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Everything posted by zorgzor

  1. for ppl like someone say i am 40 lvl i wana say that bsoe must be just in CH. so stop cry abaut what someone wana make price biggest, its better for tham. in donation shop like B soe or B res need delete at all,its classic not star wars server. if dont wana war leave clan, change party for more pvp players, not farmings bots and start fight on self lvl locations, not like we see 43 lvl exping on 55+ location and die from 55+ players and crying "xaxaxa 55+ come and kill 43+"
  2. hmmm. if ppl sell / buy and pay casch or in bank for someone, why he must pay for admin ? nobody do it. in all online game ppl sell and buy acc. you just cant controll it.
  3. still need to take Q untill thay will be green / blue or admin will change this item for not needed for 2 part.
  4. ok but like ppl say to start other part Q we need have end part 1. so if mobs will be blue/ green for us and we dont back to kill tham, so how we will start making secound part Q for enchants B
  5. jest sporo klanow i ludzi ktorzy pomoga ci i bez takich postow na forum, bo to wyglada glupio
  6. zorgzor

    Стрим +

    pervyk pers na acc paluceit bonus itemy + ss + buf pack
  7. zorgzor

    Стрим +

    zdrastvui na servere adin tut ili s druzjami ?
  8. sorry for spam, but will be good to fix as fast as can be, cose we lvl up and this mobs will be green / blue for us and we cant start nev part of quest tham
  9. zorgzor


    go play man yours project and leave this server
  10. zorgzor


    hehe player who say spend month for game have person for exp and like he say : i logged out, cuz i logged in my pvp char, wich was there. cant remember wich one, cuz i have 2 pvp chars. Its mean he have 2 pvp chars in the same location where he exp low lvl char ? and he wana say he dont know whitch he log in ? omg... come to us we wana PK you...
  11. zorgzor


    if we not change melle cp to mage cp you will see lots melle DD in top LvL and you will cry than thay kill you
  12. ​Tyr / glad / destr for solo exp ? xaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxa
  13. lots ppl die cose server have lags, how abaut this item when thay die cose server lag
  14. Jerry Realy ? you lose this war, we twise rush and kill you all, just one time you kill us cose we dont see how much enemy come if nots buged shit siege we will take it it was funny when enemy must take all server clans to fight v one aliance :)
  15. This Q dont drop items for suports or ppl who dont make last hit
  16. sory tham,where is section for test server bugs ?
  17. so vampiric must work or not with WL skills ? cose i dont anderstand nothink
  18. Casting speed with Avadon less than with BW also bugged, with Avadon robe 683 with BW robe 686
  19. Buged Avadon set and Items def. for example divine set give abaut 70-80 p def from bonus, but avadon set just 25 p def, Also buged p def betwean Avadon and BW robe, for example with Avadon armor i have the same p fef like with BW up + down. P fed with divine uper + lower 652 p def with Avadon 654 and with BW uper + lover also 654 p def, but all items have differen p def but in stats all the same def
  20. vampir for warlord skill still dont work
  21. on tyr also vampiric works
  22. ​yes, the same like off server