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Posts posted by Osito2Dancer

  1. Seems like the summon skill considers the summon to be dead for 7 seconds (NPC delay before dissapearing after death), even though you just used it for skills.

    You could try to do this: Kill corpse, then let another char drain him (necro or dark avenger have skill for corpse drain), to see if it is something related to same-char experiences or it also happens if an enemy kills it and then drains it from the floor. If so, seems like something that has to be fixed from server itself (release the block if corpse drained or something like that).

  2. Hello, 

    any1 know why when i try to donate with g2a - credit card- they want to send me an  SMS with a "password" on the phone number that i have registered to the BANK..( i didnt have that number anymore, i called the bank to change my number, but on website is still the old one) is about the g2a shield or wtf?!

    ​That thing is outside G2A, it is your bank's method of authentification. Try linking your CC to Paypal and use that to donate, i do it like that without problems.

  3. You shouldn't assess market status with top items, because there is a delta assumed to them (since they are TOP = used by chars), and values  wont never be CC/CD-worthy. You should farm/buy lower items (boots / gloves / low grade weapons) and cry them.

  4. Not needed, you can get into LoA easily enough as it is (you shouldn't be able to jump from gorgon -> fortress). If not, lets add a teleport to Cruma from Dion, to Forgotten Temple from Gludin, and to Ant Nest from Gludio. 

    I vote to keep it that way and enjoy the ride, make it worth something to invest those 10 minutes to get there :D.


    • Like 1

  5. Yes! Its correct ! I reported VR's bug on Warlord before but when GM said that it was fixed after last update i didnt check it again. I was checking after Balu's topic is posted and its still the same now

    Can you also explain me how felt swoop will work? It increases more target that can be hitted with just normal attack or skills or both?

    ​Fell Swoop works for both, either normal physical or skill physical attacks. Lvl 1 increases by 1 target, further levels increase by 1 each.

    The same principle works for polearm mastery: from lvl 1 to lvl 8-9 (1st job mastery), it increases by 3 targets, lvl 10+ increases by 8 targets (thats why any char without mastery cannot AoE efficiently).

    • Like 1

  6. For good exp you can farm Forgotten Temple until lets say 35 ;)

    Not sure about spoil there...

    ​The fire bridge has nice iron ore spoils (salamander) and EWD drops (from the fire drevanul + 2 minions there). It is worth the while, just bring out several poison cures (antidote - greater antidotes - cure poison from cleric) and you'll be OK.

  7. Yo.

    Can anyone provide the file responsible for this: (was previously available by Morim, dunno and havent tested if it works for this version)

    Having Full screen L2 client and when pressing ALT+TAB the client and the PC behaves like L2 is not on fullscreen but on Window mode.


    p.s: After 10years of this game I always wondered why the brightness of my screen when doing everything else except playing L2 goes higher, when L2 open and minimized... Anyone knows? :D

    ​the Window mode is ALT+ENTER. To change it back just ALT-ENTER again.

    PS:i think everyone knows this effect. But i never explored why it is like that too :D

    ​I want my PC to behave on FULL SCREEN like it behaves when window mode is ON (Fast ALT+TAB). you didnt understand my question, maybe I didnt explain it :)

    ​It is a trick with l2.ini, it is usewindowframe=false, fullscreen=false, resolution = fullscreen mode. Depends on your setup, if you give me your resolution, i can send you a modified l2.ini for it.

  8. The server has the ability to enable or disable wether the enchant is kept or not. By default, it keeps the current enchant, so a +10 homu can be changed for a +10 homu(SA) directly, without worries.

    If other servers dont keep enchants, is because they programmed them to erase the enchant when enhancing weapons.

  9. Cuando se freezea el juego, ¿te empieza a afanar el ventilador o a sonar el HDD? Si bien dices que no te ocurre con otros juegos, puede ser que algo esté influyendo en el funcionamiento de tu cliente, y hay que descartar 100% que sea falla de PC.

    Ya descartando eso, hay que analizar que por temas de conexion tambien podria ser el freezing, ¿desde donde juegas? ¿Tienes Battleping, wtf o algun proxy para juegos? ¿Que proxy usas?

  10. Warlord y Tanque son pjs necesitados... en Classic el agro individual funciona como Aura Hate en mobs de la misma "raza" y a veces en mobs del mismo spot, sea la raza que sea... entonces BD-SWS-Tanques todo sirve para agrear y matar AOE.. que es lo unico que rinde jaja

    ​Depende del area, en DV no son cooperativos, pero en EV si lo son.

  11. Man you guys will find anything to whine about. The red skin(Salamander) was a placeholder for the real model, get over it.

    ​True dat, the skin was always present on the client files (this is just cosmetic change, the armor remains the same as before), they just changed it to the real value (same with the samurai longsword skin).


    ​Tambien existe una "Auction" (subastas), donde los jugadores ponen sus equipos a la venta (por EU), con una parte aportando al desarrollo del server (comision de retiro y comision de venta).

  13. I remember watching an l2classic pvp video where a fully buffed dark panther was hitting a gladiator in robes for 50 damage.

    Panther was white for the gladiator, indicating it was in its level range.


    edit: Oh wait it was 28 damage, with 44 crit rate.

    Damn, if only the pather could of hit another 339x he could of killed him. 

    Im glad theres no beast shots in the 1.5.
    56 damage, 44 crit, using 4-7x beast shots (50a per shot) a hit? Pls ncsoft, I only can get so wet.  
    We gotta at least give archers ranged silences before we add that to the game.


    ​Shit, i lost my chance of getting here b4 pet shots :(

  14. Si tienes Paypal o TC, puedes donar a traves de G2A (en el mismo post sale una pequeña guia de como hacerlo). La adventurer sale 100 COL (al donar 1 euro, puedes depositar 10 COL en el PJ de dicha cuenta). La misma COL tiene precio ingame (que fluctua dependiendo de la demanda de los jugadores), por lo que si no quieres donar, puedes usar la misma adena para comprar las 100 COL (aunque sale bastante caro). Un ejemplo de cosas que puedes comprar, velo en este post o visita la NPC "Nostalgia" que esta al lado de todas las GKs del juego.

    Si tienes mas dudas, mandame un PM o postea aca, asi podemos conversar.

  15. Se pueden tener mochilas legalmente, si pagas adventurers account puedes tenerla en un mismo PC, o en varios PCs si tienes la oportunidad. La Adventurers Account te permite ignorar la cuenta al momento de chequear si tienes logueado un pj desde el PC, por lo que si tienes 2 adventurers, puedes loguear 3 cuentas desde el mismo PC.