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About SwitchBlade

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  1. Directx and drivers were fine a simple computer restart fixed the problem You're a wizard Koll
  2. Recently reinstalled the game and after all the patching was completed pressed "Start" and few seconds after the Awakening logo I get this screen: shut antivirus down moved, folder to exceptions, tried to launch without firewall, opened as admin- doesn't seem to help Pics:
  3. Just want to ask if adding treasure chest is even considerable? ​Personally, it would bring in some variety much needed variety in to the game and rewards could be tweaked if enchants don't seem to fit people. ​All in all, this would compensate the fact that dagger classes can't fit in any party and it would make it more enjoyable time for daggers to level up solo.
  4. ​ Every place in the World of Lineage 2 has its lore, so does this one and every old school Lineage2 player has been here. I've chosen this place because it brings me memories of one of the hardest challenges in L2 - The Noblesse quest and I never miss a chance to visit this cave when I'm in Bee hive.
  5. SwitchBlade

    Is it legal?

    Hi, ​While leveling my new account I've seen some players simultaneously casting their abilities/skills. This looked very sketchy for me as two random players were able to coordinate their abilities to cast them at the same time (like seeing two copies of the same character playing). For instance, once I saw some rogues leveling around and noticed that they were using Dash/Mortal strike at the same time. Later I came across two human mages that were also using their abilities together simultaneously Blaze/Masters recharge etc... I didn't take any footage or pictures of those players just noted the names... All in all, wanted to notify the admins that there are some sketchy stuff going on in the server regarding leveling new characters.
  6. So i tried everything... again- FeelsBadMan.bmp Pressed OK- added to exception list- pressed apply- then pressed "start" in L2 client - nothing changed Maybe reinstalling windows should help...
  7. Last time i was online 6 days ago. Game was working perfectly (even with L2 not being in the exception list on antivirus ). Can't really guess what changed in my computer in the past 6 days, but i did everything within my power trying to launch it. *reinstalled L2, *moved to exceptions, *turned off firewall Maybe i missed something? Was really hoping spending this weekend with L2
  8. Yes, Avira. I though that antivirus might be the problem and turned off real-time protection while launching the game. Did not help...
  9. Hello, after I ​​update my client I press "star​t" I g​et this screen ---> Error 1 .bmp Followed by this ----> Error 2 .bmp ​ ​ Some assistance please. ​ Tried to reinstall ...​​​