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consider about the hp of dungeon bosses,no reason to up exp like they were milinaus 2.5m hp meanwhile dungeon boss like 1.5m hp,should be like haf exp of lv70rbs
Can we please get gate enable on FI and HB?
thats the problem,players cant pay too much time on this game nowadadys,but this server was build as a hardcore server at the beginning. I noticed GM already noticed this condition then they made the game easier and easier,but seems it didnt work well,all these changes they made only benifit top players/winning side players,not helping randoms/newbies. yes,its hard for you to play this game if you are not in a stable team.for most newbies or solo players,only sv is comfortable for them,its not good. in TI server,we have FI/GC/HB/anakim/lilith,but none of these maps is avaiable for solo newbies,randoms need some higher maps such like sv,and top players only need few spots as you said,let top players to fight for spots maybe better
nerf anthars hp and exp now,otherwise it will be too late,the winning side wont complain about it for now at least
at the beginning,antharas cost 6h with mage pt to farm,then we researched how to hunt better with orcs,it cost over 1year and we successed, nowadays,you found its impossible for u to do same things then come to complain here,anything I said wrong?dont act like a pussy I regret voting in favor of modifying oly time,most eu players afk,only low quality enemies like your guys left here,boring
all your guys just copy what other ppl's actions,others play tyrant for farm,you play tyrant for farm,others play mages for pvp,you guys play mages for pvp,others play necro for oly,you guys play necro for oly,others play titan for epics,you guys play tian for epics.the only difference is your guys played worse than others no matter with any class maybe you should play in auto-hunt server,let AI make all decisions for you,so that you can be better
its not ture,I saw your orcs played like monkeys in both rb and oly,maybe its not titan too strong,just our titan strong meanwhile your ocrs have same lv and gears
Id like to say that when ppl giving suggestions not only care about your own benefit,plz consider about the server, I noticed the actions your clan rencently,all actions are steal epcis:zaken/aq,you guys only farm when im off line,when I came to def,you guys just give up so quickly antharas,you are expecting random spawn to enter and hope we dont have time to enter in 20mins? I can guess what you are thinking,all you care about is get free items ,avoid fight oly:you guys prefer to join your own waves to feed instead of fighting we can accept lose the fight to you,but no way to change everything become free farm I can accept cut down the exp of antharas,but cut down the farm time too. I can accept any change about oly but dont make it become free feed waves
1.castles not important for now due to the numbers playing here dungeons rewards seems too much,help winning side,not so good for the server,but we are interesting in it,its a interesting update,just try to make the balance 2.antharas provides too much exp,130B(YES,130B)exp i have ever got there with 9ppl agreee to cut down the exp but plz cut down the farm time too,if change the respawn time,plz make it possilbe to enter anytime not only 20mins limit otherwise it will be boring camping 3.plz make lilith same as anakim,8000 yards not avaible for farm,if change it to what it used be,nobody wanna go to anakim,these 2 fileds should be equal 4.same to NO.1,all problems due to few ppl playing here,but all problems you guys met due to yourselves,I watched your ppl playing in oly,even with DA/TITAN/NECRO, you guys acted like F1 click players,most of your guys have good gears/lv but just not skilled,try to improve yourselves not just complain here
gm dont play in our server,I guess they dont know how these lv4epics and anakim/lilith runes affect this game. they are huge boost and already changed the game.elements are worse.ofc our side will control the elements,dont know how could it affect others Before you adding anything new here,fix the spammers first,ty!
1.yes,we like events,but events not important,more active ppl much more important 2.maybe good for server,it doesnt mattter for us,L2 is not a complex client for pc now 3.you want to implement elements????really?do u know how could it affects the server? just like epics lv4,it will make randoms harder to catch up,we controlled 90% epics already,ofc,any new boost will benifit us much than these randoms be careful about anything making char stronger,it will only make the gap between the winners and rondoms,I think its the biggest reason ppl left here. its an old server with long history,the reason we still here is this server is stable,its an old server with long history,new ppl already hard to catch up. GM always think we are bored with the current content,actually we are bored about not enough active ppl here,these changes you think could attract new ppl just make them want to go away. ppl already proved these players playing here dont like this idea,and I explained why new ppl wont like this idea either.
this patch seems fun,we are happy you post here before update there are still some problems 1.FI HB still cant gate,its annoying to run 6-7char to the farm spot,plz change it back for gateable when i planed to farm chimers for 1h,i have to cost 10mins to run all char inside,almost make me want to give up.and make dont want to do any gank if enemies farming there 2.lilith mobs range only 8000 now,its not for aoe farm spot meanwhile anakim still the best aoe spot,plz figure out what u want from lilith/anakim,aoe spot or normal spot like SV, 3.we have FI/GC/lilith/anakim/HB/goddard for solo or small group farming,all these maps are hard for randoms(these only drive 2-3chars players and gears not good),only SV is good for them,but its only good for lv79 max,maybe u should nerf the mobs a bit(the group of mobs seems little hard for randoms),make lilith anakim become 2nd SV could help,nowadays lilith is uncomfortable for both aoe farm players and randoms,randoms are very important for a server,its not bad to make them feel a bit comfortable. 4.consider about the numbers playing here,these maps seems too many and too big,too many empty maps now.idk how u want to deal with this condition.
i even dont want to call its nerfing,just same power with elementals.dont you think necro much powerful than other classes?so whats the problem about this change?only reason is you are playing necro?I have top necro too,lv84,full epics,its a brainless class but OP,best for F1 click players,i dont want to drive necro in oly too,too op,just cast debuffs and winning,even necro vs necro,only related to the luck--who can land or resist your logic is weird,when you compaining elementals have higher dmg,you dont talk about any 'tanky' about elementals,vortex must be landed then you can use blast,not mention the casting speed and reuse time
its not a secret that ppl using programs,I know exactly who is using but GM does not have sufficient technology to detect illegal programs new client will make them stop 2days,but illegal programs will update too those who use illegal programs will continue to use them, and those who don't will still not use them
'Necro does get more powerful than all other classes, it you stack all classes equally' does necro more powerful than all other classes if necro and other classes all not full stacked?why you chose necro?you already know the fact and thats why only necro in pvp,no elementals as a mage,necro much tanky than other mages,you still want more dmg than others,whats the point? anyway,the dmg of necro still high enough after this change and still very tanky,its still the top class,thats no point to make a tank's dmg like titan