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Posts posted by SemenArsonist

  1. On 8/13/2023 at 3:41 PM, Sensei said:

    I could try to give this a full read if dark theme was enabled here...

    Let's address a few questionable points my eye caught:

    • "pay parties to join"      I guess we can include sending them strippers and giftcards to Target.
    • "we get ignored all the time, when our demands are not pleased"      Well that's basically how i read that.
    • "I was accused of abusing armor bugs"     Well that's because you WERE

    Not saying you don't have good intentions towards the server, but you should already know what's wrong with these statements.
    When you fall to favoritism, you lose all credibility and become another corrupt private with a countdown to closing, so good thing they didn't comply.

    Now some well addressed points:

    • "linemage"      Yeap. Unfortunate reality of Dion, nuke skill power is out of control. (Ofc "you can learn 3 books 82 on TI and be immortal vs them")
    • "auction"         Sadly the biggest contributing factor to today's doom.
    • "garbagio events"       You either get game breaking Tiger Event (I still spam b.res'es to this day) or pointless crap and repeat last year's theme.

    Some points I'll add:

    • We could discuss morals/balance/community in full detail as long as asian customers are not involved. Y'all know where I'm going with this.
      Remember: they run a business and charity won't pay the bills--adapting to asian needs happens to do the trick pretty well, though.
    • Lack of ideas and people with proper game knowledge who actually understand what keeps a player going--I could easily see players coming up with creative concepts for events/suggestions/patch changes of cool things in game, yet somehow server's staff couldn't.
    • "Features". It became a meme, but actually it's pretty bad that we still have some important unresolved bugs like olympiad pillars, speed bugs due to skills etc.
      Reports of the above hardly changed anything so they became the norm.

    Lastly my predictions for the future. They're either:

    • A) Happy already with 7 decent years and are thinking to end it soon on that high note
    • B) Going to continue milking the eastern customers even if they have to rename it to clubAsia
    • C) Say "oh fk it" and merge the 2 servers in terror of another competitor showing up

    my nigga, send me your youtube channel, i'm looking for a specific pvp video

  2. Of course they won't have it, that's common sense, the admins aren't dumb. I bet china still has brezzes stocked up from that event.

    There was a period of time from where the major events were absolutely broken. Santa claus event, tiger event, snowman event. Probably more, but I'm forgetting some. Since the last broken event(snowmen i think) I remember admins going a lot more conservative with event item drops and rewards. The 1 to 1 item/reward ratio became 1 to 20 or 30. That was certainly less interesting but it was for the better for server economy.

    Though to be perfectly honest the marathon endless insta brez fights were enjoyable for a small period of time

  3. 2 hours ago, MoDoy said:

    1) biddable clan halls

    we saw how club eventually changed and how ppl were scared to pvp coz of losing exp, not stnading unless they get bress. now imagine CH bidding is every 2 months, someone decides to overbid you and you lose 50% return xp for 2 months, thats absolutely crazy if you asked me and will decrease amount of pvp.
    once you succeed to get good CH, i dont think you should be worried about suddenly losing it because someone decides to screw you up. You want to get rid of adena on server? you want to not have dead clans sitting with CHs? make it that you pay big adena for actually maintaining CH, lets say 100kk for low tier CHs and like 500kk for top tier CHs a week.
    that way once you big and win CH, as long as you are active and managing your clan, it shouldnt really be problem to keep the CHs running (lets say small clan of 30 ppl of casuals, that would be like 3kk a week from everyone to keep low tier CH). nobody is going to keep pumping that adena to keep CHs and small/mid tier clans will be able to get hands on their own, while big sides dont need to be worried to get screwed over. 

    That's also a good idea. Just make sure to implement a system that doesn't let big clans control clan halls indefinitely like they did on TI. Also admins shouldn't be afraid to change that amount with each major update and according to the state of the economy. Clan halls were a major issue in old club and also incentivized RMT. For a small, upcoming clan the only realistic way to get your hands on one back then was paying up in euros(or fat amounts of adenas that would be traded for euros by the seller), and that's only if the inactive owners were willing to part with it. I'm sure they'd think twice over keeping a weekly 100kk money sink on their possession.

  4. On 10/6/2021 at 6:01 PM, LuizM said:

    Its is not a bug abuse to remove wars ... 
    Now pvp zone being bugged is no ones fault and no actions should be taken ... 
    I can mention countless times RS did the same on Zaken ship to stop DF farms and nothing was posted here and no one complained about it ... learn to play the game and lose like man ... 

    @MoDoy It may have been 2 years since you left but your legacy still lives on.

  5. 4 minutes ago, MoDoy said:

    MoBoy, Moodoy, Moody, NoDoy and i guess i could continue naming nicks, having either switched 2 letters next to each other or switching 1 letter to another one on keyboard ))

    nah the rest weren't mine. looks like you had a lot of fans on the server! 

    5 minutes ago, MoDoy said:

    if its true what semen said that tereza got them, i dont think there is any negotiation going on as that would lead in absolutely nothing after the incident 2 years ago, coz i bet my ass that biz would be pulling strings in this one as well and if thats the case, this topic is just one big attention wh*ring sugarcoated with "i want to look good guys"

    i might be wrong tho, i am just part of "dogs:go" team now so what actually happened and how its going to be solved (if its going to be solved) is unknown  maybe biz will be finally able to claim victory after rizos since we came back to club from einhasad, he failed miserably asking uchiha to take chars away from us, failed miserably when he deleted epics from us, lets see the results of his and terezas crooked personalities ))

    The ride never ends

  6. 8 hours ago, JaneDo said:

    Here i am wondering who is the guy that actually got them , and where did the epics were sent to (char name) . 

    Tereza got them afaik. I don't know the actual name of the character but it sounds like too much of a coincidence for the items to end up to her and papa biz of all people. Then again it could be coincidental, for example I think had MoBoy char as a seller in gh for a while and I created him as a parody of the original. Who knows?

  7. On 2/1/2021 at 1:14 PM, Yomana said:

    There was once a low level dwarf that picked up AQ3 in aden , sayomi dropped it by mistake on the ground when cleaning inventory.

    Dwarf ended up returning it , there is even a forum post about it.

    I dont want to commend as part of FW about the topic , just providing info about a very rare and old situation

    man there's a difference between a single aq3 and that. there's like an annual greek salary's worth of gear on that mail. i feel so sorry for angerfist :(

  8. bye

    On 1/4/2021 at 9:31 AM, Poseidon said:

    best fountain and columns abuser


    On 1/4/2021 at 2:17 PM, user12345 said:

    the best is bleras

    Off the top of my head I'd like to nominate pipenov and to a slightly lesser degree modoy. I don't know if someone else was driving pipenov though.

  9. On 12/28/2020 at 1:00 PM, telikas said:

    dont you think its time for guys as well to split your comunism and try to become democrats like everyone else around world?


    their pseudo communism seems to be working well at least from a non humanitarian perspective, why would they change?