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Everything posted by zorgzor

  1. zorgzor

    doom / BW

    2-3 bufs = 40-1h on this mobs and no one drop parts for BW / doom gloves or boots, just avadon parts, San0 Plz check drop list somethink not correct
  2. not good nev but hope thay will be add to game
  3. Did we have on this server top/mid B 1h blunt ?
  4. zorgzor

    doom / BW

    ​this parts was from 1,0 or 1,3 dont remember. from now no more drops we have.
  5. zorgzor

    doom / BW

    this mobs also in loa but no drop at all from tham. we have abaut 1-3 parts
  6. zorgzor

    doom / BW

    is there drop parts for Doom / BW Gloves / boots ? no one mob drop now like we see. just full drop ?
  7. zorgzor


    Knorick regen hp also buged
  8. zorgzor


    https://l2central.info/classic/Конорикс knorik x12 hp. did we have this mobs there ?
  9. zorgzor


    Maluk Banshee. normal hits 2300-2500 crit 4-4.5 k On Tyr with no boots but full buff.
  10. zorgzor


    the same shit like siege, why ppl test and report somethink if it is not repeired and open ? mobs regen hp , some mobs dmg with crit 4,5 k , imposible make trains cose mobs auto teleport to start location, karik near first bridge, but must be on last....
  11. doom heavy hahahahah
  12. zorgzor

    Items +10 and higher

    you must stop donating
  13. zorgzor

    BANNED or NOT ?

    the same with person who stole +12 staff from perkunas, and next day he was on off trade shop selling items
  14. admini powiedzieli ze fantastyki robic nie beda i disbalansu, ma byc hardcore do 2.0, czyli SA niebedzie, pety shotow beda wylacznie po A gradzie, bo terez bylby zbyt mocny dizbalans postaci, necropoli niebedzie, terez czekamy na LOA i top B itemy, potem ma byc TOI update, czyli mozliwe Low A, nic niejest pewne co jak gdyz to jest nie oficialny i admini zmieniaja recznie ubdaty tak zeby to bylo ciekawie i trudno do grania a nie jak na koreji gdzie juz zostalo to zepsute.
  15. i think to nex restart
  16. zorgzor

    16 Spartans zerg

    not alians. 2 sides and lots randoms clans
  17. zorgzor

    16 Spartans zerg

    why -15 str maby -15 dex ?
  18. zorgzor

    16 Spartans zerg

    game is ok. you need to know tactic v dagger to not die
  19. CON modify ? con dont change Def.