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Everything posted by BeamJim

  1. Bump, really no streamers for this server? >.<
  2. Auction extended for a week. Ends at friday evening. 11/27
  3. ​Thanks , but unfortunetly not so many streamers around though...
  4. Hello everyone, I would like to make an auction for a Stream overlay! I did one stream overlay design, had a little misscommunication with client, and it turned out to be not worth spending my time on it for the return I would be getting. So I figured I might try be part of a community and help you guys out and in return as a wannabe future BD, get some easy on the leveling process Design - is 1920x1080p, would make small adjustments for your personal needs, can add an object or two if you have something you want to personalise(i.e.: shield,dwarf,etc. :D) if you need Auction rules: // Starting Price: 100,000 (100k) adena // Buyout price: 1,000,000 (1kk) Adena. // Auction will run for the rest of this day 11/22 , 6-8hours from this point Ends at 11/27 Friday Evening // I might consider value deals, like duals or something So, inform your friends streamers, and good luck >.< Overlay with placeholder screenshot attached.
  5. BeamJim

    Perkuno klanas

    Sveiki, busimas BD. Tik siandien startavau, tai reikes prisivyt, butu gerai jei iseitu susikooperuoti su mazesniu lv groupsu is klano,jei toks yra. Ar siaip koki weapona paskolintumet trumpam ar smth like that. IGN: BeamJim