedSick, сложившаяся ситуация привела не только к утере игровых ценностей из банка альянса, из-за неправомерных действий одного из руководителей альянса (sjeks) , но и стала наглядным примером того на сколько этот человек (sjeks) и его поступок был низким по отношению к игрокам нашего альянса. Как мы уже знаем, все имущество альянса будет возвращено администрацией и, по решению лидера альянса BizQQuit , разделено между каждым парти лидером альянса который в свою очередь поделит это между мембрами которые потратили свое время и силы на добычу данных предметов. И, это не может не радовать. Однако остается еще один возмутительный поступок того же бывшего лидера (sjeks), который показывает нам на сколько неуважительно его отношение к НАШЕМУ совместному труду, потраченному времени и усилию. А именно:. Каждый член клана был информирован и было обсуждение в альянсе о решении поднять до 80 уровня одного «Hierophant» для использования его уникальных умений на совместных мероприятиях таких как rb, осады и т.д. Каждый член клана (альянса) знал о том, что именно этот персонаж, как и АККАУНТ к нему, является собственностью альянса, а именно лидера этого альянса BizQQuit . Так как BizQQuit является настоящим лидером и человеком, которому все доверяют, никто не сомневался и не сомневается в том, что, даже если что-то изменится, альянс не потеряет данного персонажа. Так как практически все принимали участие в поднятии уровня, было решено дать возможность всем игрокам альянса получить доступ к этому персонажу для более быстрого достижения целей и экономии времени. Все же мы не являемся роботами, а живыми людьми и игроками, у которых кроме игры есть еще и реальная жизнь. А время, как мы знаем, стоит дорого. В итоге, каждый член клана, который поднимал % данному персонажу, играя им на PVE или же на RB, так же как и игроки, персонажи которых, были использованы альянсом для поддержки, БАФФОВ или просто находились ОФФ ПАРТИ, были унижены и оскорблены действиями sjeks. В пунктак правила сервера есть упоминания о таком понятии как ЧЕСТНАЯ ИГРА и УВАЖЕНИЯ ДРУГИХ ИГРОКОВ СЕРВЕРА а именно : 4.2 Play fair. 4.3 Respect other players, Administration and GMs. Даже разделившись на 2 разных лагеря, этот человек не имел никакого права предпринимать какие либо действия по отношению к данному персонажа Sauvignon и решать за всех. Тем более, учитывая факт того, что после разделения альянса на 2 стороны пароль на персонажа был изменен и, именно начиная с этого момента, заходить на него было агрессивным и противоправным действием. Его действия были показанием неуважения ко всему труду, силам и временем потраченному игроками, количество которых превышает цифру 50. Я прошу людей, которые перешли на другую сторону подумать о том факте, что sjeks, называя себя лидером альянса, в любом случае не имеет права, так же как кто-либо другой лидер, включая BizQQuit, пренебрегать трудом, временем и усилиями остальных игроков альянса. Вести себя как обиженный маленький ребенок, а не порядочный взрослый мужчина, который не должен делать подобные вещи. Хочу еще раз акцентировать внимание на том , что слив персонажа Sauvignon с 80 по 76 лвл привел не только к потере книги, которая безусловно представляет собой игровую ценность, но и к тому, что sjeks просто наплевал на членов альянса, которые целеустремленно и дружно , на протяжении более 3 месяцев, трудились ради достижения 80 уровня этого персонажа. Я считаю, что игроки, которые принимали участие в поднятии уровня этого персонажа, имеют право голоса в решении вопроса о возврате 80 уровня нашему Sauvignon тоже. Так же вы можете подтвердить мои слова проверив со скольки айпи адресов был загружен Sauvignon начиная с решения альянса об эго прокачки начиная с августа месяца и до достижения 80 лвл и кто являеться владельцем майн персонажа от айпи. Мы просим администрацию сервера еще раз рассмотреть данный случай .
  14. Its more looks like CP invite you just for collect items using you and your time for your self !
  15. I know. But you know me enogh to knew i dont like then ppl are treated like that. And i will not do that if i didnt speak with already 14 ex members of this cp who was kicked after they was active and lost their time on this CP. I will not comment about Pince and his last words after more that 1 and half year in CP with you guys. This game its based on the ppl not pixels think about that.
  16. Be fair with ppl tell them everything before you make them your SLAVE'S !!! FORTUNA CP RULES 1. Members and Operation Members of the CP are listed at #memberlist on CP Discord. Core members are the main party members. Drivers are supposed to cover core members' absences by logging their own chars if they're suitable for what is needed or drive some other char if not. We use Discord for CP related things and TS for voice communication. CP doesn't necessarily work in a democratic manner. Your opinion will be taken into consideration, but CP leader has the authority to make the final decision on his own. 2. Primes Prime is the major CP activity and should be respected. Our prime time is 200 - 000 GMT+2 everyday, except from Sunday. If some day you cannot join prime or you are going to be late, you have to inform, so we can plan accordingly. 3. Items sharing All items All items acquired through CP activities belong to CP Leader, Fortuna. This includes items made by farm and PK drops during prime, epics farmed by the CP and purchases with CP adena. All of these items should be sent to Vannis, our CP warehouse, no matter who has picked them up. You can and should demand the party to pay for your restock you for CP activities. All of these items are available for everyone to use and always shared according to what benefits the CP mostly every time. However, they are required to be returned immediately when asked. Sharing your account is necessary to be given any items.(redaguota) . . . 4. Clan and Events 4.1 We're playing for Thunder clan that has sjeks as its clan leader. 4.2. General primes Our general goal at primes is to farm and control toi during EU prime. The floor each CP farms every day is assigned by the clan leader. 4.3. Epic farm Every party member is expected to participate in epic farm whenever possible. Everyone should have access to an AQ/Orfen/Core character that is equipped according to the way described at #aq-chars and #orfen-core-chars If your epics character has any kind of needs (e.g. needs ss, dropped armor, has to be moved but you can't access PC etc), you should inform. After successful epic farm on AQ/Orfen/Core you are supposed to take a screenshot that shows your inventory, epic's corpse and drops. That screenshot should be shared to me. Everyone has to have 2+ Blooded Fabrics by the time Baium gets on window. 4.4. Olympiad Olympiad takes place every Friday and Saturday 200-23:40 GMT+2. According to clan rules, in order for someone to be pretender for hero, he has to gather most points of his class within the clan in the first 2 weeks of the month. (First 3 if the month has 5 oly weeks) Party members that want to go for hero have to inform me, so I can manage epics/talisman sharing. Every party member is expected to participate in oly to help with getting pretenders and getting heroes. Participation is expected even if our CP has no pretenders. Helping the clan with heroes is very important and benefits us regardless. 4.5 Priests farm: Everyone is expected to help with priests whenever possible. Our party has 2 slots for exp, because of our past contribution to the clan. Exp slots are decided by CP Leader. On general support classes will be prefered, since damage dealers can level on their own. Of course, exceptions can be made if there's a need to rush. Main factors when deciding who takes slots is what would mostly benefit the CP and overall involvement of the member in CP and clan activities. People that join priests for exp MUST carry exp scrolls and stews. Priests should be seen as a queue, since there are people waiting behind you. You have to push yourself too and not expect everything to be served. So if you will decide to leave after even 1 year . You will leave without anything.
  17. Если ты один из тех людей кто любит крабить все время в игре то будь ты 70 или 80 результат будет тот же . Большинство людей кто играет в удовольствие даже не 79 лвл. Игра включает в себе кучу возможность развлекаловки в пвп. Даже сейчас на данный момент спрос на рб 60+ большои и куча пвп. Так что даже с новыми рбшками и локами процесс поднятия % не на столько вырастит как тебе кажеться потому что любой бои несет в себе потерю % и если замес получаеться на часик другой как с рб 70 лвл сейчас то после фарма круто когда ты потеряный опыт вернешь а если нет то и не страшно зато было весело. Так что не ной)
  18. Dont have any patch using clear version.
  19. ZaZaDaKiLLa

    First 80lvl

    Omg i have a flu grrr not lovely voice at all and i am not a little boy !
  20. This case was more that 6 months ago i dont even remember and it wasnt my fault i find and took rb after he spawned on his spot back and DS already run with it near aden town walls. And as i remember good all who receive exp sp was banned for 24h and it wasnt count like a real ban. So i still wait for answer from admins about this ban list because i dont even have idea then its happend i play my char all this time and didnt even saw i was banned for something ))))))
  21. Its not for chat for sure i never bully or insult ppl. So i am still confused about it.
  22. I ask my self and dont understand what i did so ask admins about it. Very interesting and confusing situation.
  23. Why I should ask them if its my char and i play on her?
  24. Lf info about it dont have any idea oO