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Everything posted by BizQQuiT

  1. Try a better group like Cipka's
  2. BizQQuiT

    exp loss in siege

    lol and i was like "I killed so many chinos with siege golem, they won't come again!" pretty messed up this one..
  3. @San0 @Koll Poll has 102 / 18 this is a record voting in history of server. Do the thing pls.
  4. up vote vote vote
  5. bump, VOTE VOTE VOTE !
  6. yep, flames are fine ~ pony not)
  7. Please check the topic in suggestion section. At the moment summoners are able to use their summon skills while on mount, no other classes can use any skills. The idea of mounts is to give faster access to far locations ( toi floors f,e ) however right now these mounts give significant edge to summoners which are able to control efficiently their pets from big range. So check the link and hit a vote. Thanks
  8. WTB your Magical Tablets ! Mail with payment to BizQQuiT. Thank you.
  9. It's not about overpowered classes or what not, it's simple - >All< Classes are unable to use >ANY< skills while on Mount but Summoners can use their MOST op skills while running on mount. How is that even normal by any logics.
  10. And that winning clan was... ?
  11. gl catching a summoner controlling his pet from 1k+ range) Not to mention, that if he runs far away his summon just teleports next to him ~
  12. no, 14 ppl who didn't pvp or saw ES 77+ voted so
  13. Not only that they get TOP skills w/o magical tablets (pony+banes) but they can even kite you on their mounts. I can't stress this point even more.
  14. I will send you videos how a class can be NOT only fully efficient while on mount but even better because of kiting capabilities. What is hard to understand - ALL classes cannot use any skills while on mount, but summoners can use their most OP skills in-game. They can STUN, they can Hydro screw, they can auto hit, cancel you etc.
  15. @Koll how many votes you need ?
  16. @Kse @Koll Poll has been on for 2 weeks, what are the conclusions ?
  17. BizQQuiT


    nu prea sunt clanuri bazate pe natiuni, majoritatea sunt mixati in clanuri internationale inclusiv romanii.
  18. @San0 summoners still are able to use their skills while running on mounts. 84% voted to disable any skills for summoners on mount just like any other class can't use skills while on it. In the video below you can see how pony stuns/blasts his hydro etc. The topic is up for quite several weeks, it's time for a final verdict please.
  19. Interested to buy your Magical Tablets, send payment mail to BizQQuiT. Thank you !
  20. @San0 what is the voting requirement for my "bill" to pass ?