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Posts posted by Omens

  1. It is with my great pleasure to see such an element in the forum in regards to a national celebration on the Lunar New Year. It is without a doubt that such a national celebration which is posted in Mandarin/English language is intended to influence the population of the forum internationally. If the intention is to appreciate the opportunity that a particular country is able to celebrate its own traditional festival, sharing the happiness across the server players, I would say it is a lovely thing to do. :)

    However, people at different places may hold a different idea towards a particular statement that they believe for which is inappropriate to use on an international platform. By posting a comic to take the mick out of the statement is a freedom for everyone who has the access to see the statement and share their own opinions. The forum protects the freedom of speech even though the allowance may offend particular group of people for whatever the reason is.

    The absolute rude and hatred statement which is ignored by you is that the guy who posted above by using those words that our players on the forum would seriously concern what if their children seeing them. I would suggest @Koll@Kse@San0 to take action to justify the value this server forum holds.

  2. Hi, first of all welcome to the server. :) 

    As far as I understand what you have posted above, that you are/maybe able to log two game windows to play together (Which means you either have a premium account for one of the two, or you have more than one PC). If this is the case, then congratulations, you can for sure making macros for your concern. However, the server doesn't have such function as you described " auto healing/buffing " , since the server has strict rules to punish bot, and any unauthorised third-party applications for cheating, and damaging the game justice. If this is not your intention, then you will have to make smart macros to help yourself to play. What you can do, is to create a macro that includes all the expected purpose and manually activate it to the char which you would like to receive the Healing/Buffs accordingly. 

    If you need a guide of macro commands, here is a website can helpMacro command list

    Hope this helps. Enjoy your time here in :)