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Everything posted by Intixromik

  1. ​2859 D-cry. topic can be closed​ aaaaaaaaaaa-ahhahahhaahha ​daaaaamn
  2. Write your price here or using PM on forum
  3. Intixromik

    wts karmian sets

    how much without gloves?
  4. So did you sell it or break it?
  5. ​He was in party with bots. All party will be banned if anyone in the party will use bot. ​Having watched the stream, that low lvl mage had just joined them like 20 min before ban and he probably had no idea about the bots etc. Just to be fair
  6. ​Yea was about to write about that, i saw it yesterday and today again Edit: He was actually alt clicking on his buffs so that the buffers rebuff faster
  7. Yes its very funny and sad at the same time that it happened
  8. ​Actually no matter if its in your friend/ally/clan list when you click on the icon near the name the descriptions says that he/she is not your friend/clan/ally ​not really, it works fine when i get PMed from clan members
  9. Intixromik

    Some fraps

    1st video music made me close vid at 10 sec. 2nd video does not have sound at all
  10. Intixromik


    ​theres literally an unban service do u even..
  11. ​that glow is amazing dude
  12. Accepting col/adena/etc as payment, PM me here on forum with your offer.
  13. Compare the bow's name when linked and when clicked on it [?].
  14. Hello, We all know the notification we get when someone random (not friend/clan/ally) PMs us. However, i couldnt help but notice that even when the said person is added in the friend list, we STILL keep getting that message, which is pretty annoying if you chat all the time. Please fix !
  15. ​might be a good idea to start selling at 35 when you get berserker.. also try to find solo lvling spots where people will be in need of a buffer and wont have one