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About NecroFillin

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  1. Аккшаринг запрещен правилами сервера
  2. WTS Zubei Heavy set 15kk. PM here
  3. 100 adena from 1 mob seems to be not very high. I think better to focus on more profitable quests. And L2 is not about quests but grinding mobs Any way you did a good job creating this guide
  4. To get bonus for login, you need to be in game for 30 min, but they are online 24/7 (or to next restart), and if so it can be in any area but they are accurentry distributed to all GH. Dont know who and why did it, but Iam not shure thats all are real players (saw when someone login and put them on trade this 10-15 sec delay)
  5. Greetings ladies and gentlemen, While everyone is looking forward to the new event, some dudes organized it by themselves. The rules are simple: just sit to sell all of yours shots for 150 000 each ( of course it can be any grade ) Don`t be shy and join them! The prizes are guaranteed.
  6. Mb you just much less lvl than him? I mean classic even 3 lvl of difference makes a big impact sometimes
  7. WTB Zubei Helmet or Rcp with parts PM me here or in game "NecroFIllin
  8. NecroFillin

    WTB Yaksa

    WTB Yaksa mace, pm here
  9. Можно подробней, какие профы нужны?
  10. I know this guy personally, he played a lot and fro beginning, he is just a good trader and lucky dude, guys, just calm down and enough to envy
  11. Шаг в право, шаг в лево - бан . Это тебе не иннова? Если он попросит прощения и тп. его разбанят. ​Да, не иннова, аккшеринг разрешен, но за неправильную надпись на трейде - бан