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Everything posted by SOiL

  1. Which mobs are dropping pob's and with what chances? In wiki it doesn't say
  2. Okay thank you san0.
  3. I don't believe a thing man, it's so easy to log a banned char and make +10 valhala as admin. The only thing that's okay now is that he didn't changed names,classes between chevignon-mizuno and a boxed char. Im not jealous man, when I had +7 duals sls it was like 120 dmg difference than deadmans glory, it's not that special, just all that is not right for the server that's all. Edit* Actually it's good for real economy of the server I guess as vanagas said but still not right, or else add overenchant items for donation.
  4. ​xD Maaan.. yes it's hard to make another valhala +10 while ewb's costs 10m even if you're a big donator. Also it's hard to believe cause he got all he want back, I spent so many days drops farm etc to make lvl 4 clan and it's not easy even to buy them. Is it? Because so far I made karik horn +10 eminence+10 and reinforced longbow+16. I have only played here for 2 months. Yes I did a bit of donating but I think enchanting is just to easy, or people are to scared :p. ​Mage weapons got 50% chance on enchant rate not 66%
  5. ​xD Maaan.. yes it's hard to make another valhala +10 while ewb's costs 10m even if you're a big donator. Also it's hard to believe cause he got all he want back, I spent so many days drops farm etc to make lvl 4 clan and it's not easy even to buy them.
  6. I was away for like 1-2 weeks, returned and saw mizuno having his old valhala +9 +10 or whatever is that back on chevignon char. This is so cheeky you know, saying you don't have proof is mizuno and you gave him back lvl 4 clan with all his warehouse and items back from the banned char. I even send you SS with mizuno saying is playing as chevignon and you told me he might just be playing chevignon's char, not bought his char. Whatever I don't even care for his weapon, even with +20 valhala he can put it in his ass. Just don't say you don't have proof to ban him again. I was about to donate for some stuff like rename clan, change class buy cols but now I won't, cause watching things like that are disgusting. Why you don't add some +6 sets and +10 weapons by donating, mizuno will buy many of them
  7. ​Yes, but if you got 2 momentum and 0 momentum you're doing the same damage. That's the problem.
  8. 1) Sonic buster from l2 wiki: Hurls a powerful burst of energy at enemies in front with 394 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dualsword, sword or blunt weapon. Increases Power upon consumption of up to 3 Momentum levels. Consumes 2 Momentum Stones. Over-hit and Critical are possible. Sonic buster from our server: Hurls a powerful burst of energy at enemies in front with 394 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dualsword, sword or blunt weapon. Increases Power upon consumption of up to 2 Momentum levels. Consumes 3 Momentum Stones. Over-hit and Critical are possible. So we waste 1 stone each aoe every time. However that's important, "Increases power upon consumption of up to 2 momentum levels" No need 2 momentum levels to use it. It takes 2 momentum levels everytime you use it here, also it should make more damage cause 2 momentum levels on it are wrong, the correct are 3. With 3 momentum levels you make more damage than 0,1 or 2. 2) Sonic storm from l2 wiki: Attacks near the enemy with 394 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, spear, fist weapon, or dualsword. Increases Power upon consumption of up to 2 Momentum levels. Over-hit. Critical hit. "Increases Power upon consumption of up to 2 Momentum levels." Here it's the same damage with 0 momentum level and 2 momentum levels." Is not right to be the same 0 vs 2 levels damage should be increased depends on the momentum level you got.
  9. ​First of all that has nothing to do with the clan, secondly open war, third thanks for avadon robe.
  10. There are no magic haste pots, pots for face-hair etc in item option.
  11. ​becoz agression is not a debuff skill ​Aggro is a debuff cause when you got it, it's on debuff bar. The fact is that need to be fixed, can't be the same 66 lvl tank's aggro with 35 lvl skill, there's power on it. Now only differense is the range of the skill. ​to be precisely, its a physical debuff skill, and a physical debuff skil has 100% landing rate ​Stun shot, sting, bleed etc are physical debuff skills and are not 100%. At least make it less seconds on others, 12 lvl aggro (35 lvl knight) got 1k power, 60+ tank with aggro got more than 2k power. But still sws-bd can keep on them 66-70 even 532 lvl char for 4 seconds.
  12. And it's so simple to make it 40+ for clan wars or else they won't take any point or pvp.
  13. ​becoz agression is not a debuff skill ​Aggro is a debuff cause when you got it, it's on debuff bar. The fact is that need to be fixed, can't be the same 66 lvl tank's aggro with 35 lvl skill, there's power on it. Now only differense is the range of the skill.
  14. SOiL

    Wts dual SLS +7

    291 p.atk, mail @ SoiL or "SoiL in game with your offer, thank u.
  15. ​Haha those threats we'll give you another reason to leave on next siege ​Yep you gathered all doggies in 2nd ally.. Well done
  16. Let your cursor in game to every stat to see what it gives, I think con doesn't affect stun resist anymore. Check it in game. Leave your cursor to CON.
  17. I had +4 wit for that in gladiator, +lionheart 80% still landrate was 100%, just less seconds
  18. Even tanks losing aggro if you're late more than 2 mins, same with sws-bd
  19. ​Is this some kind of joke or plain sarcasm? If not, grow up and stop being a fucking child ​​Is not just that, things are changing after 6 months over perkunas. Farming points on box clan with lvl 10 chars it's okay, aggros without tank it's okay, SK's get nerfed it's okay (Cause perku dont have one), control tower in giran can't die, it's okay, debuffs of necros are 120%, fear 10 sec (Even on lionheart 80% resist) it's okay, magical backfire of bishop is 120% landrate too it's okay. It's sick watching perkunas getting help like that. Even restarts are in time that perkunas are not playing man. Dont tell me about population, there's no population online at 05:00 GMT +2 too. But they won't do it. Today we lost 1h exp just from restart. And that's in every restart. 4 parties not 1. They even let mizuno take his clan back, while he was scammer-buying accounts and you perma-banned him why you gave the clan back to him? Clan was made by a scammer-this person not a normal person.
  20. I'm doing right now trains with sws.
  21. ​ Ye let's make 10 groups train in abg without losing agro of sws-bd or x7 mobs in loa without losing aggro of sws-bd with 12 lvl aggro (35 lvl skill)
  22. Yes I knew about it but I was playing SK. I had SK and I reported my LS. Whole 1.3 LS was broken, I even uploaded a video with it. But don't telling me I cry and I complain while perkunas got SWS-BD in party and without TANK can make trains. OK? They got one more slot for bishop cause they don't need TANK.
  23. You mess up SK (D.elf tank) it's zero now. You fcked up aoe of warriors (Gladiators and tyrants after 6 months) and you keep the same with BD-SWS. Because ALL PERKUNAS have no tank in their clan. They train with BD-SWS. Change this fcking shiet or we will leave server and play alone here
  24. BD and SWS all we know they got 35 lvl aggro. Why the heck they can make trains with 35 lvl skill?
  25. But forgot, mizuno got many chars 40 + he bought many of them..