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Everything posted by Mikeks

  1. I think the new account that we made are only for OBT
  2. I think the new account that we made are only for OBT
  3. If you have the same quest the one that last hit it will get the quest iteam
  4. Man you cannot do any thing with it , understand that most of the server WILL NOT be English speakers they'll be Russian.
  5. xaxaxa most of the ppl will be Russian in this server tak sto vso norm)
  6. ​haha I wanted to say the same
  7. ​I think the same
  8. Where is gonna be our shop ? Giran dion or the free pvp tp zone ? lest think about it just for fun
  9. ​Hope the anti bot will be better then the one on NC west and if no , I'll be killing and farming them ​good old times.. getting chased by 30 greedy dwarfs while red... best feeling ever ! gnarf i miss those time kinda lol uhm one more question.... what about multi boxing ? I mean even with my old machine back in... uhm 2002 ( ?? ) you could easy run 2-3 accounts. Thats possible and allowed ? If not it would be kinda meh an answer would be great. No you wont be able to run more then 1windo without prim acc and prim can run 2 and maybe afk shop
  10. ​ ​LOL as I tested I lost So if you say so I dont rly care
  11. ​Have I said that I love you ? Okay, so now I do
  12. hahaha kalbasa is not enough for you ? ​ahahahaha fresh meat only) ​panatno)
  13. hahaha kalbasa is not enough for you ?
  14. Ohhh if so you can rename your server to говорящий остров X3 that is the time when I can thank god for knowing rus
  15. ​Something more ? ​MOREEEEEEEEEEEE1111 ​xxaxaxaxax
  16. That is the good info thank you or how to say SPS
  17. No no and no !! If I killed by monster I lose iteams and xp same when I make privet shop , if I killed I lose... And offline shop will "protect" ppl fron losing iteams, like in towns like dion where you can take golm that stay near the town take it inside the town use skill that make him aggressive to other the mob kill the privet shop and you get the iteams from the death player... If you will add offline shop that will broke the game. Hope you wont add offline shop
  18. ​NO IT WONT :3 Cannot wait to see the EN system and test all quests till 20 :3
  19. ​Hope the anti bot will be better then the one on NC west and if no , I'll be killing and farming them
  20. ​24/7 we wait Cannot wait !!!!! :3
  21. ​Well that is good Hope wont be missing mobs name like I saw in videos
  22. Hey, as I saw there is no ENG system. Is it true ? Are we going to play in RUS or Kr system ? How its goin to be ?
  23. Hey, I'll be happy to get the link for this interview
  24. No ! offline shop will save players from losing iteams in towns like Giran and Dion.