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Posts posted by weeeeD

  1. It is cancer... You gotta remember that most ESs in this server are actually average to bad. I can only imagine what happens to the victims of the actual few good ones if they pull this shit.

    But on my view, the real reason this became a problem in this server is the class change service. Such quantity.. they are everywhere... It was the same with PRs when FC got fixed. Even tho it was a joke to xp a PR 59+ with orfen 3 back then, most people didnt have access to one :P.


    If it was just the few that actually xped as ES from the beginning i doubt this would be such a big issue and anywayz it would be a deserved OP moment for the few of them for hanging in there on 1.5 without even having beastshots. Would take a long time to see so many ES 77 around the server and a lot of people would be 78+ with better tools to deal with them when it reached such point of multiple summoners and summoner parties....

    • Like 2

  2. I see you're moving through WASD. It was, is and will always be a little bugged, it doesn't work correctly sometimes (not a classic.club problem, it is a lineage2 problem), you got stuck somewhere long before that place. If i remember correctly, according to our ally chat, you died at toi 9.

  3. 6 minutes ago, Rizos said:

    so it works correct. U dont get marks for pts, just for ranking, hero status and 1 win+10matches

    How is top 1% bonus supposed to work? Heroes didnt get (dunno if they are supposed to, but wiki says hero + top 1% total can get 10200 and they didnt), 2nd places of class didn't get, top 1% total non-heroes didn't get, top 1% total with heroes included i don't think any got either....... Probably didn't work ?

    Tbh heroes didn't even get their 6k bonus....

  4. 14 hours ago, WizarDEAD said:

    Aftet about week passed from we left TT, Stiba came to us and said "characters you are using are our clan property too, return it immediately". How convenient to get all high-lvl supports, without any effort, right? It wasnt clan property at all! It was just old chars, from ppl who quits this server more than year ago, and let behind chars on lvls ~60. We, and mostly Apo himself, exp this boxes for last year to current 76-77 lvls! And now stiba came and said "its clan property" and he wants it? He already get everything we had, and he wants to steal our chars too? After thousands of exping hours and dosens of premiums bought? No damn way! So we said no, we dont give it to you Stiba, you have no rights to want this. But because in TT clan was everything based on trust, we didnt have thats characters on our emails. So he contacted that old players that quit year ago, and told them some bullshits, and they reclaim that accounts. So we lost 76 SWS, almost 77 EE, 76 BD. SWS and EE was away instantly, luckily we have enaught time to take away gear and delevel BD to 65, before he took it also. He tried to steal out 77lvl WC also, but we defeded it for now, and hopefully we will succed in trasfer to our mail in next days.


    He learned both of those "scummy tricks" from bizqquit, so why are you so surprised guys, are you that new on the server that you don't remember this for example:

     http://l2 classic.club/forum/topic/14366-dirty-thieves-and-liars-of-a-bunch-of-vietnamese-players-in-perkunas-side 

    (had to put a space there on l2classic.club cuz forum sucks and was showing a blank box)

    So just watch where you step in next...

  5. 2 hours ago, Baluu said:

    We never made a agreement we where ally's, and still you called us 69.

    Well the picture itself was not necessary but the messages in text are clear. Agreement was there even if only for siege!

    How can you possibly be worried about losing the 69 crown to someone else ? It is out of reach, would take years of someone else mailing every third ally on the server to 69.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Psomo said:




    more theories for you my guys!! 

    please keep calling people clowns with just a video as proof till my pizza arives...!!!

    can i call you clown too now??

    Proof of what? That's not even a 2.0 server and the death happened during PVP event (which i dont really know the rules, but apparently he didnt lose xp?). Gratz on having the clowniest post in the thread, you deserve the crown.

  7. 31 minutes ago, DerMeister said:

    you are playing in our server Mr.Kure or you dont play here? cause every class in 76 lose 2% from mob/untagged and 0.50 from wars..
    @MusulmoN if you lose 4% propably its bug..

    Im losing -4/-1 normally at 76 . Good to know you clowns like to abuse bugs and not report it.


    Then you cry when you get -4 on the level above ?? Really???


    This server has had some big fk ups lately when it comes to XP, for real. First the CH xp scrolls now this? What's happening, no one gives a fk ?


    Looking forward to receiving an extra 20% or more of xp i lost on 76, since "the normal is supposed to be -2/-0.5".