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Everything posted by lightbringer

  1. ​120 adena? hahaha where u ae playing dude? this is my char on GRAN KAIN CLASSIC RU. Here drop 40-70 adena STOP CREATE FUCK POSTS CRYING ABOUT ADENA OMG.
  2. ​You are retard or have any type of mental problem? do you read server description or only downloaded patch created account and play? rly?
  3. What windows 7 u use? ultimate? and if yes try check u direct X. try update u direct X.
  4. im lv 30 on classic ru GK, dude, mob lvl 25 drop 30 adena. shut up.
  5. alt+L will resolve u problem dude.
  6. Guards not see players pk. only if he stay 1m ratius from him.
  7. Nick: LightBringer 335 Contacts Skype: lordslip1