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About eruditas

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  • Birthday 01/20/1987

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  1. ​There are and always be active supports. You know what is hard to find? A tank lvl ~50 with decent gear who actually can train. You can replace tank by sws/bd in some spots, but then again... For example in DV on skeletons, i know BD who can train there with brigadine and being lvl 42. I also know "sws" who dies every 2nd train being lvl 50. Even if you find a decent tank, he just pulls trains for 3 rebuffs and thats it. He's done. Tired. When you combine skill+gear+level+rarety of class the real problem reveals itself: this server need tanks not supports. And howcome u need ol active? pp active? se active? get tank+ee/bs+mage or 2 mages and emp+buffer on box = easy exp. If you wanna make CP, thats entrely different question.
  2. Nicely made video, Eloc ​What software do you use? Vegas, Premiere or other? Btw, some tips for your wc: less drain more sleep removal and buffs after deaths. P.S. Could you add fights where you lose in disadvantage or just fail, or get beaten by an enemy who played that fight very well?
  3. ​ once again i think people just makes a fuk ton of mess for something so minimal... i think most of you are only looking at it from your point of view and not seeing the bigger picture, as na exemple ill give you 3 of my friends who were allways gladiator fans but decided to do something diferente here, they made 2 dagers and a tank, 2 months later they decided they wanted to go back to gladiator and they ended up quiting cus no one wanted to level second char from 0 when they were already level 45+. this is their chance to come back to server and most likely they will since they can just get the chars they had and made them gladiator as they wanted to roll into. second exemple, you are the prophet of a CP that for some reason stops playing and you are left alone, with a damn PP. well now this ppl have the chance to turn that PP char where they invested so much time into something more confurtable for him. third exemple, you are a good player but you have a swordsinger, theres a good CP who you would like to join looking for a bd imnstead of sws, now you can change your char to bd and join that CP and have more fun without having to waste another month making a char from scratch and eventual loosing the CP slot while doing it. and the list goes on and on, try to stand away from the painting and see the bigger picture guys. is not so bad as you guys are making it, i would say its even good and you guys are just not understanding it completely. about the fact you can pay only in euros, nothing against it, this way ppl wont abuse on it and if they do they give Money to server so all fine. ​ once again i think people just makes a fuk ton of mess for something so minimal... i think most of you are only looking at it from your point of view and not seeing the bigger picture, as na exemple ill give you 3 of my friends who were allways gladiator fans but decided to do something diferente here, they made 2 dagers and a tank, 2 months later they decided they wanted to go back to gladiator and they ended up quiting cus no one wanted to level second char from 0 when they were already level 45+. this is their chance to come back to server and most likely they will since they can just get the chars they had and made them gladiator as they wanted to roll into. second exemple, you are the prophet of a CP that for some reason stops playing and you are left alone, with a damn PP. well now this ppl have the chance to turn that PP char where they invested so much time into something more confurtable for him. third exemple, you are a good player but you have a swordsinger, theres a good CP who you would like to join looking for a bd imnstead of sws, now you can change your char to bd and join that CP and have more fun without having to waste another month making a char from scratch and eventual loosing the CP slot while doing it. and the list goes on and on, try to stand away from the painting and see the bigger picture guys. is not so bad as you guys are making it, i would say its even good and you guys are just not understanding it completely. about the fact you can pay only in euros, nothing against it, this way ppl wont abuse on it and if they do they give Money to server so all fine. ​​You are right. I also agree on changing class only with euros, so it wouldn't be abused. I do agree that lowest Group should be mages, then summoners, then archers, then melees. But then it gets tricky. ​Allthough I am support, I think it is way easier to level one than tank/bd or sws. My opinion is that highest Group should be tanks/bd+sws followed by support and all the damage dealers in a way I described before.
  4. ​Mages need books, need more money on shots. ​ Even though I am going to change class, I don't think this was a good idea for the server. And, if it had to happen, I don't think the groups make sense. Mages should all be in 1 category, including summoners. Physical DDs should all be in same category. Dwarves should not be able to change, or be changed into (who tf is going to choose to level a Warsmith now? Might as well level something else and change into it, which makes Warsmith much less rare because you can get high level one easily). Buffer group I think makes sense. I think buffer group should include SWS, though, since they should be difficult to level. People will just raise another class to 49 and then change to SWS now. I think the worst thing about it is the fact that now you can level something easy and change class to something at later level which is usually difficult to level. It's like cheat leveling by $ in a way. Idk, just doesn't seem very authentic. But, if the groups are changed like how I said, I don't mind it so much. ​About sws and bd - they still can exp solo, that PP or SE can't do so quick as they. Summoners can't exp quick after 2nd class, cause of no shots for summons ​​Lets be realistic: 1. 99% of people will not change their class between levels 1-40, only after 2nd profession. ​2. No one levels SWS or BD killing mobs solo, especially when there is a lack of tanks. ​3. Server team should have made a poll asking players if they want such feature. "A lot of people asking for class transfer" is not an argument. This change was made to make more profit out if this server. ​4. If you made that decision, at least you had to put mages and archers into seperate groups. You are comparing leveling sws/bd against pp/se. Try to compare leveling mage with aoe in cruma then dv against leveling archer. You dont even need full party to aoe with mage. Hell, you only need se+acu pot to aoe in cruma with mage. ​5. Getting all skills except those, who need book after class transfer is also a fail. Lets assume I level SE, which is the most demanded and easiest support to level. It doesnt need any rare spellboks to go to level 50+. And after that I can change to OL, which SP demand is absolutely ridiculous. My party more than a month ago had SE 52 and OL 52. OL could barely level his buffs while SE learned everything she needed. All in all, this server is starting to become pay2win. ​You can't change to OL. ​​Yes, you are right. I'm chaing my 5th argument: ​Leveling any tank against leveling SE/WC/PP. With tank you cant go afk, you constantly must pull trains. You need items to be usefull as a tank in all stages of the game. I can level any support to lvl 50+ with devotion and no grade weapon. So why should I level a tank now, when all I can do is level wc, do buffs for 20min and watch a movie?
  5. ​Mages need books, need more money on shots. ​ Even though I am going to change class, I don't think this was a good idea for the server. And, if it had to happen, I don't think the groups make sense. Mages should all be in 1 category, including summoners. Physical DDs should all be in same category. Dwarves should not be able to change, or be changed into (who tf is going to choose to level a Warsmith now? Might as well level something else and change into it, which makes Warsmith much less rare because you can get high level one easily). Buffer group I think makes sense. I think buffer group should include SWS, though, since they should be difficult to level. People will just raise another class to 49 and then change to SWS now. I think the worst thing about it is the fact that now you can level something easy and change class to something at later level which is usually difficult to level. It's like cheat leveling by $ in a way. Idk, just doesn't seem very authentic. But, if the groups are changed like how I said, I don't mind it so much. ​About sws and bd - they still can exp solo, that PP or SE can't do so quick as they. Summoners can't exp quick after 2nd class, cause of no shots for summons ​​Lets be realistic: 1. 99% of people will not change their class between levels 1-40, only after 2nd profession. ​2. No one levels SWS or BD killing mobs solo, especially when there is a lack of tanks. ​3. Server team should have made a poll asking players if they want such feature. "A lot of people asking for class transfer" is not an argument. This change was made to make more profit out if this server. ​4. If you made that decision, at least you had to put mages and archers into seperate groups. You are comparing leveling sws/bd against pp/se. Try to compare leveling mage with aoe in cruma then dv against leveling archer. You dont even need full party to aoe with mage. Hell, you only need se+acu pot to aoe in cruma with mage. ​5. Getting all skills except those, who need book after class transfer is also a fail. Lets assume I level SE, which is the most demanded and easiest support to level. It doesnt need any rare spellboks to go to level 50+. And after that I can change to OL, which SP demand is absolutely ridiculous. My party more than a month ago had SE 52 and OL 52. OL could barely level his buffs while SE learned everything she needed. All in all, this server is starting to become pay2win.
  6. ​I am not a friend? ;( You backstaber! At least my zranger works, i know now. ​what are you trying to say ? ​That some people take everything too serious. Just wait gm, he will tell who used what. And getting banned just for being in a party with a guy, who uses 3rd party software is a bit nonsense imo. In this game, if you dont have cp, you are forced to party with randoms and getting banned for that is just a way of making money by admins.
  7. ​I am not a friend? ;( You backstaber! At least my zranger works, i know now.
  8. eruditas

    CBP spoil rate

    Thanks for our answers, guys. Your information is correct, wrong database.
  9. ​Depends on the place you farm in DV. If mobs are social, like all the skeletons, you can use warlord party to do it. On the other hand, if you go for gargoyles and wyrms it is impossible to make big trains without mass agro (you need tank).
  10. eruditas

    CBP spoil rate

    According to various databases leto lizardman warrior should be giving 1/5 or 27% coarse bone powder on x1, that means every second mob on average should be giving cbp in this server. However, I have noticed the chance is not that big, checked, and the spoil was 7/100. Is it supposed to be that way or is it a bug and i have wrong info?
  11. ​Give me source code, i will tell for certain price. Are you sure only windows defender? If you are not certain about some facts, do not tell them.
  12. ​It's packed with UPX and written in Delphi Code cannot be treated as a trojan, compiled program can. It doesn't matter which programming language you use (c, c#, c++) as long as your binary code does not violate anything.
  13. ​Lots of software have self-update function (example - league of legends). Don't bullsh*t the bullsh*tter (its just an expression, not an insult). Just make it work, so people who are less tech-savvy will not have any problems with this ​I'm using gentoo as my main OS. Windows is just for gaming. And it's only an operating system, you could modify win to act as any other windows version (remove their stupid one drive, disable telemetry, etc. For example, to remove one drive make a .bat file: @echo off cls set x86="%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\OneDriveSetup.exe" set x64="%SYSTEMROOT%\SysWOW64\OneDriveSetup.exe" echo Closing OneDrive process. echo. taskkill /f /im OneDrive.exe > NUL 2>&1 ping -n 5 > NUL 2>&1 echo Uninstalling OneDrive. echo. if exist %x64% ( %x64% /uninstall ) else ( %x86% /uninstall ) ping -n 5 > NUL 2>&1 echo Removing OneDrive leftovers. echo. rd "%USERPROFILE%\OneDrive" /Q /S > NUL 2>&1 rd "C:\OneDriveTemp" /Q /S > NUL 2>&1 rd "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\OneDrive" /Q /S > NUL 2>&1 rd "%PROGRAMDATA%\Microsoft OneDrive" /Q /S > NUL 2>&1 echo Removing OneDrive from the Explorer Side Panel. echo. REG DELETE "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{018D5C66-4533-4307-9B53-224DE2ED1FE6}" /f > NUL 2>&1 REG DELETE "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{018D5C66-4533-4307-9B53-224DE2ED1FE6}" /f > NUL 2>&1 pauseSorry for offtopic.
  14. Hello, guys and gals, After update today, Windows 10 default antivirus/antimalware/w\e application "Windows defender" reported that your updater is infected with trojan. Image attached. Even if we do not believe you're trying to put harmful software on our computers (which i have doubts about), your client should not be treated as trojan by default security software, am I right? Putting reported trojan into "allowed items" section is not a solution also. This has happened on windows 10, which, I assume, majority of your players are using.