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About Rizotto

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  1. Not OK for EU players. We only go home at 19.00ish. Do not consider work from home and unemployed ppl, they are in low numbers among EU players.
  2. Yes, but that is not catch up field. Imagine guys playing many hours to catch up to pvp with players which are already in BW +6 or A grade sets, top runes, buff slots, enchanted weapons, some epics. Neither of what you have described is not working towards gaining a significant advantage for 70+. Also, leveling wise. New buffs is huge advantage for top players 80+. What is the locations tops level? GC, correct. Can catch up players stay in GC with good exp? No, they need to catch up with the gear so we are at point one again. At least before you leveled Kariks to 75 so people could level up without GC required gear. Nothing exists now to fill the gap. The second PvP event with many times running. It does have a bit sophisticated mechanics. Many guys I asked didn't get it. I guess a bit better explanation is required. Some pics and text on forum won't do, too old school, little coverage. IMHO though.
  3. Yes. I agree. If economy is not balanced well towards catch up, then no new recruits for figths. Fighting for exact same bosses over long time is daunting. Also, checked out new event. I am sorry, I think admins stopped to have a connection with their playerbase.
  4. All nice comments but how you gonna have PvP if catching up is impossible because Koll said there are no catching up players. There is no easy way to do that and admins are not even allowing some runes or whatever to make life easier. Also, it is REALLY HARD to catch up on adena side when expensive items become easy to farm and there are no alternatives. Mid players need a change.