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Posts posted by Sicklate

  1. Hello,

    small bug in skill interaction. Windwalk lvl2 does not overwrite Chant of movement lvl1. It's a small thing but can be annoying at times. :)


    ​I think it has to do with the fact that chant of movement is 40 min while the WW lvl2 is only 20.

    Therefore, I can never overwrite Kunec's chant of movement.

  2. Hello Admins,

    I am turning to you in order to ask the following - would it be possible to make a search engine at the Stats where we can enter the name of our characters and see the stats/online time of any player in the game? It is very interesting for me for example to be able to see how long i have spend online etc. I guess it will be of use of others as well.

    Kind regards,

    You can check same in account manager.

    ​Thanks !

  3. Hello Admins,

    I am turning to you in order to ask the following - would it be possible to make a search engine at the Stats where we can enter the name of our characters and see the stats/online time of any player in the game? It is very interesting for me for example to be able to see how long i have spend online etc. I guess it will be of use of others as well.

    Kind regards,

  4. Ye OP Archer:)))) Imxo Have more pvp then him hahah

    ​Yes and at the same time 80% of Imxo pvps are to go to Ali island and to nuke some D grader lol... (that happens soooo often...)

    ​You miss the point :)) .... Imxo = bishop ...... Trigger = Archer ... top lvl

    need 7 days online for him - and will be online days > pvps. Its imba's twink

    ​Frankly, I didnt miss the point. The dude is XPing apparently big deal his PVPs count is low. I do now Imxo is bishop, that doesnt mean the dude can play "god" vs D graders =)

    L2 is not only PvPs and fights, indeed it is big part of the game but people shouldn't be judged in case they are not part of it. I do not know if this guy is part of any big clan or whatsoever. Even if he is he may still not be able to get a PvP count due to other factors.

  5. Hello guys ! :ph34r:

    In the long history of L2 there are few items which I LOVE.

    - BW robe set

    - Dark screamer

    - Knight shield / Doom shield

    Now, as we are quite far away from some of these for understandable reasons, I would like to know where I can drop Knight's shield Fragment. I tried to check the l2wiki classic but it indicates as non-dopable/spoilable. In case you can help me with that matter please do so!

    Thanks in advance,

    ​Hello. There are no spoil/drop for Fragments, but it can drop Full from 2 bosses.

    ​So let me see whether I understand - Knight Shield recipe is dropable (as I have already dropped 3 of them) BUT the fragments do not exist ? 

    That is a bit ridiculous, dont you guys think so O.o

  6. Hello guys ! :ph34r:

    In the long history of L2 there are few items which I LOVE.

    - BW robe set

    - Dark screamer

    - Knight shield / Doom shield

    Now, as we are quite far away from some of these for understandable reasons, I would like to know where I can drop Knight's shield Fragment. I tried to check the l2wiki classic but it indicates as non-dopable/spoilable. In case you can help me with that matter please do so!

    Thanks in advance,

  7. Hi, (frist, sorry for my english)

    I and the 90% of server want to knwo WHY they are 3 clan lvl 4.that have farming with a DROP x3 the Proof Of Blood.

    And now you have change the drop to x1 and is the same 5k proof of blood needed.


    1,0 proof of blood= x3 drop  lvl 4/lvl 5= 5000 proof of blood needed

    1.3 proof of blood= x1 drop lvl 4/lvl 5= 1500 proof of blood, but here not, here is the same 5000? wtf?

    i dont want to get conclusions. but you need fix this because is abusive.

    ​Hello. I think we just can increase chance for this item to x3, but after next restart.

    ​Why not just make an event for these guys 5 v 5 or 9 v 9. Each week/2weeks/month and the winner gets what he needs for level 4? Could be much more entertaining not ?


    Just a suggestion

  8. Did the droprates changed after the maintenance today? Before i was grinding and get adena and mats after maintenance  just adena and mats like varnish is near just zero now what happend will there a patchnote ? or is this a bug?

    ​I do believe something has gone wrong, now I cannot say more than that as I started on Monday but it seems a bit awful. There are several topics open already on that matter I hope GMs look into it quickly.

  9. Hello guys! :ph34r:

    Just started the server ( I have around 2-3 hours of gameplay time spend o.O). As I am freshman i would like to see what are the opportunities and requirements of joining a solid cp/clan. Some info about me:

    - 25 , perfect communication in English, I can add good understanding and speaking in French and Russian

    - I usually play 5-6 hours a day (depends on my job), weekends I can go to unlimited ( or just limited by the hours to 24). Time zone GMT+1.

    - Played L2 since start of the game, main roles are supporting roles such as : SE, EE, BP , but obviously I have experience in other classes as well!

    - My current level is around 20th, class - Cleric (future bishop to be) O.o

    - As I said earlier, I am looking for a cp/clan with which I can grow further in the game.

    - Open to use any communication program, I have done so in the past so I really dont mind in fact I PREFER IT! (after all the games are there to make us communicate across countries and boundaries!)

    In case any of you is interested please let me know! It will be great to hear from you either here or on personal message or in-game @ Francie (my nickname). :)

    PS: I will be updating this topic regularly until I find a CP/clan in order to advertise myself so feel free to have a look inhere every now or then!

    Enjoy!!! :o



  10. Hey guys I just started few days ago and i currently play Bishop (still under level 20 lately i have some personal matters to attend so no time for l2 but after tomorrow  Iwill be back on track again). If your 9th doesnt show up and you are looking for experienced bishop in L2 since C1 please let me know! 

    In-game nick : Francie