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Everything posted by ANtY

  1. ANtY

    Russian chat tab

    ​fascist in the thread is detected! ​or someone that is annoyed by seeing most of forum threads and in-game chat in russian, when it's a fucking EU server, not russian only, and even in english threads they come and post in russian and then everyone keeps posting only in russian it's retarded if you ask me
  2. ANtY


    ​It is always 10% of experience needed for the next level, which amounts to about 2% of total experience gained. AFAIK there are no concessions on Classic, except (no) delevel. ​so can you explain how me and my friends are losing 20+ % at levels 20-23 when we die?
  3. ​hopefully, it's a nightmare atm ​I am stupid. How changing description will help you? Weapons will use the same amount of shot. Only tool tip is bugged^^ ​i will fking know how many ss it uses before I use it? wtf ppl
  4. why doesn't it surprise me that all these shitpost topics are created by Russians
  5. I agree, also noticed that yesterday, he was green for me but much stronger than the white mobs around him in RoA
  6. well, doesn't matter if the description or the weapon is wrong, it ought to be fixed
  7. ​well, like I said - useless feature then
  8. ​what? do you even understand what I said?
  9. Every times the server is offline on the website it states that the server is online, it's useless
  10. oh, you mean vitality? ok, thanks for the info
  11. I don't understand what is this (Bonus: 0) in exp and sp. At first I thought it'll show the party bonus but obviously that's not the case. Can anyone explain?
  12. was really hardcore at the beginning (10 dwarfs rushing towards a single keltir), fighting for monsters, etc. but also pretty cool experience
  13. ​deeper in which mine? have u actually seen them there?
  14. I went to the deepest level of Mithril Mines and found only Boogle Ratmans, I also need to kill Boogle Ratman Leaders but they're not there I went to Coal Mines as some people suggested but also no sign of them there TBH I'm pretty pissed because I'm wasting A LOT of time on this stupid quest and everyone else is going seamlessly...
  15. ANtY

    Russian chat tab

    well, I can easily detect russian, just not understand it. And yeah, I'm not only talking about russian, portugese and spanish should also not be spammed on allchat Should be only English in allchat (and what better way to practice your English than be forced to use it? If you know "WTB SOP" and "how many?" then that's a good start) coming from a polish player
  16. ANtY

    Russian chat tab

    Well, I don't see you having a problem writing in English, so what is it? Can't you respect the fact that the server is international, for the whole EU?
  17. Is it intentional that mobs on lv. 40 (Sea of Spores (~90-160a)) drop the same adena amounts or even lower than mobs in for example Ruins of Despair (~120a) ? It seems ultra ridiculous to me
  18. ANtY

    Russian chat tab

    well, in the spam of understandable messages on allchat we'll lose that info too a rule that only english is allowed on allchat would be a good rule, russians can write in english too, right? they're just too lazy
  19. ANtY

    Russian chat tab

    ​how? other people don't understand russian anyways so if it'll be in a separate tab what will they lose?
  20. I checked in this thread and couldn't find anything about boxing. Thanks in advance
  21. ANtY


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