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Posts posted by Sicklate

  1. Hello everyone!

    I'm a bit new to the server, but I believe that there's a market issue and should be fixed someway. Seems that nowadays farming with a Dwarf and investing adena in shop items is not even profitable as I remembered.

    I've been watching the market a few weeks now and didn't even tried to put myself a Private Store to sell crystals because honestly speaking, I think it's a waste of time. The prices are REALLY low and they are so low that people is losing adena really bad (I wonder if they even realized they are losing money :/).

    I also believe that it's time to do something about it, there's no market for (D-C) Grade Crystals and the Craft Prices for (B) Grade Weapons and Armors lower every single day.

    I'll put some examples from my lowbie level view:

    Imagine you buy a Sword of Revolution in Giran:


    Crystalize the Sword of Revolution and it will give you 1983 (D) Grade Crystals.

    Nowadays, the prices in the cities of Dion and Giran for these (D) Grade Crystals are around 450a and 500a in both cities, when the real price should be between 780a and 850a. Let's make some math:

    1983 (D) Grade Crystals x 450a = 892.350a <--- Lose adena

    1983 (D) Grade Crystals x 500a = 991.500a <--- Lose adena

    1983 (D) Grade Crystals x 780a = 1.546.740a <--- Cost value - almost no profit

    1983 (D) Grade Crystals x 850a = 1.685.550a <--- Profit

    Now we are talking, right? 

    The same thing happens with the (C) Grade Crystals. For example:

    The cost to create a Dual Sword - Sword of Revolution*Sword of Revolution (1,540,000*2 + 20 SOP + some adena) = Something around 3.100.000a, right? Cryztalize the Dual Sword - Sword of Revolution*Sword of Revolution and it will give you 884 (C) Grade Crystals.

    Nowadays, the prices in the city of Giran for these (C) Grade Crystals are around 2400a-2500a, when the real price should be 3540a-3600a. Let's make some math again:

    884 (C) Grade Crystals x 2400a = 2.121.600a <--- Lose money

    884 (C) Grade Crystals x 2500a = 2.210.000a <--- Lose money

    884 (C) Grade Crystals x 3540a = 3.129.360a <--- Cost value - almost no profit.

    884 (C) Grade Crystals x 3600a = 3.182.400a <--- Profit

    This is my humble analysis and market experience in Lineage 2 besides the lowbie the level 30 I have today. Also, I'd appreciate if Dwarfs or Trader people with more timing experience in the server can provide more Market feedback to this post, expose their opinions and find a solution.

    Cheers! xD

    ​In your analysis you are missing the point which is : 


    The price of crys puzzled me too. But i think it is because full item drops are not so rare. I got 2 gaiters, 2 breastplates, 2 shields and 1 helmet , all D grade, in 2 hrs yesterday. So when ppl get items easy and melt them the price of Cry tends to go down. 

    ​There is no adena loss there people sell at prices they wish and are comfortable with, if it does not suit you, you should find a better way of making adena. If a raid drop 5x C items or D items of course that the price of the items drops. This is only in favor of lower char players.

  2. I couldnt miss to notice that Prid3 exists even though long ago i thought it died (as it was 2nd clan).

    Does anyone know who runs the show in Prid3 and whether they are still considered as part of the main clan ?


  3. Hello guys,

    Today I had to leave Nonfactors, simply because I didn't want to get frustrated by some plays that we pull out. Otherwise the clan has been great and all very friendly.

    As I have this behind, I am looking for CP and Clan eventually in which I can grow and communicate with. I am playing bishop level 49 (close to 50 now), equipped in C grade (divine,SOWD).

    I am willing to play each day 18:30-24:00 (GMT +1) and unlimited in weekends. Please let me know if anyone is interested in having active Bishop on his side. (nick Francie)

    I love ts or any other type of communication.#


    Kind regards,

  4. Well, we all know he's scamming.

    But in this particular case he could just say that he already sold the Briga parts, and he only has that left.

    ​I agree, no way that anyone can prove he is scammer. Even though now is the case...

  5. as i said before on the 1.5 there will be not pet shots yet, but me and koll are running some possiblities about the sumoners.

    we will find some way that will not increase sumoners power as for itself, but increase his usefullness in a party so this way parties will not be so turned out from taking a summoner in party. and in some cases they will even look for a specific summoner class depending on what kind of party they are and on what they want to do.

    main goal, increase summoner classes usefulness without turning them into solo monsters.

    ​What way are you looking for guys ?! I can name at least 3-4 other classes which are not welcome in parties or not as much... Are you going to make more compromises with these classes as well ? 

    QQ Bishop/PP/SE/EE cannot solo now lets get some extra benefits.... ridiculous rly 2 guys cry all day all long, now we looking for ways to please them

  6. Ok Mr. Professional in L2, congratulations for your expertise in the game. I hope someday you can teach me a thing or two (or maybe dozens, since you are so pro).

    ​Sure when you go out of aligator island where you pvp level 37-45, i will.


    Not taking sides here as I really dont care team A or B, but guys till one of the sides is full with players like this no wonder the other keeps on winning at equal manpower numbers....

    ​I have the info that the side "with players like this" dont care about that the other side is winning on equal numbers since their game goals are totally different opposites to ur's or the other side.

    ​What you mean your goals are different are you interested in PVE ? :D mate this lad can only kill lowbie levels where target time doesnt matter :D

    Sometimes I am amazed by how some people can be at the "end" game phase and still not being able to play...

    Its not only L2 but many other games are like this another example i can give is LoL...

    Siege ok, video meh who has taught you how to camera rotate/target/etc... 

    Not taking sides here as I really dont care team A or B, but guys till one of the sides is full with players like this no wonder the other keeps on winning at equal manpower numbers....

    ​Bro get a life, no one is here to play to your standards so get over yourself. Don't forget your L2 achievements mean absolute nothing in real life (this is the fact you egotistical idiots seem to forget a lot). This game will never be an e-sport so you might as well quit trying to get people to play it that way. And just from experience the people who talk garbage like you are usually the scrubs being carried by others.

    ​Have I ever said your L2 achievements mean something ??? I said the mechanically and mentally bad prepped people, guys who are completely unaware of what happens around them are usually ones who are at the "high-end" of the game.

    I am talking garbage ??? I just said siege is fine, dont tell me you LIKED/LOVED the video so i dont see any garbage there.

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  7. Sometimes I am amazed by how some people can be at the "end" game phase and still not being able to play...

    Its not only L2 but many other games are like this another example i can give is LoL...

    Siege ok, video meh who has taught you how to camera rotate/target/etc... 

    Not taking sides here as I really dont care team A or B, but guys till one of the sides is full with players like this no wonder the other keeps on winning at equal manpower numbers....

  8. About the First Against, it could be easily contoured putting a message when you enter the game like: "Free Trade-Zone at Giran Harbor". About the second one, i agree with that, maybe create a new place that is not near any important town and make it there the Trade Zone...

    ​The moment that you pick NPC it will be taxed by the castle lord whos NPC this belongs to.... problem is not in the zone but in the npc...

  9. Careful, I dont take a side here just giving facts:


    - thats amazing initiative + the teleport is for free therefor open for everyone (even low levels and just newly started players) BIG PLUS+++


    - If we remove market from towns and concentrate it there our server population will seem low for the ones that are just newly started and port to towns like Gludio, Dion, Giran

    Just giving the prospective there something to consider, on top of this if Giran Harbor turns to be major trade zone with NPC sellers etc. This will GIVE ADVANTAGE to the castle owners of Giran as it is under their territory and they will have biggest gain to harvest from the population who from convenience will go and shop ONLY there.

  10. Hello guys, I started here around 3 weeks ago (may be a bit more). I decided to play bishop - in general I love healer/supporting classes. Why I chose Bishop well ... I played SE for quite some time (maybe more than 8 years in fact) and i was simply trying to get my hands on class which I havent had so much experience at.

    Lord I am starting to think I have made a mistake. Where most of people say Bishop is useful etc etc. long term you are more wanted better off and so on. At my level 47 (close to 48) I dont see this happen. Why ? well:

    - likely preferred classes instead of BP are SE and EE (mana regen, VR, Emp)

    - in PvP Bishop is literally 2 shot target (I am with Divine set and glad with no enchanted duals hits me for 2.5-3.5k)

    - solo-ing works to an extend however its more or less the same if being with SE or EE

    I need your help on:

    - give a suggestion what i may change into my gamestyle

    - or who may be interested to have BP rolling with him between 18:00 (gmt+1) and 01:00 

    I want to enjoy the party game at the end, i love communicating on TS/vent or any other. 

    Hope this topic reaches to higher level BP who are able to share their experience with me, thanks in advance!

  11. Hello guys ! :ph34r:

    In the long history of L2 there are few items which I LOVE.

    - BW robe set

    - Dark screamer

    - Knight shield / Doom shield

    Now, as we are quite far away from some of these for understandable reasons, I would like to know where I can drop Knight's shield Fragment. I tried to check the l2wiki classic but it indicates as non-dopable/spoilable. In case you can help me with that matter please do so!

    Thanks in advance,

    ​Hello. There are no spoil/drop for Fragments, but it can drop Full from 2 bosses.

    ​So let me see whether I understand - Knight Shield recipe is dropable (as I have already dropped 3 of them) BUT the fragments do not exist ? 

    That is a bit ridiculous, dont you guys think so O.o

    ​Thx NCsoft ;) Will Think what we can do with it.

    ​Is there any progress here ? Just checkin...

  12. Dunno i played SE almost 6 years. its more buffer/recharger than a healer. The true healer is bishop, but i wonder what its have with a two server sides? I dont understand


    ​You played SE for almost 6 yrs great ! However....

    Thank you for help. I see On party room, all time about Shilen oracle. People seems to really need this, but its so hard to exp it till 25 :/

    ​... how is it possible that you find HARD to xp a SO till 25 O.o 

    It will be your easiest thing to do ever!!!

  13. Well this changes things. So where tanks mostly are used in this server?


    24 - partisans (close to dion) you can stay there up till level 30

    30 - aligator island/cruma tower/lizardmen plains (oren)

    40 - DV/cruma2/timak orcs (oren)

    45+ - EV/DV

    55+ ...... (not there yet, but from what i see tanks have farmed EV till beginning 60s) afterwards i guess LoA

  14. From the little time i have had here so far I would summarize the following:

    - tanks are wanted (at all levels). Pretty much you will have party since level 24 till above.

    - one issue with them is the "good" wishers. What i mean here is when someone comes and stuns you while you are training monsters, one result could be that you die and drop gear...

    - personally i find that the most "wanted" classes are tanks & SE, EE at this moment and also SWS/BD

  15. Same old story over and over again - top clan/ally will always QQ that they have no challenge. 

    Well this is the reality guys - yes you do not have a proper challenge. Some people are yet trying to catch up I am sure that sooner or later you will have it. As far as PKing lower players goes - thats sadly true, you are doing it. And you are doing it constantly - worse thing is that in fact you do not do it only in DV or EV but you do it as well in Partisans, Ant nest, Ali island.

    My question is if so much you are looking for challenge why not fight as equals vs low level chars with your low levels. No need to bring top level classes is it ? This is just a vision of mine.

    Someone mentioned be nice to new comers. 100% agreeing with this I have actually started gifting away No-gr sets for newcomers (deal is I request them once they are 25 i get these back so i can pass them to the next guy). And I am a newcomer myself only 46 level not much to have but working my way up, if I can share the little I have YOU can also do it and let the newbies on their own.

    NOT taking sides here, just listing the pros and cons. As well as what can be done so you guys have a better end game. Do not think that other clans dont want to fight you, its just the gap between that stops them.

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