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Everything posted by JerrySM

  1. Earlier 2h = Siege Time. If they wanna move Oplympiad to Asia Prime, They should move at least 6h not 2h tho.
  2. @ProGressive + @Rip, I am lucky because I can blah blah here. But 100-1000 People in game cant explain what they want.
  3. If you have doubts, step back and think again !!!
  4. All here I wanna to say. <<In other words, this change will greatly benefit one group of players without significantly affecting the other group,>> Most of Eu will be ok if 2h earlier olym. I have point, and I have reasons to protect it. 1/ You will never make server to please everyone and I never ask GMs move Olympiad to Asia Prime. I gave my opinion to GM (Make Olympiad Game earlier 2h). And it still works in Eu Prime. Earlier 2h is nothing for EU, but It will change a lot for Asians. 2/ You talking about CHN is dominating everthing. Losing 1 part of game with them is FINE. It is bullshit and selfish. You cant blame them when they always keep their 10 CPs for 1year+, You cant blame them when they always keep zerg alone. You cant blame them when They always keep 3-4pts def epics 12h+. You cant blame them when they can farm Baium Quest with 6-7 CPs only 5 days. You cant blame them When They gave x2 time / x2 Money here. DramaTeam is fighting with them everyday in Core/Orfen/QA, 50/50 everyday for both side. Have you ever log the camera in Core/Orfen and camp it 12h and try to def it 7-8h. And you cant blame them When They make everything very organized. 3/ RMT/Bot/Rada, If GMs dont care about CHN and care only about 'Real Players'. We can stop this game Because GMs are weak. I am gona be frank as always. Wrong is wrong, even if everyone is doing it. Right is right, even if no one is doing it. They didnt give me anything to write this topic, They never ask me to help everything. That is a real shame When We taking something away from someone because of our selfish.
  5. 7/5/2017 (Details From my Picture). After 8h def. Orfen's Earing droped for "Yolo Team". I still remember We have 3/4 Orfen. Too many Drama after 9 months
  6. We dont talk about why CHN is dominating everything. What We are talking about is Asia People actually losing interest in playing if They're practically unable to join Olympiad ( as @FryderykChopin said). It's hard to accept the truth, but its harder to face the consequences of lie. It is not fair, and often fools, cowards,the selfish. I gave all my reasons to support my point. Now GMs can give me "Yes or No", or They need time to think about it. Here is your project if I worry about it 1, you worry it x10 times. And I will never talk about this problem 1 more time. Best regards,Jerry.
  7. @San0, Should I create a survey? If you wanna listen more opinions from players, I can ask all CP Leaders / Clan Leaders in my ally ( NA/SA - Asia - Eu People). I can ask CHN as well as People from WS about their opinion. If People think this change will make CHN stronger, Zerg. And They will dominate everything. Well,that is your fault not their fault. Because u cant handle them When you have an ally with 3 Prime Time This opinion affect every area of my Prime time. Because CHN may have more Hero, more players, more active CPs. But It will change everything in the future because CHN already controls most Epics and Baium plan. We need to use more Brain to play this game, do not stay in safe zone and talk.
  8. I changed my Prime , Asia prime is suck
  9. " But yeah, ppl prefer the safety of the herd rather than enjoy some pvp. That's the ugly side of classic." I love to play with hard mode
  10. You cant start the next chapter of your Journey if you keep re-reading last one. But Who cares CHN is ahead and I am Fishing o/ . Not far, 69 is coming
  11. @San0We have same time all year. GMT+7 in VietNam. Siege Time: 11h Pm in VietNam and 1:00 am in China/ROK. always
  12. This is my first time, I am talking to much about a the topic not my business. But I need to talk because of many People who are losing interest in playing. Because of the language barrier. but I am lucky because I know English and at least I can explain what i want as well as "have chance" to become Forum Warrior. In short,If You think it is right, We can think about it. If You think it is wrong, You can forgot it and skip it.
  13. Hi @San0, I give my opinion about "Time Balance". Because it will bring more Benefits to Asia People as well as this server. We cant stay in safe zone When We see 2/3 People (Asia+NA) actually losing interest in playing. As you said: "so any of the changes are not good for everyone there for any of the changes are not going to happen." I understand that We are not God, and nothing is Perfect. But What we need to do is "How to improve it". In fact, Olympiad Time affect not only Asia people but also NA/SA. - We cant change anything in NA Prime because Olympiad staring in their WorkTime (Friday) --> early 2h (not help ) -- > Late 2h (not help also). But They can play all day in Staurday - But We can Improve a bit about Asia, - > early 2h (siege time) -> Asia People + Eu at least can try so hard in 2h, -> nothing change with NA/SA Time. I am playing in Asia Prime it doesnt mean I wanna bring more benefits to my Prime/My People. But We need to understand the truth. You can do nothing to improve NA Prime, but u can with Asia Prime. Last but not least, I have 6 CPs in NA/SA Prime in my Ally and 2 Clan In Asia Prime. I can ask all of their Clan/CP Leaders their opinions about "Olympiad Time". And I can public everything here, and you will know What they are thingking about. I will also ask all my Enimes who playing in NA/SA and all CHN. We shouldnt take something away from someone When They also have same right and responsibilities of "L2Classic Players".
  14. Everything has advantages as well as disadvantages. And that is my sugession, and I didnt know We must have 2 different systems for this sugession. Then You can think about my idea. Good or not good, you can change or not. Its up to u. but as I said "A ship in habor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for". Maybe You will better idea in the future
  15. San0 that why i gave u 2 options for 2 days: early 2h and late 2h
  16. Hi @San0, I am gona be frank as always. And I can give u some reasons why We should think about it. 1/ Everything is fine until now. But San0, "A ship in habor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for". Just think a bit about These People You can make them feel They are not alone here. Extending one hand to help somebody has more value, than joining two hands for prayer (how to improve our server) Example: a/ You made Lunar new years for Asia People, They were happy. b/ Try to give them more 2h in olympiad, it is enough for them.At least They know You care about them c/ We have Asia Proxy for Asia -->( OMG This server has Asia Prime We can play here because There will be many Asia here and no lags.) 2/ <<so if you make it later is worst for eastern europe and asia, if you make it earlier is worst for west europe and america. so any of the changes are not good for everyone there for any of the changes are not going to happen.>> You can make a poll and ask Clan Leader/ Ally Leader here about that. Everyone can give 1 step back if need. We are normal Players as well as Your custormers and We are playing here for free. And We know We cant complain anything. However, Our times, our friends, our experience here are real.
  17. Dear GM Staff and Players. Part I. My Suggestion: 1/ Asia proxy for these People. 80% People from CHN/ROK/VietNam are using some software like: Battle Ping, WTfast to decrease Ping. It cost 5eu-9eu/Month. It can help People to avoid some Spike/Lags but not 100%. Everyday We log game I hear everywhere lag lag lag delay delay. "Jerry All of us have lags, We cant pvp with you! blah blah blah... 2/ Olympiad Time: We are playing Eu Server. It doesnt mean the rest of People from other countries (Asia/Na/SA) cant take Advantages here. - Friday: Early 2h (6pm instead 8pm) -> Asia can join - Saturday: Late 2h (10pm instead 8pm) -> NA/SA can join What We wanna see more competition in Olympiad/ Castle siege. And make People to use brain to play this game. P/s: I am one of Asia Person who can speak very basic English. And What I wrote above Should be here long time ago and It´s worth it. All here just bring more advantages to CHN, but Who cares. Their Time/Money/People all of those People are deserved. @San0 @Koll @Kse Best regards, Jerry. Part II. Whoever wanna be a part of "BlueZerg". We are welcome !!!
  18. Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and most of Google are not available in Mainland China. China restricts access to certain types of websites, predominantly those which permit free interaction between people, such as social media and sites given to forum-style discussions. Thus you will find Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and other social network sites are not available in mainland China. Travelers to Hong Kong and Macau will have normal access to these sites. Find an Alternative for Google Of particular concern to many foreign visitors is Google. For some years, access to Google services has been impeded and, since 2014, access to most of Google has been blocked. Google Mail, although blocked from browsers, has been available through clients who allow POP and IMAP connections, but that service is now sporadic. If you are dependent on Google's services, consider finding alternatives — such as Bing Maps, or having another e-mail service, such as poll your Gmail accounts for their e-mails — prior to your departure.
  19. With Aden castle and Aden Hall You can cut 3 pts. Now CHN 2018 not CHN 2017. They are organized and Pro. They always have 8-9 pt in Epic at Asia Prime and 12h def boss with 3 pts everyday. We will never fight with them when they group 3 pt . Because We are not Rambo. CHN they fight for epic, farm Baium, Control their Prime. What they are missing is Forum L2classic.Club Warrios
  20. Because She is Masha, We can forgot everything
  21. EE POV is better than Necro POV. My Party still LF 1 more active WL in Asia Prime. ---> You will help us or We will fish forever.
  22. Pvp music not troll music
  23. LF music for next pvp movie