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Everything posted by zorgzor
- 22 replies
i dont think ppl who pk in CRUMA or other location need scroll. they have 500+ PK all from Russian PRIDE who leave server so they dont need scroll, and this system nothink help. just normal ppl who make pvp for spot now will make less pvp, cose -10 % die is stupid + if make pk end normal game.
100 % ye, and all know it, to easy ban all ip who sell money, but nobody do it
Admin need change lots of, for example rate drop items, rate enchants.... its classic and 80 % server are with top C on +5 - +10. price of all go down and down, full drops are more than ppl on server, server is more and more for "payforwin"
- 22 replies
did vamp must regen HP when use phys skill ? like tyr have ? cose i have random, some time add hp and some time no, so if its some % for regen or its some kind of buged ?
today orfen not teleport to cave.
Did this skill use stone ? Атакует цель и врагов вокруг. Мощность 190. Требуется меч / дробящее оружие / древковое оружие / кастет / парные мечи. Сверхудар. Крит. Удар. no info abaut stone, but still cant use cose need so how it must be ?
Giran Golden chamber have 5 buffs. problem with RB ? are you joking ? 1 week ago i say about problem and ppl say i am crazy..... cose Orfen dont teleport and some clan with 3 party kill him and farm him.... also i see that admin repair or test him, cose orfen was kill in 1 secound. and then was nev one. 2 min and pride was on resp place....... its just facts what i see. and what you say its 1,0 so dont say what 3 party with C item can farm him cose i see you dont play on classic. and dont say there are no bugs.. Lots and lots bugs. :))))
ysterday pride + one party other clan = 10-15 ppl make orfen 50 % hp and than server have restart. in cave speed of orfen also decrease, why ? dont know... like we see lots of problem with top RB on server. so admin must or repair or not spawm him untill he not repaired..... the same shit with Clan hall, Giran CH have 4 bufs. server 1 month on and still buged
no czlowieku grasz od C3 i takie pytanie zadales ze padlem jasne ze nie robisz Q na bron i na SS i koniec
one more time pride come with 4 party, stay 10 min and orfen resp, 70 % hp drop but still dont teleport to caves..... ADMIN WHAT IS GOIN ON ??
like trample say he have 3 different teleport location, but this time he dont teleport at all, cose if he teleport 3 or 4 party will not to kill orfen cose adds have strong atack and fast run
why you all time say C2 was that C3 was that ??? Classic is NOT C1-C10 ...... its different game with different all stats mobs, BTW on normal server all time Orfen must teleport to him cave but there he not teleport and ppl just kill him in center Seal of spores so its not normal
i dont speak abaut 300 or at least 200. i say what on classic just one clan with 3-4 party kill it, i dont say its noob clan or somethink, just i dont think what orfen have normal stats there, and if not him, so all last world boss there will be so easy ? so if server will have more population random ppl can just farm him all time
so why orfen is so easy, 3 partys pride + some random ppl and one party other clan kill him not off orfen or wtf ?
and no metter lucky or not lucky its mean that server is Pay to win, cose try to kill top C grad full enchanted
got lucky ? so how he buy 10 top c bows...... donate donate and 50 enchant donate too cose all ppl spoil EWC and its 1 scroll in day or max 2... so dont say nothink
it will be jus server pay to win. if someone can donate for +16 lots ppl leave server
boty i gold selerzy sa wszedzie, na offach eu / ru czy rorei jest 10 raz tyle, i tak nikt ich nie banuje, bo kazdy bot placi abonament, a tu banuja bo graja za free
pierdolicie jak najeci ze po eu off ludzie odejda, tak jak odejda tak i wroca, to samo bylo z ruskim, odeszlo kupa serverow z 70 % populacji z offa odeszlo, bo ? bo botow i gold selerow 2 razy wiecej niz tu, jesli tu nie maja czasu na exp to tam sie posraja w pierwszy tydzien, wiec max miesiac temu EU potem ludzie zaczna odchodzic i wroca tu.
Hi have problem just on one pc. all time disconect, when try use updater have lots, abaut 5-7 files with error who dont download. what can happen ? nothink change, never use bots or different files.