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barthez last won the day on June 14 2015

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About barthez

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  • Birthday 08/29/1989

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  1. ​Dorf is able to adopt dragon!
  2. Early game SR - better self buff Late game HE - better dmg Stuns FTW Classic so i prefer SR (faster attak speed)
  3. It is not my native lang. but i can adapt to rest of users. Russians must understood one thing. They are not the wisest, brightest or most respected, Their lang. not dominate the word. ​Maniery powinieneś wynieść z rodzinnego domu. Jak widać nie wyniosłeś/wyniosłaś tego. Ostatnie zdanie potraktuję jako brak savoir vivre na forum.
  4. Putin didnt allow you use other language?
  5. Double click. Please delete next poll.
  6. Ok, Draqq. ​So no more info today ? any start time of BETA 2.0? Open live?
  7. @chevignon Stop spam, tree post's in row. I'm interested in one thing, why glorifying nonexistent server (this server)? I wish you wait here untill server alive. You rly think that noone open other prv classic? Hope die last... I am not experienced by l2 bussines but i know quite much about real bussines. One main rule has been broken. Supply doest listen demand. If server not alive to 21th we will left. We expect reply about open. In my opinion Innova stats from Classic 2.0.
  8. It's info from KOR website. Try find mobs in hunter valley (mayby). I didnt farm haste sb so better ask some pp for it.
  9. Spider trisalim: chance drop on OBT: 0,02%-0,1% or Drowned (Lilie) 51 lvl (Magic Valley) chance drop on OBT: 0,2%-1%