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Everything posted by khaligoth

  1. ​They complain because newplayers won't have the same advantage and they won't be able to reach old players, but a bug is a bug and bugs need to be fixed, I'm glad you did it.
  2. ​Of course it would have been better to fix it 3 weeks ago but if they're trying to look like a classic server they have to make adena 70% which is the way a classic server works. Bugs need to be fixed, even if all the players "exploited" it.
  3. ​ most of the players will just leave. what minus u are talking about. big "professional" staff we have right here. i wont even say that its IMPOSIBLE for new players to reach somehow the old players? do u realize that? tired of this kind of servers. all they care is the money they made after oppening. ​Unprofessional would have been not to fix the bug. Because It's what it was; a bug. The x3 should be the amount and not the chance. Yes, maybe they noticed it a little bit later but at least they fixed it.
  4. ​I've notice it too, maybe if we'd get patch notes... I think it's a bug because It would be a non sense to make harder to get adena
  5. ​A PK with his bots? I'm sorry but not all multiboxers are bots and if you think they are then you don't fit in this server, cause like 80% is using dual/multibox. Yes, there are bots but there're also multibox users all over the server
  6. ​I'm not a fan of this system too, but at least they can only pay once, then they are permabanned. We're getting a bot protection system this week if it doesn't get delayed
  7. ​Ve a la página principal ( y luego a "acccount manager". Ahí entras con tu usuario y contraseña. Una vez dentro, arriba te aparecerá "Donate" o algo asi.
  8. khaligoth


    For the first question, no, you can't get banned for that. You can't use 2 accounts on one computer without premium but you can use 2 computers and 2 accounts.
  9. ​15 euros? Son 100 CoL 1€ = 10 CoL
  10. ​Dual solo se puede hacer si tienes premium y son 30 días por 101 ARS ​Perfecto, eso lo debo hacer desde mi perfil en la pagina? $101 es bastante plata jaja. Saludos ​Perdona, no me referia 101$, no sé como va la moneda de allá jajaja. Pero son 10€ en Europa.
  11. ​it was to discuss unreasoneable bans ​Then you can PM/Skype to the support team instead of posting it on forums.
  12. Because it contributes nothing to the forums. Literally.
  13. ​Si tienes pruebas de que botean, ¿por qué no los reportas?. Que parezcan bots no significa que lo sean... Es muy fácil acusar.
  14. ​No todo el que usa dual/multibox es un bot
  15. I got this problem sometimes but I fix it by re-logging