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Posts posted by Osito2Dancer

  1. ​Here it is: https://mega.nz/#!6VtlSAAK!zKsdXx4OV-fstKk_2Ar7GNFPbH-TdI4wyniIM8eoZ6s

    These files enable:

    - Farther Zoom

    - Lvl/Aggro mod

    - Spoil/Drop messages (such as "Spoiled" and "already spoiled"), plus "no HP/MP", damage done (green) / damage taken (red), and full item drop onscreen messages ("Attention, X has picked up Y").

    That should cover it quite nicely. All files go unto "system" folder, overwrite old files, play and enjoy. If you want something else, please ask away by PM, and ill do my best for you.

  2. If you guys need anything else for mods, please use this post and ask, so i can evaluate and add them to the patch.

    ​can u add a spoil patch that u see on screen when a target is spoiled like it was on morims mod ?

    ​Here it is: https://mega.nz/#!HQ1ACbTa!iEEqFoeIKiUh9vah35yHHuvFi_da3e6GfECW3M8uWBM

    These files enable:

    - Farther Zoom

    - Lvl/Aggro mod

    - Spoil/Drop messages (such as "Spoiled" and "already spoiled"), plus "no HP/MP", damage done (green) / damage taken (red), and full item drop onscreen messages ("Attention, X has picked up Y").

    That should cover it quite nicely. All files go unto "system" folder, overwrite old files, play and enjoy.

    • Like 2

  3. I dont know 100%, but i think that life rescue = one target and fast casting, and heal of paagrio = clan/party, but slower on the cast. I'm guessing that depending on the situation, one is better than the other.

  4. I prefer them to be added to Clan Hall purchases, since it is a nice compromise from getting them from castle, and drops seem too cheap to get them.

    Now, if you only add them as "Spoil only items" (in order to benefit Bounty Hunters, who are really left behind on this 1.3 update), then i can change my mind.



  5. Topic doesn't make any sense. We already announce that Quest will be made. We already announced that it will be made only after 1.3 update. We already announced that PK scroll from Judge will be removed and will stop working.

    First thing .... WHY THESE PK SCROOL WORK YET ? 

    second thing  all voted  for 3x   and other 1x  for drop /spoil  rate   ofc rate of drop was to high  but you make this vote   and close into the same day   soo

    I ask plsss  remake another vote       doesn't make any sense.   

    why just dont put  x2 ?? so all stop complain      and not more war about it

    i confess   drop was realy to high  but ...  now for spoil   its totaly  nerf 

    is it possible to reopen a vote and wait like 4-5 day maybe ? not close it a decide into couple hours  

    ​Vote was closed after 16 hours. We announced about vote in game, so every player can see it. 

    If your proposal will be supported by 100+ players - we will be ready to discuss it. ( Right now I'm talking about only discuss ).

    ​Well if you add up the poll for the 2x and 3x results, then yes, we have 100+ people wanting an increase in drop/spoil rates. 

    Also you guys kinda promised stuff like this to happen when you updated: W2xa4YK.thumb.png.8ce879289e2cd635917415

    I can't help but to feel betrayed. Its okay though, you can make it up to us by adding beast shots to the grocery for 50a each. 

    ​Exactly... It was said in more than one topic that update will give us higher drop chance and more adenas from mob, and after finally adding the update, hurrdurr we will make the drop chances even lower than it was before the update :D oh the irony...

    ​Drops are increased, adena amount is quite larger, even spoils are more frequent. 1.5 already increased drop/spoil rates more than enough, and in 5 hours of increased rates, we all saw the aftermath (full c drops on every DV train, lots of EWC EAC on EV, books galore).

    For now, lets try to enjoy 1.5 drops. Koll already said "we can discuss about it" if the mayority of the server feels that drops are too low and need reassessment. 

  6. El parche Spoil/Drop será hecho por el staff encargado, solo les puedo proveer (por ahora) el parche para ver el nivel de los mobs y aumentar el zoom del mouse. bajen este rar: ​https://mega.nz/#!bI8gCbQR!fhg8L4oHYvTFrPPBEM_ZVD50wWnLq36J77z27SjdlsQ

    Estos dos archivos deben ser descomprimidos en el system del juego (sobreescribiendo los existentes). Por ahora trabajare en adaptar el mod de Morim a 1.5, pero tomara un poco de tiempo (ya que el parche del mapa con SoE es un detalle más extenso). 

    Si tienen mas requerimientos, dejenlos en este post, e ire atendiendolos a la brevedad.

    • Like 2

  7. We will be working on updating morim's mod to 1.5, i just needed the official server files to start work.

    ​So? Are you working on it? :) I'd like to have drop spoil and lvl of mobs :) 

    Spoil/Drop is going to be made by staff, i can only provide Mob LVL + Zoom. Download this: ​https://mega.nz/#!bI8gCbQR!fhg8L4oHYvTFrPPBEM_ZVD50wWnLq36J77z27SjdlsQ

    This RAR contains two files that must be put into system folder (overwriting originals). I will see if i can adapt morim's mod to 1.5, but it is going to take some time (especially the SoE map).

    Any more requests? Please leave them on this post.

    • Like 1

  8. The poll was already made and evaluated, i dont think it would be a good idea to go over that poll and open up another, moreso on the fact that the poll was an officially made one by the staff. If people voted on x1, we should be respectful of their decision and not go over them.

    The result stays, for now we are an x3 server with x3 rates (XP, SP) and proper drop/spoil rates.

  9. You won't find any other project like this one out there. Not a single classic server is any close to this one, and if players would show more support instead of negative on every corner, I believe it will become even better. Support is always making miracles

    ​Your wrong i said it before and i say it again, there are atleast 2 servers: 1 upcoming and 1 already at 1.5 since 2015 opened.

    This is not a Monopoly Server, the only reason they have this "low" online, (with fake players from l2-scripts rev) is due to their main lineage2classic domain... ;)

    Im just tired of Admins muting me everytime, thought this was a community forum where we could discuss )))

    ​IIRC, both upcoming servers are L2j, and this one is L2OFF based. You cannot compare L2j (which, be it as it may, emulates most of the stuff) with L2OFF (Which has most features well developed). The comparison between them is quite dissimilar.

    Now, if you do think that this server is based of an L2j distribution... thats quite unfortunate of your behalf.

  10. Thanks for the kind words, i also share the same sentiment (old L2 server admin, 1000+ users, disenchanted with the reality of servers, and much more), but now i feel quite hopeful of this server, given the admins are quite active and knowledgeable, so i really hope users can take into account that and try to avoid creating negative feedback.

    • Like 2

  11. its not attack speed, its movement speed. 

    my question was about the time that debuff stays on and the name of it, in case someone knows.

    ​I tried to decrypt skillname_classic-eu.dat, but didnt manage to get a clear reading. BUT, between "Power Supremacy" and "Body Impale", theres an skill named "Slowing Power", Skill ID 1612, level 1 on skillname_classic-eu.dat.

    I sent you more info at Skype.


  12. btw  i dont know if must work with skill. cose it also physic dmg, but also no  debuf for speed

    ​Im guessing it should work the same as the Cursed Maingauche skill, but instead of a bleed, it gives out an spd debuff (like slow or similar).