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About ayeme

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  1. Since Admins dosnt really care. and personnaly i think there shuld be a no tolerence at all for racism and discriminating names/titles. here is a few screenshots. i did ask them nicely to remove it. but they refused. Shot00051.bmp Shot00062.bmp Shot00061.bmp Shot00060.bmp
  2. My artisan just lose over 20% exp on a death by a PK. I have 0 pks. i was white. i was way below his level. fyi well
  3. If im below 12% exp yes. exsample i was at 0.44% exp. i died and now i have 88.44 exp.
  4. i try report it again. when a SO maybe all dark elfs? they lose 12% exp. allways happens so annoying. when will you fix?
  5. ayeme

    Premium account.

    i do login first account in with premium first. then second then thirds. then 1 and 2 dc and i get message of im only allowed to use 1 limit. i see ppl who 6 box.
  6. ayeme

    Premium account.

    You have reached the account limit of 1. I do have premium. every time i try login other characters i get disconnected and when i try again it says "limit of 1".
  7. oh and not to forget. a Server wipe. afte rthe bot protection so we are all equal. and they are not rich for botting.
  8. Hey id decided to help you guys make the server better. so here is a few things i would think would make it better. Anti-bot poltiics. Bot protection. towards the multiple bot programs. Bot rewards. for reporting those you dont have protecting against. ( we dont get our rewards. we just get stupid replys from the person in charge ) or get ignored. No bot policy. if they was caugt botting dont allow them to have their character back, Even if they pay you. like the system is now. Right now this is the persective a anti bot player have. I hate bots and i want to play the game as an player with other players. Ofc no bots at all is impossible cos there will allways be cheaters in a game. we shuld be rewarded for finding them and get them perma ban. Right now bots can pay a fee and they get their character back and they can go on botting makeing adena for their main or sell it online. Community. Community managers would help this server alot. there is right now a Russia vs Everyone policy there is also some other countrys that decided they dont like other. This is a bigger issue then you think. people getting pked for not being russian and people trashtalk you on other langs. My advice. Strickt English Policy./chat English Global/trade/common chat. Managers of chat to mute people that spam global chat or is racist or hate speech. And a third advice/bug report. Set death penelty to -10% xp for all classes and races. ( Dark elf shilling oracle loses 12-13%)
  9. ayeme

    login to website

    where do i report bots for rewards tehnw ith video?
  10. ayeme

    login to website

    can login now. but stil cant make tickets
  11. ayeme

    login to website

    cant login to website. last night i could not make tickets.
  12. bot and bug fixing. its so easy to bot on this server. but i keep reporting them.
  13. ayeme

    Logout remove flag

    People are relogging fast to lose flag "purple" from their pvp. yvanna and baggins are doing this. to stun people while they are pulling mobs. and relogging so we cant attack them. so they become white again. please ban. and fix problem.
  14. In classic you lost 10% Crooked creek. But thats not the problem with this server.. But im sure this server is gonna die soon. when they stop makeing money they will most likely start a new server.