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mjou last won the day on August 17 2021

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About mjou

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  1. More boxes = more col = more income #EasyMath
  2. @HuaHua Happy new year to you and your ally 2. And erhm why are you typing stuff like that to MoDoy? Like you just said yourself it's just some L2 forums, why you need to make this much bigger than it is? Even better question why do you care? It's not like you personally have any political influence @ all... afraid your government is watching? Trust me they are not. For your info: Most country's in the world have freedom of speech these days so let him post w/e he wants. And then you speak about "the good atmosphere of the server"? I agree the Operators (GM's) are indeed really fine. But your ally is mucho toxic training every person on top spots that is not Chinese can you explain me how that is providing a good atmosphere? Really curious And on top of not letting people farm in the server you want to sensor the freedom of speech on the forums... yeah great suggestions. Ni Hao and Happy new year.
  3. Posted: 5 november Nice forum moderation
  4. Thanks for the reply! So what you are saying if i would have streamed the first time where he like insta killed me before my screen went from black to FI beach, then it would be punishable? Cause i did not had time to react to that. So technically it prevented me from going to the Sailren NPC... there But loose from the fact w/e the rules are, it stays very toxic behaviour.
  5. Does this rule aply here? 1.14 Interfere with the other players’ gameplay, mechanically restricting their access to locations or NPCs. (for example, blocking access to the GC with summons, pets, transformations, etc.). And to clarify i don't care about exp as you can see from that clip but some randoms also get killed in the process... its just bullsh1t imo and should be punished (no mather who does it)
  6. Serious question, spawn killing on FI over and over, Is this allowed according to the rules? Link: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1193946319 This is just 1 example
  7. mjou

    Event: Watermelon rush

    Nothing tradable sad seeds
  8. Hello, OuterCircle is an international clan recruiting active players of 60+. We mainly focus on daily's and doing bosses from time to time. We have level ranges of 70 > 78 in the clan at the moment. We will see where we will head in the future, for now, it's just social with a (+/-25) bunch of friends. We are getting ready to farm high end spots! We are a clan level 5 with all clan skills! We are English / Dutch / Swedish / Bulgarian / French and have people from Murica! But primetime EU ^^ Discord Jeffboya#7688 Or PM here.
  9. Bump!We are almost full. Still recruiting! 70+ first post edited.
  10. Bump! We are almost full. Still recruiting tho!
  11. Hello, OuterCircle is an international clan recruiting active players of all levels. We mainly focus on daily's and doing bosses from time to time. We have level ranges of 60 > 80 in the clan at the moment. We will see where we will head in the future, for now, it's just social with a (+/-25) bunch of friends. We are a clan level 5 with all clan skills! We are English / Dutch / Swedish / Bulgarian / French and even have people from Murica! But primetime EU ^^
  12. Small update (on the main post as well) We are clan level 5 and we have 15 clan skills, we still have some spots! For now, we are just having mad fun farm the daily's the bosses and some in LOA also killing bosses, etc
  13. We got some clanskills and we are level 5 now. HellReborn clan thinks we are getting good and feel threathend. We are still leveleing and mostly between 60 and 76
  14. Hello Lee u, I never had a disconnect in my 6 weeks here. And we are here with over 10 peeps now... not 1 of those people is complaining about it. So it must be your pc or internet connection... Maybe by accident have a friend that plays L2? Test with his PC at your place?