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Everything posted by VaginaMan

  1. 1200 euros? I can play by sure for 3-4 months..without clossing the server bc of non funds. Thanks for paying for us
  2. awesome. Thanks for info.both
  3. VaginaMan

    Habia oido...

    Habia llegado a mis orejas largas de elfo, un rumor de que se esta construyendo un clan español. Varios amigos,españoles,nos molaria probar. Mi fuente es Ozyman, posteo aqui ya que no consigo ponerme en contacto con el. Porfa contestad por mensaje privado  Â
  4. ​Party limit is 7 ?? Acording to the ADMIN,CLASSIC is based on GOD..and in GOD the party set was not probably a bug. Anyway..thats what I suposse. Nothing official
  5. Not me....but emo kids..for sure.
  6. uno para todos? Al primer drop importante os vais a pekear entre vosotros. . He tenido muy mala experiencias con los latinos (excepto una ocasion). Y españoles..bueno..sera cosa de conocerlos. De momento me gusta mi clan internacional
  7. Would be a mistake. Such as motivating will also be stressing for other players and will end leaving seeing the lvl diference
  8. VaginaMan


    WTF ??? It is really profitable to spend real money for such a low price?? jeez...
  9. Because they are way to greedy. Wana go all the way for adena. They miss the intermediate step (spirishots). Best thing is to have your own crafter, you will safe a lot of adena. Grind for 2 days,get lvl 25 and you'll make a lot of profit. Got my own buffers and crafter incomming. Cant be better than that
  10. I would keep NOT allowing duallbox. I would remove it even from PREMIUM ACCOUNTS. Duallbox will affect classes like crafters,buffers and supports. And we will not see many of those classes in long therms if this continue. Make it legit for everyone,paying or not.NO DUALLBOXES. Â
  11. Same problem. Restarted client Full check list updater Still having the problem
  12. el primer dia se dieron cuentas premium 24h para todo el mundo A partir del segundo di(hoy) o pagas cuenta premiumo te compras varios ordenadores Pero duallbox en el mismo pc,no se puede
  13. no duallbox. 1pc 1 cuenta. si tienes 3 pc..3 cuentas
  14. Welcome to low rates. I was lvl 10 back then with 10k in the poket without moving from the Shadow of Mother Tree area.
  15. De momento,mucho mas estable que el mierda clasico
  16. Summoners KING of PVE,but thats it! nothign else
  17. Since GOD, mainly Glory Days update..Vampiric Rage had an efect on each class and race. I dont know the formula here,but I've heared VR its aplied on % per strikes/hit/skills. Even on mages or archers. At least in GOD++future updates mages were refilling their life on nukes,archers and skills and warriors on melee. But never was OP Test is all about. Im suprised havent been tested in BETA and clarified.
  18. Where to replace by thw way..
  19. looks useful. Thanks, Ill try it
  20. Elf wizard so far, looking for clan. International with english based language. GMT+1 and could play 5 to 10 h per day. I got struggles like work and friends,but nothing else. Looking forward for raibosses ,exp parties and pvp ONLY necesarry. I avoid dying for non sense. I also void clan leaders beeing dictaros and snuffy moods. Mainly LF an ejoyable and friendly clan. Thanks in advice. Please dont hate bc of nickname