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Everything posted by SOiL

  1. SOiL

    Auction Wrong

    Even if it's like that. I can't remove if I made mistake cause it says waiting for confirmation and I don't know when is going on auction my item cause it says nothing about it. Also why an item should wait for confirmation while you can't protect it from mistakes, you think someone could sell it for 1 euro this staff? But still I can't believe I've made mistake, cause i putted 5 items not 1. It was the same method for all. Dunno what to say really, i'm dissapointed I lost this staff for nothing. Whatever i'll avoid auction and everything is alright, thanks for ur time.
  2. SOiL

    Auction Wrong

    You said it was 10 euro now price, now you're saying it's 1. Choose one of them man =) I'm not mistaken i double checked them. Thanks anyway for your time. I won't add anything again in that auction.
  3. SOiL

    Auction Wrong

    Sage's Staff 1 Euro1 Euro14 Euro0 day 00:00:00 That's what is says on my auction, I putted 5 items for sale, how is possible to make a mistake while I double checked them? Also why don't you add the remove button while we're waiting for comfirmation, I was waiting 5 days.
  4. SOiL

    Auction Wrong

    I did but they answered me that I putted start price 10 euro and buy now price 1, even that it's a lie cause in auctions says 1 euro start price 1 euro buy now price. So I sold a sage staff 1 euro cause you made a mistake? 5 days I was waiting to put them in there for selling even if it's wrong (that it wasn't) you couldn't remove it?
  5. SOiL

    Auction Wrong

    I added 4-5 items in auction, 2 of them were correct as prize, the other 2 were wrong. I wasn't fast enough to remove both and I sold sage staff for 1 euro. It says I putted as start price 1 euro, buy now price 1 euro. How is that possible while I added start price 10 euro and buy now price 14 euro??
  6. I made 2 threads by mistake, can u delete this one please? =P it's about server, on beta I got 0 delay.
  7. If admins can make +10 items strong as +6 in olympiad could be cool too. Armors jewells too. But that's a nice idea for olympiad, pure pvp
  8. 3-4 days now I got like 1-1.5 sec delay, hope that will be okay after update eh? (I tried everything to fix it but I guess it's server's problem). Auction, I added for sell 4-5 items in auction but 5 days now it says waiting for confirmation. How much time needs for that?
  9. Some people kept the stolen things of christmas event and trying to scum people, may you remove them please? There's no reason of existing
  10. SOiL


    It's because you're working on update?
  11. SOiL


    I got delay since yesterday and that's more often than the days before. Don't tell me it's my connection etc, the whole clan is lagging and I even restarted my router.
  12. Oke let's destroy D grades then yeaaah. I'm not crying i'm asking for a modify like some other things.. To korea you got ewc at luxury, here you won't. =)
  13. If you care then do something for it. Check on video, 30 lvl char may exp without any problem wearing top C weapon. He's not even doing a miss to the mobs. Also, why expertise to D-C-B exists? Why someone should buy D grade weapon? Why armors got normal penalty and weapons don't? Don't tell me some classes can and some others don't. All fighters can even archers, imagine 4-5 people hitting low raids with emi bows. It's unbalanced, or imagine newcomer D grade pvping with a guy on C weapon but same lvl. Again unbalanced. Everything is unbalanced on that, i'm wondering why you let it like that.
  14. I killed more than 15k ants and I didn't get m.thread recipe, some of these are wrong. Try
  15. I already made a thread about it but noone of admins see it or cared about it. But it's important cause all D grades will lose their worth. People are EXPing their low chars or friends with C grades even at 20 lvl.
  16. SOiL


    Ela re tsakale mou, nai uparxei ellhnikh clan k exoume eleipsh apo bishop an se psinei kati paromoio h bishop. An oxi kanena provlhma =) Pm Lordenson,RussellCrow gia clan =)
  17. Says that needs (For example) 60 mp to use it and takes 35-40. Anyone can check it?
  18. ooh it's on 1.5? Damn.. But still got their hide and everyone on heavy is mess up =P why light exists then?
  19. ​were still far away from shadow step ​Shadow step teleports you in the enemys back and also enemy is losing his target. It's ugly everyone wearing heavies with shield..
  20. Yes daggers take hide at 51 and shadow step at 40, so they wont need heavy. Archers as well..
  21. Well I'd lvl up a char to 30 lvl in 3hours with C grades. You can't use spells but on normal hits you don't miss you don't lose speed or atk speed and you exp fine. Actually not just fine, it's perfect exp. You should put a penalty on weapons like armors-jewells. Also I want to say something close to that. I think it's good to give a penalty also to daggers that using heavy etc. Is just my opinion, add yours.
  22. VR of wc is not working like SE. May you check it please?
  23. That char is alive not even 10 days mate =)