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Everything posted by zorgzor

  1. Prove than tolk ​U already prove it yourself Than why i am not baned for scummering ? ​Ask San0, or someone from ADM team. Just maby i dont scam ? or like someone say in forum, he get bow or somethink from cp so what he must give back it ? than 50% of server will get ban for dont give items back... orfen like other item.. for for some item you need play 1 month to get it. for orfen someone need play one year. so item is item. if someone get orfen when enter cp and play 1 month that ye.. why he must take it to self.
  2. Prove than tolk ​U already prove it yourself Than why i am not baned for scummering ?
  3. 4 pages mrpropnet asking the same question now you wana ask enother 4 pages of the same question ?. read forum you will find ansver. and dont change words. cose first 4 pages you call cp.. now you just aksk why i dont give you epic... ansver the same you are not cp from very long time, ppl unactive, we never make you as leader cp so i dont need to say for you nothink abaut what i am doing when i leave you. if you will be so intresting you will not pm me on skype 5 days from my leave, but you will pm at the same day. you dont have any prove abaut that i dont say you. cose you agre in chat that i say from start. and this mean from 19 th day then i leave. if i will know, that i will need post chat there maby i will try say some words like "i say you from begin" but "i say you from 19th day" maby than you will be happy... but its stupid cose nobody wana post chata.. just ppl wana see true info with proves. and like i say its not your biznes where i play and with who, you are not my mom to say you abaut my play day, what i am doing. and i dont need to explane for you why i make nev char or change nick... or maby i need ask you did you agree that i make nev char ? its fuking your char ? acc ? pc ?
  4. I dont hiding. you pm me skype and i ansver you. and for nex question i know ansver from you, if i ask abaut it in first day your ansver will be the same that i must give you cose you are boss.... still mprophen now in post write different story. in first post he say that i leave and dont say nothink, and now he say that you give tham chat when i speak with you, so you was agrea that i say for you that i leave in firat day, just you dont say for tham, so its problem of you, btw mrprophen was at ts at the same time when i say abaut it. and i dont need come ts and say every day for every player from group what i leave. if thay will be in prime time thay will know. i dont need cutch tham and say i leave.
  5. I dont ansver the same question 100 times. forum wana see chat abaut, what you know, that i leave from you, and thay sow it. tipitapi also say thay dont know, so go and say him why you dont say for him it.
  6. ​ [12/28/2016 9:23:55 PM] Zbyniaa: uvas svai epiki u mine eci sto ja nasil vsigda [12/26/2016 8:56:44 PM] Zbyniaa: vzel to sto dumaju zarabotal za god igry I to sto vlazyl work work about alibi​ honourable soldier ​ In my post was ansver abaut first orfen when we was abaut 8/9 active when we get one more i use him. So dont be fanny to posts chat, abaut you dont know, and dont undarstand.cose you now post chat from two differens situations, first when was one orf, and secound chat when we have 2. and dont say what i give for ancord which you log in mostly... cose we all know online him.
  7. You are not my mom, you are not leader of cp, one time when all cp was take one leader was fanaxx who leave game in 2 weeks when we make him leader, so i dont see point to say you what i am doing when i leave you. why i dont come ts to speak ? for me enought was chat with lots "kurwa""pidar" words... be happy that i dont post dee post, who say he never like me... buhahahah maby cose he cant kill me in duel never.... so pro... and i play mag first time in l2. nice ansver 40% waiting for cp... its mean other ppl must do what ?. when thay stop play nobody say abaut 2.0 so dont lie. btw thay stop play and nobody make 76 so no logic to wait 2.0 on 70 lvl. if someone are activ and wana play he play all time with cp or still come on ts to speak with tham. but we have all day from 0 to 3 ppl.
  8. [12/26/2016 8:18:21 PM] misha misha: Privet [12/26/2016 8:19:10 PM] Zbyniaa: privet [12/26/2016 8:19:24 PM] misha misha: ti kyda propal [12/26/2016 8:20:08 PM] Zbyniaa: adyxaju [12/26/2016 8:21:02 PM] misha misha: I dolgo? [12/26/2016 8:22:45 PM] Zbyniaa: ot cibe dumaju da [12/26/2016 8:23:46 PM] misha misha: a ti peredat zabil [12/26/2016 8:23:57 PM] misha misha: vej [12/26/2016 8:24:40 PM] misha misha: lydi sprashivayt [12/26/2016 8:24:43 PM] misha misha: jdyt [12/26/2016 8:25:04 PM] misha misha: eje I bd y nas razdeli [12/26/2016 8:25:21 PM] misha misha: no yje ticket sdelali poloviny vernyli [12/26/2016 8:25:44 PM] misha misha: xotel sprosit nekomy ne daval bd? [12/26/2016 8:26:17 PM] Zbyniaa: ja nikamu nicivo nedaju [12/26/2016 8:26:42 PM] Zbyniaa: puskai admin iscit [12/26/2016 8:26:44 PM] misha misha: zna4it jessy [12/26/2016 8:26:52 PM] misha misha: da yje nashli [12/26/2016 8:27:16 PM] misha misha: m0n1ka nick bil [12/26/2016 8:30:55 PM] misha misha: tak ti peredat nexochesh pachki to chto zabul? [12/26/2016 8:32:54 PM] Zbyniaa: sabi pak tagda pagavarim [12/26/2016 8:32:58 PM] Zbyniaa: ja s taboi neigraju [12/26/2016 8:33:19 PM] misha misha: tu ne igrai s mnoi a vej otdai [12/26/2016 8:33:20 PM] Zbyniaa: uze skazal pasledni ras na ts, bolse nesabirajus porcic sibe nastraene [12/26/2016 8:34:42 PM] misha misha: kak mne lyd9m skazat? [12/26/2016 8:34:47 PM] misha misha: po povody [12/26/2016 8:34:53 PM] misha misha: xochesh v ts zaidi [12/26/2016 8:35:20 PM] Zbyniaa: ja uze vsio cibe skazal [12/26/2016 8:35:26 PM] Zbyniaa: tiom toze cibe vsio skazal [12/26/2016 8:35:33 PM] Zbyniaa: ty vsio kak vsigda sutkai prinel [12/26/2016 8:35:39 PM] Zbyniaa: tak i igraj sa svajej packai sam [12/26/2016 8:35:42 PM] misha misha: ti vsem skaji [12/26/2016 8:35:51 PM] Zbyniaa: ili sabirai sam kak ty vsio I delal vsio vreme [12/26/2016 8:36:06 PM] Zbyniaa: ja uze skazal [12/26/2016 8:36:16 PM] misha misha: to est ti sibi xoshesh ostavit mne tak ponimat? [12/26/2016 8:36:41 PM] Zbyniaa: a sto cibe dac ? [12/26/2016 8:36:58 PM] Zbyniaa: stob ty dales pradaval vsio v cicharia I sibe puxi pakupal ? [12/26/2016 8:37:07 PM] misha misha: v ts zaidi [12/26/2016 8:37:14 PM] misha misha: vse chto 9 kypil [12/26/2016 8:37:19 PM] Zbyniaa: kakoj bla ts na telefone [12/26/2016 8:37:35 PM] Zbyniaa: vsio sto ty kupil eta za dropy s epikov [12/26/2016 8:37:46 PM] Zbyniaa: nikto s packi kak ty gavaris nicio nepalucial [12/26/2016 8:38:10 PM] Zbyniaa: 10 % kidal ty im [12/26/2016 8:38:13 PM] Zbyniaa: a 90 sibe [12/26/2016 8:38:18 PM] Zbyniaa: skazki neraskazyvai [12/26/2016 8:38:58 PM] Zbyniaa: bud davolny stob ja I'm etava neskazal [12/26/2016 8:39:07 PM] Zbyniaa: bo ja uze vkurse skolka ty sibe nabral itemov [12/26/2016 8:39:16 PM] misha misha: tak skaji I obsydim [12/26/2016 8:39:53 PM] misha misha: tak kogda v ts zaiti v ts smojesh? [12/26/2016 8:40:19 PM] misha misha: mi soberems9 I obsydim [12/26/2016 8:43:07 PM] misha misha: v ts kogda zaiti mojesh? [12/26/2016 8:43:48 PM] Zbyniaa: net [12/26/2016 8:45:26 PM] misha misha: ne bydesh v ts zahodit? [12/26/2016 8:45:48 PM] Zbyniaa: sto ty xocis ot mine ? [12/26/2016 8:46:09 PM] misha misha: skaji lyd9m [12/26/2016 8:46:15 PM] misha misha: to chto ti mne govorish [12/26/2016 8:46:26 PM] Zbyniaa: zacem ? [12/26/2016 8:47:47 PM] misha misha: lydi xot9t znat [12/26/2016 8:48:06 PM] Zbyniaa: vot ty I skazy [12/26/2016 8:48:35 PM] misha misha: oni xot9t s toboi pogovorit [12/26/2016 8:48:57 PM] misha misha: vse xot9t s toboi pogovorit [12/26/2016 8:50:27 PM] Zbyniaa: kak virnus i gre pagavariu [12/26/2016 8:51:06 PM] misha misha: vse jdyt a kogda? [12/26/2016 8:51:22 PM] Zbyniaa: vse eta kto ? [12/26/2016 8:51:25 PM] Zbyniaa: 3 ludei ? [12/26/2016 8:52:00 PM] misha misha: serega toje jas zaidet [12/26/2016 8:52:18 PM] Zbyniaa: tak serioga I tiom [12/26/2016 8:52:25 PM] misha misha: san9 [12/26/2016 8:52:30 PM] misha misha: mnogo lydei [12/26/2016 8:52:35 PM] Zbyniaa: vot ani 3 [12/26/2016 8:52:37 PM] Zbyniaa: ty vsio znais [12/26/2016 8:53:24 PM] misha misha: iz starih lydei ostalis Tolko mi [12/26/2016 8:53:33 PM] misha misha: ostalnie ne igrayt yje davno [12/26/2016 8:54:31 PM] Zbyniaa: sa staryx eta ty ja I cioma [12/26/2016 8:54:39 PM] misha misha: dee [12/26/2016 8:54:41 PM] misha misha: ancord [12/26/2016 8:54:57 PM] Zbyniaa: ani pasledne dasli [12/26/2016 8:55:02 PM] Zbyniaa: ne sud [12/26/2016 8:56:07 PM] Zbyniaa: ja uze vsio skazal cibe, esli u cia takoje mnene pra vsex sto nikto nicio nedelait tolka ty [12/26/2016 8:56:11 PM] Zbyniaa: igra sam [12/26/2016 8:56:15 PM] Zbyniaa: paka davno net [12/26/2016 8:56:21 PM] Zbyniaa: ja uxazu [12/26/2016 8:56:26 PM] misha misha: 9 vkyrse 4to packa net [12/26/2016 8:56:44 PM] Zbyniaa: vzel to sto dumaju zarabotal za god igry I to sto vlazyl [12/26/2016 8:57:05 PM] Zbyniaa: esli ty dumal ja bd razdel asybaisia [12/26/2016 8:57:17 PM] Zbyniaa: bo mne skazali eta na FB uze [12/26/2016 8:57:42 PM] misha misha: a ostalnie chto zarabotali? [12/26/2016 8:57:47 PM] misha misha: esli eto zarabotal ti [12/26/2016 8:59:24 PM] Zbyniaa: sto ? [12/26/2016 8:59:45 PM] misha misha: cto ti zarabotal a cto dygie? [12/26/2016 9:00:16 PM] Zbyniaa: nu vy ze toz imeice I dales farmice [12/26/2016 9:00:23 PM] Zbyniaa: dales* [12/26/2016 9:00:32 PM] Zbyniaa: dalse [12/26/2016 9:00:44 PM] Zbyniaa: ty ze vse epiki ubivaes [12/26/2016 9:01:22 PM] Zbyniaa: kak mne ludi skazali taduliz gavarit on farmit epiki kagda vse cp spit [12/26/2016 9:01:34 PM] Zbyniaa: nu vot I zafarmis kagda my spim [12/26/2016 9:06:47 PM] misha misha: sakji eto lyd9m [12/26/2016 9:07:01 PM] misha misha: cto ti xosheh eto zabrat [12/26/2016 9:07:29 PM] Zbyniaa: a dolzen addac ? [12/26/2016 9:08:33 PM] misha misha: ti Zaidi v ts i skaji [12/26/2016 9:08:57 PM] Zbyniaa: mne vase decke dramy I spory uze v gorle [12/26/2016 9:09:17 PM] Zbyniaa: i kazdy ras tak sama kancejuca [12/26/2016 9:10:04 PM] misha misha: zorg delo ne vo mne i v tebe [12/26/2016 9:10:54 PM] misha misha: nety nikakih dram [12/26/2016 9:11:07 PM] misha misha: prosto voprosi nado reshat vmeste [12/26/2016 9:11:22 PM] misha misha: i obsyjdat [12/26/2016 9:11:39 PM] misha misha: vse chto mi s toboi jas govorim eto odno [12/26/2016 9:11:55 PM] misha misha: a nado govorit vmeste vislyshat vmeste [12/26/2016 9:13:49 PM] misha misha: segodn9 zaidet serega [12/26/2016 9:13:56 PM] misha misha: san9 i tema tyt yje v tse [12/26/2016 9:14:23 PM] Zbyniaa: pryciom ts ? ja cibe uze pisal [12/26/2016 9:14:29 PM] Zbyniaa: ty kak vsigda necitaes [12/26/2016 9:14:35 PM] Zbyniaa: kakoj ts na telefone [12/26/2016 9:14:53 PM] misha misha: 9 ponimay poetomy i sprosil kogda smojesh zaiti [12/26/2016 9:15:40 PM] misha misha: ti govorish chto ne xochesh [12/26/2016 9:15:55 PM] Zbyniaa: ty citaj jibac [12/26/2016 9:16:02 PM] Zbyniaa: nax snova besis [12/26/2016 9:16:36 PM] Zbyniaa: ja spac [12/26/2016 9:16:53 PM] misha misha: [21:39:16] misha misha: tak skaji I obsydim [21:39:53] misha misha: tak kogda v ts zaiti v ts smojesh? [21:40:19] misha misha: mi soberems9 I obsydim [21:43:07] misha misha: v ts kogda zaiti mojesh? [21:43:48] Zbyniaa: net [21:45:26] misha misha: ne bydesh v ts zahodit? [21:45:48] Zbyniaa: sto ty xocis ot mine ? [21:46:09] misha misha: skaji lyd9m [21:46:15] misha misha: to chto ti mne govorish [21:46:26] Zbyniaa: zacem ? [21:47:47] misha misha: lydi xot9t znat [21:48:06] Zbyniaa: vot ty I skazy [12/28/2016 9:18:58 PM] Zbyniaa: smatriu sluxi dasli sto tut do admina daslo [12/28/2016 9:19:22 PM] Zbyniaa: ty sto siriozna dumajes ty mine zabanis ? [12/28/2016 9:21:04 PM] misha misha: на тс зайди и расскажи людям [12/28/2016 9:21:37 PM] Zbyniaa: nesabirajus nicio raskazyvac, ne moi scil rugaca kak u vas [12/28/2016 9:23:02 PM] Zbyniaa: kak uze skazal pervyi den s taboi bolse neigraju [12/28/2016 9:23:08 PM] Zbyniaa: I uxazu [12/28/2016 9:23:46 PM] Zbyniaa: tak kak cp uze net I ty sam eta priznal neciustvaju sto dolzen stota cibe addac [12/28/2016 9:23:55 PM] Zbyniaa: uvas svai epiki u mine eci sto ja nasil vsigda [12/28/2016 9:24:20 PM] Zbyniaa: esli ty dumajes sto vse budut cibe vsio addavac posle uchoda to asybaisia [12/28/2016 9:24:28 PM] Zbyniaa: bo tagda vyxodit sto vse itemy cibe pajdut [12/28/2016 9:24:52 PM] misha misha: ты мне тут не рассказывай [12/28/2016 9:24:55 PM] misha misha: зайди на тс [12/28/2016 9:25:02 PM] Zbyniaa: a ja wlazyl daxrena tut toze addac [12/28/2016 9:25:16 PM] Zbyniaa: nebudu zaxadic uze skazal [12/28/2016 9:25:47 PM] Zbyniaa: xvataet uze paporcil sibe nastrajene s taboi abseca [12/28/2016 9:26:30 PM] Zbyniaa: I neplacic za epiki ucia ix iscio daxrena [12/28/2016 9:28:30 PM] misha misha: вот зайди в тс и расскажи как ты все старался [12/28/2016 9:29:07 PM] Zbyniaa: vot kak vidis ty pra adno tolka vsigda [12/28/2016 9:29:19 PM] Zbyniaa: kak ty staralsia a vse vakrug cibe nicio nedelali [12/28/2016 9:29:28 PM] Zbyniaa: vot sam I skazy kak ty staralsia Red color its abaut what taduliz know and agree with info what i say in first day that i leave, also in red text you can see that he agree that we dont have cp. so if no cp no cp system abaut who leave must give items, also i dont leave server but still play. if taduliz nothink to do to make normal cp its problem of him. who can read it,will see that i repeat for him 2-3 times that i have to say him in first days that i leave. cose in first day i say in on TS.
  9. I think moderator can close topic. cose ppl dont have more argument, but just start spam, also i have ansver all question. if someone need somethink to know make pm me. gl
  10. I play active like all time. no matter which charr it will be
  11. You are idiot... i have write 3 times. if you play active and i leave i will give back. but you stop play and you are not cp. so i dont see reazon why you tolk abaut it...
  12. We dont decide at all, just use person who need at one or other situation
  13. Can someone say what he want ?
  14. Who use it ? dee and taduliz/ol, dee on farm, and me who play on taduliz on siege, and in loa, all time on trains for better root. on free way spot. still dont get point of this question...
  15. ​You started to look like a fool again)))) So make question one more time... using google translate its not good. cose you ask me who was orfen...
  16. Abaut what you tolk ? you ask abaut first orfen when we start farm or abaut what ? wtf is: "who is was that orfen"... orfen is npc monster...
  17. ​I wanna say that we told about epicks when started to farm them and got Orfen 3 lvl. May be you remember who's was that Orfen? Yep dee, cose he was active dd. i get core when was on taduliz, when i change for wl i dont use nothink, until i was necr and get secound orfen.
  18. ​What a shit? We really started to farm and get epics since 1.5 when we left Perkunas as a CP. We have 5 people (Tipitapi, Taduliz, Dee, Ancord, Fanaxx returns) from team played that time except you. You are trying to prove not that you are not a thief, you are trying to prove that we are not CP and you can steal from us. So you wana say we was not cp from 1.0 but cp from when we start farm epic ? nice bro nice... respect.
  19. I have say abaut it on ts. when we create cp at 1.0 we tolk abaut items that will be good to give if you stop play there.but still of you remember gaba dest he stop play but dont give nothink, in one week someone start play on this acc. from 1.5 when we was change to mage cp we speak abaut give items if someone stop play. and now what we have ? we are not cp cose, if you take look its just you are taduliz still play from 1.0 when cp was created, also i dont leave server i still play. so no reazon give back from me items which i use.so ansver is simply, No i dont was informed abaut unactive cp who play 1- 3 h in day and abaut leave cp but still play on server. also we cant call it cp, cose its small group of ppl. thats why i leave. not cose i wana take epic and run, but cose nobody play there and taduliz on skype agrea with it and say yes i know we are not cp more
  20. I will send chat for you.
  21. ​are we comparing aoba+5 and lance with 2x epics lvl 3? as i said, i dont know your internal cp politics, but its not me who started this discussion, it was one of your cp members what i can say is that u could talk that out with them, and i bet u would either find solution together or not, but u wouldnt look like noob which leaves cp w/o telling single word with those epics If you read topic you will see what its 3lvl orf and 2 lvl aq and i have say on ts that i leave, just thay dont wana hear maby it. but like i say, def on forum uselles, cose thay can say all what thay want. and the same tipitapi (mrprophet) was also stop play month two ago... cose was unactive cp... and now he say abaut me... who never was stoped play but all time was looking for ppl for cp. and abaut mrprophet nobody can say the same. cose he dont find any player... you are forgot abaut it mrpropnet? when you come you see me on ol/wl and taduliz for example and you say no dd,ok i go off... or on siege when we fight all and deff you say fuck i dont need it, yours tactic is useles, and we was withoud any heal.... i can remember lots situation like that... so dont post nothink.... ​And what? Means you can take orfen and run? No bro i must say plz give me it cose i wana leave.... ​Ofcourse no, cause you are coward thief and couldnt speak with us honestly. If you will be 8, and one leave yes ofc. and i will give back and leave withoud nothink. but if you was 2 i dot need to say for everyone in ts, or mail, i leave becose bla bla bla.... i have say on ts, and in chat for skype for taduliz, when he pm me. next 3 days when i leave, cose 2 days i was at work and not play. he pm me and i say the same that i leave from cp. what you need more ? mail to home with info ? maby he dont say for you abaut it... cose one friend pm me on fb and say that i say i am on rest... and its was funny for me cose i write him i stop play with you...
  22. ​are we comparing aoba+5 and lance with 2x epics lvl 3? as i said, i dont know your internal cp politics, but its not me who started this discussion, it was one of your cp members what i can say is that u could talk that out with them, and i bet u would either find solution together or not, but u wouldnt look like noob which leaves cp w/o telling single word with those epics If you read topic you will see what its 3lvl orf and 2 lvl aq and i have say on ts that i leave, just thay dont wana hear maby it. but like i say, def on forum uselles, cose thay can say all what thay want. and the same tipitapi (mrprophet) was also stop play month two ago... cose was unactive cp... and now he say abaut me... who never was stoped play but all time was looking for ppl for cp. and abaut mrprophet nobody can say the same. cose he dont find any player... you are forgot abaut it mrpropnet? when you come you see me on ol/wl and taduliz for example and you say no dd,ok i go off... or on siege when we fight all and deff you say fuck i dont need it, yours tactic is useles, and we was withoud any heal.... i can remember lots situation like that... so dont post nothink.... ​And what? Means you can take orfen and run? No bro i must say plz give me it cose i wana leave....
  23. And what about imxo, i would like to hear Abaut imxo nothink bad, its just example, if ppl leave or cp unactive did he must give for someone who stay in cp, and will say, you all leave, but i am in cp, and give me now items...