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Posts posted by Sicklate

  1. We will have it? If yes, can we have some more info about rewards, because I think from normal korea some rewards sucks :)

    ​actually even adena rewards from quests are a joke here, if you consider that usually you get around 1000 adena for killing 500+ mobs or so with the "Hunt of the Black Lion" quest in dion. that's just one example, but all the other quests in alligator and other places are exactly the same.

    i don't pretend to have 1kk after finishing a repeteable quest, but at least give them some boost in order to make them profitable and worthy to take. right now we get more money by killing 3-4 mobs rather than completing a quest.

    ​True broken arrow quest for example gives the amazing 7 adena per returned Quest item ( and you get 1 on 50-50% chance) :D


  2. Buy your destro a bow for gap closer :D stop qq jeez this game is there for a reason if you are so unhappy with your current class and think that another class is OP then go make one...

    Destro is weak

    Phantom ranger has no AOE skill

    Summoner has no pet shots

    daggers have no AOE skill

    Lets add more to this:

    Bishop has neither buff (emp) neither recharge - this is also a disadvantage do people cry about it ? 


    This is why classes and prof exist to make the game diversified and interesting. If you give everyone all the skills and advantages in-game where will the fun go ?

    ^^ Francie is back!

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  3. perfect example of how L2 died -> when developers put all this shit classes and advantages of one classes over others

    Where the hell do you see 1 class take over a pt .... ridiculous there is no skill in 2 shooting someone with warrior class and at the same time receive back 100-700 damage (best case if hit by a mage). Not to mention the constant stun that gladiators clearly benefit from...

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  4. I know of 3/4 sided server which is up for longer than a year now with "0" donation. I put it in parenthesis as the donation = Name color change OR Accessory purchase.

    And these people are popular and remain popular (as from what i see the topic of new comers there is much larger than here). I think this can serve as a learning point for something I am aware that a project requires funding etc etc (believe me I have done it too).

    If you want to be sustainable and growing don't turn this project into another fill my pockets with dollars idea, is all I am saying. (you currently give advantages to the players with cash over the rest)


  5. I have seen on l2 classic server that some got offline buff shop where buffer can put offline shop and adena on each buff.would that be too much ? or a good income for supports and a pump on newbiews?

    ​How is a buff costing 50k or 100 pump for newbies ? Otherwise the idea is on the adena generation side.

    ​You didnt get it mate you dont sell full buffs you sell single buff and he choose like 1-2 k per buff a g might or clairy or emp lvl 3 would  help a lot

    ​I got it quite right. My question is who the hell will set a 1-2k buff on gmight and emp level 3 when these prices will be 20-30k at least....

    and how are the lowbies gonna profit from that.. no they wont profit from it, only people who will make money are in your part 1 (explanation) the sellers.

  6. I have seen on l2 classic server that some got offline buff shop where buffer can put offline shop and adena on each buff.would that be too much ? or a good income for supports and a pump on newbiews?

    ​How is a buff costing 50k or 100 pump for newbies ? Otherwise the idea is on the adena generation side.

  7. True, however as Uprising we were there much before it happened =)

    CPs were not that bad as it is now, with people whom you know and trust to back you up CPs are heaven. I dont know much the players in this server and the CPs, but before CPs were made on real life relations and it was much easier to roll without the need of drivers and constant online.

    Another nostalgic fact is how in the past we always had more than 2-3 fighting sides, whereas nowaday everything ends up to 1 vs 1 side and in most cases this lasts till someone completely dominates, as I fear will be the case very soon

    ​You were a member of Uprising? I remember watching some of your videos back then. It was really cool :)

    ​I am/was core member of Uprising indeed... good old days :(

    afterwards small fractions of uprising split across diff private servers till at the end most of us quite and casually play from time to time when indeed we are nostalgic.

    • Like 1

  8. making an empire used to be a hrad you want to make an empire without knowing the prices yourself?

    ​The guy needs help and you are flaming him... player of the week...

    So I'm looking to start my adena empire . Been spoiling for days and wanna start selling . Can someone give me the retail prices on mats . Like coal , leather, skins, bones, steel, stem, thread. I would greatly appreciate it . Thanks you . 

    ​Prices are currently super volatile. I have posted in another topics a demand supply graph could be applied :D

    However, what i think should be fair is as follow:

    coal - 2.5k

    leather - 6k

    skins - 1k

    bones -1.3k

    steel - 12k

    stem - 0.5k

    thread -0.5k

    Note this is just what has been observed that seems to be logical for people to see you shop and grab those materials. However, what I have observed for several days (after Giran fall) is that there are less and less people buying materials in both Giran and Dion (yesterday for example there was only 1 shop buying SOP and OO in Giran). Therefor, I assume that either players are now more concentrating farming the materials themselves. This is followed by the politic of the dominating clan/ally to stop players from leveling at the high level farming/xp zones. So people turn to their alternatives whether this is spoilers or low level other classes (for which they already have all they need and materials are not required at this stage).

  9. True, however as Uprising we were there much before it happened =)

    CPs were not that bad as it is now, with people whom you know and trust to back you up CPs are heaven. I dont know much the players in this server and the CPs, but before CPs were made on real life relations and it was much easier to roll without the need of drivers and constant online.

    Another nostalgic fact is how in the past we always had more than 2-3 fighting sides, whereas nowaday everything ends up to 1 vs 1 side and in most cases this lasts till someone completely dominates, as I fear will be the case very soon

  10. Bishops dont have recharge and therefor, no one wants them in xp pt please add recharge !!!! 

    Try to make a poll about that smartass 

    ​thats the point idiot i am aware that if this is polled and agreed on i rather quit lol... if u dont like it dont cry about itm this is how the game is made at 1st place


  11. Read my question, then put your dumb agression here, ok? Or at least put a valid argument. 

    ​I read it and the sole reason you are putting it at 1st place opens this aggression if you wish play another class or whatever 1 person problem shouldnt be whole server problem. Let me give you the following example - football soccer or whatever you get it I hope the thing with the ball that you kick etc, there are rules to it yes ?

    The players do not run around asking to changes into the general setup of the game. SOMETHING WHICH IS HAPPENING ALL TIME IN THIS SERVER!

  12. Am I the only one thinking there are a lot of winnies around? What the f*** is wrong with you people? 

    we are a server of add delete reset remake stuff ? we are nothing close to original.


    All the time cry babies asking for stuff....

  13. Yeah it seems like a bad move to ban the only two English speaking clan leaders on the server? It effectively killing the Western Euro and NA communities on the server. Leaving Eastern Europe, and South American players :(


    Why not just have the RMTed adena/items deleted and make the clan leaders pay a fine? De-incentivize RMTing and it'll stop

    ​Mizuno the "mighty" clan leader buahhahahha, dont make me laugh this guy is considered to be the JOKER of this server :D

    lol lol lol

  14. follow IP or to whom he tries transferring the adena or whom has he traded and ban the main account I mean there is the same retarded scam every single day for the past 2 weeks or more...

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