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About ezsembler

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 07/07/1996

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  1. don't forget about selling COL = donate is op​
  2. ezsembler

    wts homu sword

    have to check pm before banning
  3. crafted dagger gains 26 m. Atk in stat is only 23.
  4. ezsembler


    When you are in cruma marshland you can hear sometimes ppl from cruma tower and spell effects from mobs.
  5. ezsembler


    here the problem is that while you are in combat macro is starting from 2nd command.
  6. use search next time before creating a topic
  7. here are two top topic: Stucking with teleport and weapons eat more ss.
  8. ezsembler

    dc ERROR

    will this work? ​ ​​okay, will tell another ppl and check.
  9. и пиши в репорт топик.