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Everything posted by Sephix

  1. ​I offer 5.8kk for the duals
  2. I suggest starting off with the 1.3 patch first. Don't rush updates, we have all the time, and with 1.3 added new stuff will occur. & I rather having a full functioning 1.3 without any bugs then 1.5 with several bugs. Besides when I see the patchnotes, it seems like they are increasing experience also, free teleports till 40, which makes eveything more easy again, makes no sense to me. once again dissapointed in the NCSOFT updates. It should stay Classic. & adding enchant scrolls is indeed a joke.
  3. Great, this will solve the confusing among the players.
  4. To clear that out, add a description, done in 1 minute.
  5. Sephix

    IG names

    Ik wil er gerust 1 maken mits er genoeg vraag naar is.
  6. Sephix

    IG names

    Sephix -human fighter Nog geen idee welke class ik ga kiezen ?
  7. This community is dying, and I also think this project is, no news or any announcements, It's sad but it's the fault of the admins, I tried to stay as optimistic as I could, But even i'm getting more dissapointed every day, there was a huge community, Due the lack of admin activities, responds the most players left, not only because the server is still not online, but the empty promises, and the most important, no status updates, in for example what the server stage is. The forum is also spammed. Let's hope there will be news soon, but my feeling says this project will be canceled.
  8. If so, you can easily surpass the ip block, with programs.
  9. Indeed, the players are giving up, which I can understand, and there is also a possibility the server admins are shutting the project down due real life issues or other possible reasons. We cannot change anything about it, the only thing we can do is hope and wait.
  10. Yeah though is awesome, it's not like a pvp server where u can freely teleport to every destination.
  11. Although the forum handling isn't quite professional. Hope they'll manage to reply on posts. Or at least point a forum holder which keeps the players informed at the forum.
  12. It won't make any difference if u guys keep making such topics, there will come news when they want to. The More Topics U Make the less chance there is the server will become live.
  13. Norton and most of the other anti virus programs are detecting viruses which aren't really existing, they think it's a possible treat while in real time it isn't even a trojan, but Let me check it out for sure, where did u downloaded the file from.
  14. Ehm you have any idea how much it cost to keep a server running? You guys clearly have no idea, I've had one of the biggest server back in 2008/2009, and to maintain a server, it takes a lot of time, effords and quite a lot money, although if u got a sponsor things can become easier and cheaper, but if the server is running on a dedicated server, which happens most of the time, to have the best server performance and stable connection, the prices can still be quite high. and ofcourse they might make some money out of the donations but let's be honest here, there is no way to buy items like weapons etc through donations, second thing is as far as I know the donation items aren't tradeable, so this means there won't be a donation coins economy. And most of the donation would be spend for their server and yeah maybe some for their dedicated work hours on the server, but don't they just deserve that? But I'm still sure they won't make much money out of this server. This myth has been busted. Show some respect and compassion.
  15. I do agree on this on, the only extra point is, even when there are rl issues, just post it at the forum, and keep the players informed, that the server project is delayed. But keep indeed in mind that this is a free project, and the server will not end up like for example lineage 2 tales a "money make machine" due the donate able items in shop. Ofcourse we all hope on some server news soon, but the crying doesn't help anything, it just makes them more unmotivated.
  16. Yeah upcoming wipe you know that right?
  17. ​Classic is not for casuals, if they would remove this, a lot of people would quit, because we want to play classic, not some shitty easy x20 h5 server. God i hate people who join a server and then try to change everything because its too hard for them.. This is a CLASSIC server, CLASSIC = drop items when you die on mobs, so if you cant handle it WHY did you even come here!??!?! i repeat... CLASSIC IS NOT FOR CASUAL NOOBS. ​Preach it! I was on retail from beta-C4. When the original dev team left ncsoft, the game began to change for the worse and cater to the carebear crowd. We are starting to see a shift in the industry away from the carebear games that so many casuals enjoy. Games like the upcoming "Camelot Unchained" and the ever classic, "EvE Online"(a hardcore pvp game that has refused to change to cater to the carebear community and had continued to thrive and grow in subscriptions) to name a few; offer a hard core style with definitive loss and severe consequence for each action the player takes. I find it refreshing that the gaming industry is seeing a need for hardcore games with severe consequences for the actions that the gamer takes and a definitive cause and effect style of game play that forces the player to think through their actions and not mindlessly breeze through the game. Classic L2 offered this style of game play but it was unfortunately lost over time through poor choices by NCSoft and their dev team. Thankfully, we have servers like this one that wish to bring back the "hardcore" style that so many of the old school gamers long for. If people don't like hardcore Lineage then they should just play a good low-rate interlude server. So true, iI've always loved that side of L2, that's why i'm really into classic, because classic is where the challenge is at. i've always played diablo 2 and diablo 3 on HC mode, because i don't see the point in playing a game the easy way, it's just no fun at all. Knowing you could lose something you've worked hard for with just 1 death is what makes the game exciting and worth playing. That feeling you get when you're low hp, that's what games are for, not some stupid easy mode 24/7 grind with no challenges, no penalties, no consequences. I have faith the admins won't listen to the morons coming to a classic server forum asking to change one of the biggest core mechanic of classic servers.. That's like joining a x25 H5 server and asking the GM's to change it to interlude patch.. If you want interlude, join an interlude server, if u want h5, join h5, if u want classic, join classic. but don't join 1 and ask for something else. There are 1247523745237234 private servers out there, if you can't handle this one go find another that's easy enough for you Thanks god you're here Gelthias, reading this thread i was starting to believe this server was going to be filled with only a bunch of scared carebears. Good to see there are some people who knows what classic is. Finally done with your inaproppiate language? Opinions are opinions, and don't act like a little child, and call players morrons or such, cause you're disliking their suggestions/opinions. This was just concerning me, because I would like to have a heavy populated server, without future Rage Quiters. But i'm done with this Poll, getting tired of people flaming to another, just because they're disliking their suggestions/opinions.
  18. ​ ​I have lots of experience relating to the ''Wants'' of people, I also have awareness of what the elites wants, but you just don't run a server without casual players. And them i'm not even talking about the subject this poll is going about. I heard so many ground stamping stuff against people, who are thinking different about this subject, no respect for telling someone's opinion. So people show some respect, and don't be a stubborn or bullying person, it's just a discussion where everyone can share his opinion about this subject. And near my opinion it would be fun/good, if the server is filled with a full population, no matter if they are hardcore elites, or casual players. For now the poll gave us atleast some information about thoughts of people. But relating to the server, there are indeed some other stuffs going on, on the server that needs to be fixed, so I don't think flaming on this thread is quite helpfull, statement is here, and it's up to the admin to take it into consideration or not.
  19. All we want is to get a truly high population, and no future leavers due the cause of this content. There might also come newer players who don't have that big knowledge like all the oldschool players have. This server should be for every kind of player. Like I said before, this is a concern, and it shouldn't be throwed away in a corner, atleast overthink this feature.
  20. Think about the bigger picture, you also want casual gamers to be part of lineage 2 Classic or not? I can ensure you, people will Rage Quit, To keep an healthy enironment, population, this Content should be removed, No wearing equipment drops. This will not make Lineage 2 Classic no Classic. It just keeps the players playing. As stated in one of the previous comments, Like if you're mechanics are well you will never die against mobs, this is not truth even when you got the great mechanics, there is always a way you could die, by a critical, lagspike, or due a mental state, or while being stucked.
  21. Sephix


    Een Nederlandse clan is natuurlijk wel handig, alleen zelf neig ik wel naar een internationale clan, of althans internationale clanchat enz.
  22. What some of you guys are saying makes no sense, I never talked about the - exp loss, or any other contents lineage 2 classic offers. I had the biggest interlude server back in 2008/2009, so I have some knowledge about what people want. It's obvious lineage 2 classic, is a way different then interlude, but again and again, people working hard for their stuff, and while being killed by a monster and someone else picking that up makes no sense. I'm just talking about equipment you are wearing. I can live with the fact things can be dropped out of your inventory, but just not the equipment you are wearing. That is my opinion, and stop talking about things like ''Don't play classic then''. Everyone is free to suggest things! Let it be clear that everyone has his opinion, so respect each others opinion, and don't stamp the people who thinks different about this little content deep into the ground! I like the other contents classic offers, but this content is concerning me. Risk or no risk, it's not that lineage 2, just changed that without a reason, This should be changed near my opinion. Leave the rest as it is, because classic is meant to be hardcore.
  23. Sephix

    Free Level

    I agree on this.