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Everything posted by kevilicious

  1. says the group with 20 zerg vs 4 ????? Pro PR smashers here.
  2. How does one AoE farm in LoA? Any vids or advice for that? I'm reaching 68 quick.
  3. oh didn't know that! Cool. Well all mages have an AoE without limitations. Mages get Aura Flash which has no limitations. So does corpse burst from Necros.
  4. Well for large scale ABG pulls that we do, our tyrant can't kill nearly as fast or as well as I can on my mage. His AoE has limitations while mine doesn't. Small pulls, sure they can do fine.
  5. Welcome! Hah like many others who went to play NA West found to be terrible. Welcome back. ? What lv are you?
  6. Ya'll. Let's talk. I was having a convo with a friend in-game about HdM and where we thought HdM came from. Maybe a different server? A guild from WoW? Maybe they are all AI's working for the Russian Government. From my short convos with them in downtown Dion, and speaking with others..... I had no idea what game they spawned from. However discussing it with my friend, he believes they are old players of this exact server restarting fresh because they sold or gave away all their old accounts to go play crappy NA classic. ? *Gasp!* Discuss.
  7. It's definitely not the best of AoE farm..... mages greatly outshine them. But they are still good! Just not best. Edit: What..... you attack like a mage. XD XD XD XD Wow Tyrants OP!
  8. Do you really think Mage AoE will be insufficient? Interesting.... I mean where do mages AoE farm after ABG? ToI 7+?
  9. Bump! Actively searching for NA/EU English players! Hit me up in-game!
  10. Thank you. It's been a blast so far playing on the server. I'm hoping we can catch more NA classic official players and grow as a team.
  11. Hey BigDaddie clan here seeking active NA/EU players. We are 10+ active members who utilize discord. We are very socialable in-game and on discord. We are super supportive and will help any active member out with gear and lvling. Our main recruitment rules are as follows: - be your main - be active or provided a reason to be inactive for awhile - be comfortable with using discord - kill hdm clan (lol) Here are a few classes we could definitely use: - Active Archers - SwS - bishop - summoners However we will accept any class as long as you are active on them. We also have an alt clan for any box's or alts you may have. Message me here on forums or in-game to FasterDaddie. You can pm or mail if not online.
  12. Hey I wouldn't say no to nice gear for my clannies! We just crafted our first b grade weapon. We lowbies are so proud! Haha Lowbie smashing has officially started. ????
  13. ugh screw HDM. I am definitely killing any of you HDMs I find. Also hi from BigDaddies!!! We are a small NA/EU clan, but we hope to throw a wrench in any HDM gameplay. P.S. I hope you guys enjoyed that lil raid of ours couple nights ago on your ABG farm. XD XD XD XD XD
  14. Uh... duh. Us NA players already on this server are just waiting to absorb the hype train newbs.... muawhahahha
  15. Yeah!!! Come join our server! I am an NA player as well. Started on the server about a month ago and love it. I have a NA/EU English clan if you are interested in joining us. We are always seeking other active players.
  16. I love how 60% of this post is just flaming each other. I love L2. Btw the drama is intense in this server. While we are at it.... Nerf fear pwease. XD
  17. Okay so that's the thing. I am okay with adding it in with the changes to all classes. I am not expecting the change now. Just hopefully throw in my thoughts for next updates in the future.
  18. But asking for class changes and skill change are the core gameplay of any MMORPG. I simply don't get it. I'm used to MMOs listening to their player base and making changes where they saw would make a positive impact even if a few hardcore fans would QQ about it. They realize that the larger play base would like these changes and improve the quality for not only hardcore but new players alike. I just think its silly to say we shouldn't change something because everyone else would want change. Uhm duh, they will always want change. Don't worry about it. As developers find what you think is the most crucial changes and do them. If a few people QQ so what? If they decide to not change anything for healers than.... oh well. My life will go on. I mean they will make class changes in the next update. Should you all argue they make 0 changes because other classes that get nothing good should be mad and yell at them? Doesn't this sound silly?
  19. Using other classes flaws is irrelevant. We can talk all you want about the problems other classes faces but right now lets keep it about healers. L2 always worked this way? Well ever since they changed the combat re-summon ability it completely changed everything summoners do while leveling in classic. Like any video game with abilities, if you make a change it will shift the balance. I understand this, and I figured healers having the ability to regain mana a bit wouldn't break the game like summoners infinite mana. My question to you Modoy is why are you so hell bent on defending the infinite mana thing? Is there a high level farming I am not aware about that utilizes this? Why can't summoners play summoners as a DPS class as they were intended? Or am I wrong? Were summoners always meant to be main healers with infinite mana?
  20. They look super sexy. Oh wait you mean how good are they in-game skill wise? I have no idea ?
  21. I figured it out. You apparently have to open the .exe file in the SYSTEM folder rather than the launcher.exe in the game folder.
  22. That isn't fair Modoy. Just because people know a class WILL be good in the future should never be a reason to bring them into a party. They should be relevant and needed by the party in the first place. When did Summoners be able to resummon their pets with full mana like this? I never remember seeing summoners being able to spam heal like this without mana worry. Was this a classic change? If so that's the thing. When they changed it, where were all the healer outrage? Where was this backlash? The defending of healers? It seems like to many non-healer mains are trying to defend a healing class. Just because most of you here can box and level easily your healers doesn't mean newbies and new players have that same luxury. I think it would help some new healers who want to be more relevant when they start the game until they eventually realize they are useless. Afterwards most probably quit the class and play something else. Idk about you but I want more active healers playing...
  23. Okay cool thanks. Just bought CDL today and love it. Insane damage.
  24. So healers should be terrible until end-game? That's horrible gameplay mechanics right there. At least make healers relevant for start/mid levels.
  25. Why should that stop them from adding skills and spells? Clearly the classes are broken and not meant to be played like their designed classes. Aka healers can't heal and ES are main healers. That seems broken regardless of how people think.