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Posts posted by JerrySM

  1. 6 hours ago, BlackJack said:

    Yes but it depends on the debuff. For example i can tell you awakendemon silenced me many times with level 72 silence when im 76 and i even have some epics. The biggest difference especially for mages/archers is that you get a lot of extra hp from 68 to 75, especially with vitality on. When i returned playing pistolas was 75 and i was 69. I couldnt fear or silence him until i got level 72 skills. Most of players for example in perkunas are 74. So you should be able to debuff them with level 70 skills and most players are around that level already even if they joined recently.

    Why i cant silence or fear u?? Something bug :P


    in short, Necro and PR are OP

  2. 3 hours ago, Rizos said:

    Myrciu are u playing on korean server? i see ur nick on some kind of korean pay2win server movie. Ur fanboy with same nick dieing 1 pt vs 1 guy ;/. O wait is it our server? Nice p2w feature we have here, too bad admins think its ok ;/



    Free Farm + Donate Epic + RMT, Pay to farm, pay to pvp, and pay to win :v :v.

    Cant wait for them with full Epic ;).

    They bought Epics from?? ES or Perkunas or SOME1 ?? Drama is coming!!!


  3. In sort in the topic:

    1/ Record an ally member

    2/ 15 hour Free Farm (no war, no gank)

    3/ Bot or not bot

    4/ 2-3 acc in 4rum

    5/ Drama between Real Players and Bot players


    /follow #drama#realplayer#bot#howtofarm#76#ally#familly#15hfarm