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Everything posted by barthez

  1. ​Dorf is able to adopt dragon!
  2. Early game SR - better self buff Late game HE - better dmg Stuns FTW Classic so i prefer SR (faster attak speed)
  3. It is not my native lang. but i can adapt to rest of users. Russians must understood one thing. They are not the wisest, brightest or most respected, Their lang. not dominate the word. ​Maniery powinieneś wynieść z rodzinnego domu. Jak widać nie wyniosłeś/wyniosłaś tego. Ostatnie zdanie potraktuję jako brak savoir vivre na forum.
  4. Putin didnt allow you use other language?
  5. Double click. Please delete next poll.
  6. Ok, Draqq. ​So no more info today ? any start time of BETA 2.0? Open live?
  7. @chevignon Stop spam, tree post's in row. I'm interested in one thing, why glorifying nonexistent server (this server)? I wish you wait here untill server alive. You rly think that noone open other prv classic? Hope die last... I am not experienced by l2 bussines but i know quite much about real bussines. One main rule has been broken. Supply doest listen demand. If server not alive to 21th we will left. We expect reply about open. In my opinion Innova stats from Classic 2.0.
  8. It's info from KOR website. Try find mobs in hunter valley (mayby). I didnt farm haste sb so better ask some pp for it.
  9. Spider trisalim: chance drop on OBT: 0,02%-0,1% or Drowned (Lilie) 51 lvl (Magic Valley) chance drop on OBT: 0,2%-1%
  10. Similar project may run faster than this server. If run this server definitely will die. No, they dont. We are waiting 3 weeks, 1,2,3 days.I didnt write about long beta time. I WROTE POST BECOUSE ADMIN'S CANT TELL US CLEARY DATE OF ALIVE. You understand ? Moreover beta on little higher rates would be better idea. They should set rate's for example x16(old x100 rates)/x83(old x500 rates)en ppl aways say that the prand have to open tomorrow. So childish, like "wait or leave". You realy think that rest of ppl thinking like you ? Admins should be more responsible. Rush l2 classic is for patient (waiting even "haft year") for server? Kidding me?
  11. Psychological advantage is equally important aspect. GL PL Clan
  12. Hello, Dear server carers, About server: We (old players) would like to tell you our honest opinion about this OBT. Server population is decreasing. Many of people not farm (why they should ?), stand on town and they bored. Players dont want waste time for waiting. They organize our work/life time to have some free time for game, in this case for useless playing. In OBT should be tested quest's (not for class change) drops/spoils, geodate and other settings. BUT you set mid rate's w/o any gifts (with possibility to move on live), grind is boring on beta. DID YOU TEST CASTE SIEGE'S (is them on Classic)? I dont think so. DID YOU TEST ALL OF RB'S? I dont think so.Many pvp skills were not test. It's not attack to admins but you didnt think about increase rates from begin and let ppl to farm faster/easier if you want to know about all of high lvl errors. It's too late now for fix that. Remember, if someone find bug on 60+ or 70 + lvl and use it, you will have huge problem. Many time admins solve it by wipe but you lost many ppl then. W/o any clear information about future server we dont know what we could do. Clear information i mean post with specific DATE Open live server. To Admins/rest: Dont write about yours charity work on server.You are doing server to make losses? Or you/developer would like to earn money in future? Truly I dont belive you about yours "super" antibot system. You cant event tell us date of open live server. How many peaple has your team? 2? 3? I think you have too few ppl to focus on files server, bugs, errors. Recruit some moderators/support in order to relieve key staff. I apologize in advance for your honesty that could hurt someone. Sorry for eng. I expect responsible answer from admin. Best regards