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Posts posted by JerrySM

  1. Samsung galaxy note 8 or no balls.

    maybe fight for spot :) I always see some1 usually make a spot line by adena in BS when a tons of PR farm there. I think some1 passed this line and ks mobs, so break the rule :D

  2. 1 hour ago, Stiba007 said:

    Dont be ridiculous. SM farm is rly slow now.

    If u want talk about lelos and your zerk style pvping with PR out of clan and killing per 4% like a boss, continue.

    There u were with activ lelos,pistolas and bd/wc and healer vs da(me)/wl(vasik)/sps(Dostanesprespicu). Post me your amazing screen, im rly curious what rest server said on your heroic style. Probably everyone from top lvls know, how much % from day our ally control BS/LoA. 

    About my friend 8826256. Show us more your jelous on their effective farm. xD

    I know that SM cant count numbers activ enemies, i know that u dont see difference between EE and SPS, but dont see difference between orc and dark elf. Cmon!!

    Btw. Gratz to change epics system in your ally, u will need it. Im rly surprise, that yours others pts havent idea how much epics own jerryZ. U are all so naive. He si foxy fox.xD

    Last gratz is for your zerk. Dont worry about control epics, WS dont care about epics, JF leave server and let many low pts here.

    U can continue in free farm epics, probably u can take under your wings next low pts and share epics with more and more people.

    Im rly curious on holding your zerk and hunting rest low pts of green ally. 

    PS: Many people wrote me about clan. Sorry guys, im not leader like Bizz or Kiam, i care only about my pt, TT and good relationships with our true friends. I havent time and i dont want try care about more. 

    Dont write me more pls about recruit from others countries, only cz/sk to our aca. Thx

    Others lang can pm jerryZ or Sayomi. They inv u. They have big hearts. ?

    They are my minions. All epics have to belong to me :). Cuz i am BOSS!!

    i will use all of them to take more epics :P:o . Btw I am not leader of this ally, so dont tag my name here... 2.0 is coming, we just wanna more farm epic to prepare fight with zerg. Dont blame us :)

  3. 9 hours ago, BlackJack said:

    completely not true, most of us advocated to break ally with ES instantly after DL broke as they were really lazy and uprepared for epics everytime. They also refused to particiapte in our DKP system for epics. Kiam was asking bizz to war them every 2 days the past 2months before ally broke lmao. The only reason it lasted so long was cuze both sides wanted easy epics and not 3-4hours fights, also both our eu and na prime play less overall compare to SM and ES primes so it benefited us due to not being online 8+ hours everyday ( see sayomi's cp for example, they had such a flexible schedule that they moved their prime before eu prime to free farm). Most of ppl in perkunas are 25-30+ with family and kids and couldnt afford to log in during day or late at night for epics.


    we will always stay here to make this game harder.

  4. 10 hours ago, Kim said:

    One week after I leave, 2 Cps from timefordrama left without any talking And joined dramateam. Backstab? I will not say names, but now they got gludio castle.) After that I received bad words from them. Whatever, all server does it already)

    Btw, I read on a brazilian group that they are happy because they will get epic jewels. Translating: "at least now we farm epics"

    It's when the things goes bad, we see who are friends or not.


    My pov about numbers in CC, I remember when first Perk's era 60ppl foght against 90-100. Second era Biz and I worked to fight against 240-250 soil's CC, while our max numbers was 220-230. Now 150-160 we work to keep our numbers, which is the hardest part. Dont expect we will break anything to make same numbers for any reason. So excuses about zerg is hypocrisy from both sides.

    For last, just to make things clear, WS and WK are only one single ally, always. The diference is we are splitted in 3 zones, america, europe and asia. Everyone should know that. 

    /enough said

    There are some people left our team just because of many selfish reasons. But sometime I have to think :Don’t ever change yourself for someone, if they don’t appreciate the way you are… find someone else who will.

    It is right when u said when the things goes bad, we see who are friends or not. That why We+NF played over 1 year here. We did many things that we didnt expect.And  I never talk shit about my enemies or blame them blah blah, cauz I know the simple way to make them mad is ingame, it is not here.

    If u are a good players u have to happy when u see ur friends are happy now, They can enjoy this game without you. The game begins when you step out of your comfort zone. 

    Not only 2 CPs from your side asked me, there are some more. But I will not write here, cuz our game still ahead I cant say for sure anything and everthing could happen .

    The last thing I wanna to write here is: Don't waste your time on a person who isn't willing to waste their time on u. Standing alone is better than being around people who dont value u :P:P .      SM \o/ EMO boiz :P

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