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Everything posted by MrProphet

  1. I missed something about Koukou, plz give me link to catch it.
  2. 1. Don't think so. 2.Yes. 3.I saw some words, just words. 4. Yes. 5. Yes. 6. I think they do what they can do. 7. I think few newbies. 8. I dont. 9. There are some, but it's fading away. 10. Its not off based. Dont understand what do you mean. DDs are always viable, what ever you want. 11. No problem to play necro, you can use general mage attack before 40 lvl and CDL after 50 lvl. 12. Dont play L2 anymore. 13. There are a lot of international clans in both sides. Epic always go to the TOP players. 14. 2 international sides as I know now. 14. 4h a day, 2 weeks to 40, a mounth to 52. 15. I dropped DW for 2 days farm. 16. Write me PM instead - I ll tell you what to do)
  3. All who has online 11:00-15:00 server time or more and wants to get epic - make CDL mages and join. Just EPIC farming, just FUN!!!
  4. Набор в клан всех желающих, (удовлетворяющих условиям выше) получить эпик. Отвечаю на вопрос про дадут фармить. Если вы хотите фармить эпик, то таких тупых вопросов быть не должно. Топ кланы ни у кого не спрашивают, а просто приходят и фармят твинками 50-52 лвл. Хай лвл на эпик не ходят, убить хай лвлом никого во время фарма не могут - получают анчор и сало. Весь алли Soil'a собирает ~30 человек на фарм и это только в 18-00 МСК или позже, до 15-00 они с трудом наберут 1 пачку и те раки вроде Light. Перки и прочие не могут собрать и этого, поэтому со**т в сторонке. Если вам надоело дрочить мобов в пустую - обращайтесь.
  5. ​You can't even farm orfen, so what do you do here? Oough I forgot about Modekayzer he farmed for you well.
  6. We need / Требуются farm party: Necro or SH 50-52 lvls, SWS or tank 50-56 lvl def party: Glad, Destr, SPS, SORC, TH, AW, PW, archers, bish 45-56 lvl ONLINE: 11:00-15:00 server time or more, language Russian, English / онлайн с 12:00 по Мск If you want to get maximum and don't afraid of top clan wars - PM, mail to MrPropnet or here./Не очкуешь рубиться за эпик - добро пожаловать! писать тут или на MrPropnet Drop by turn or random./Делим дроп между участниками по очереди или рэндом.
  7. Ooh Zorg, did you find Active CP?
  8. ​Why just 41, im not so poor as you, I have 1001. ​yep, thats why on screenshot u can see 99+ on the shortcut right? ​99+ thats are shots, bsoes are 1001 look carefully plz.
  9. ​Why just 41, im not so poor as you, I have 1001.
  10. ​What's your activity? I dont see you at all in game.
  11. Super EE looking for super active CP, have all epic! I think I deserved them. Old CP is UNactive!
  12. Mage CP 70+ need mage with Orfen 3 lvl, welcome.
  13. scammer who dont scam enybody i scam self !! omg.... ​Do you understand what you write by yourself?
  14. ​Ye, you just caught the main. ​yes, he is scammer. but u cant ban him, u traded the earring to him. on ru off even in live stream parties were scammed by random drivers. and they just said "sh1t we lost another briga set" ​We are here not to ban him, if I could I did it and dont talk here. It's really something like "sh1t we lost another briga set". It's started like a real sensation of server life in the other topic and continued here as an interview with a scammer. no one explane why i must give back, so shut up. just scamer scamer... so borring.... ​Nobody said that you're not scamer, scamer.......... Bugagagaga
  15. ​Ye, you just caught the main. ​yes, he is scammer. but u cant ban him, u traded the earring to him. on ru off even in live stream parties were scammed by random drivers. and they just said "sh1t we lost another briga set" ​We are here not to ban him, if I could I did it and dont talk here. It's really something like "sh1t we lost another briga set". It's started like a real sensation of server life in the other topic and continued here as an interview with a scammer.
  16. ​Ye, you just caught the main.
  17. ​You just write trash here for ppl, and think that they will just read only last posts where you try to be with the last word. People if you ll find the answer to my question in his posts plz tell me.
  18. ​You know that you had to send Orfen to Ancord, not Taduliz and you asked Dee if Ancord online and than you changed your mind, decided to scum it. That's the truth! Dee and ancord was offline :))))) how i can speak with tham when just you and tadulis was on..... guys stop spam there cose its nonsence at all... ​They were online all the other days of week. Open calendar and look from 19.12.2016 to 26.12.2016, how many times you were online and could speak with us? I said to you dont try to change the truth or lie. So why you lie in every post ? i see how you online was. also person from you was pm me in fb abaut not active cp at all. and 0 ppl on ts. dee have grafic 2/2 and ancord all week work just saturday sunday play and still not all time. sometime just some h from some days. and now you say they online was all days .... buhahahahah ​I said dont tell here about general online, tell about whoes Orfen. You were not online for a week or hided from us. You just wrote 4 pages of trash and no answer to my question. I have ansver yesterday. read chat. I read and didnt find - show me.
  19. ​You know that you had to send Orfen to Ancord, not Taduliz and you asked Dee if Ancord online and than you changed your mind, decided to scum it. That's the truth! Dee and ancord was offline :))))) how i can speak with tham when just you and tadulis was on..... guys stop spam there cose its nonsence at all... ​They were online all the other days of week. Open calendar and look from 19.12.2016 to 26.12.2016, how many times you were online and could speak with us? I said to you dont try to change the truth or lie. So why you lie in every post ? i see how you online was. also person from you was pm me in fb abaut not active cp at all. and 0 ppl on ts. dee have grafic 2/2 and ancord all week work just saturday sunday play and still not all time. sometime just some h from some days. and now you say they online was all days .... buhahahahah ​I said dont tell here about general online, tell about whoes Orfen. You were not online for a week or hided from us. You just wrote 4 pages of trash and no answer to my question.
  20. ​You know that you had to send Orfen to Ancord, not Taduliz and you asked Dee if Ancord online and than you changed your mind, decided to scum it. That's the truth! Dee and ancord was offline :))))) how i can speak with tham when just you and tadulis was on..... guys stop spam there cose its nonsence at all... ​They were online all the other days of week. Open the calendar and look from 19.12.2016 to 26.12.2016, how many times you were online and could speak with us? I said to you dont try to change the truth or lie.
  21. ​You know that you had to send Orfen to Ancord, not Taduliz and you asked Dee if Ancord online and than you changed your mind, decided to scum it. That's the truth! And plz dont say here about low online of Ancord so he is not deserving Orfen, as you decided by yourself. You are not CP leader and never was, you cant decide who deserves.
  22. I dont hiding. you pm me skype and i ansver you. and for nex question i know ansver from you, if i ask abaut it in first day your ansver will be the same that i must give you cose you are boss.... still mprophen now in post write different story. in first post he say that i leave and dont say nothink, and now he say that you give tham chat when i speak with you, so you was agrea that i say for you that i leave in firat day, just you dont say for tham, so its problem of you, btw mrprophen was at ts at the same time when i say abaut it. and i dont need come ts and say every day for every player from group what i leave. if thay will be in prime time thay will know. i dont need cutch tham and say i leave. ​I was at the moment when you said - "Idi na *** Misha", when Misha tried to speak with you and you ran you out of the game, it was at later evening of 19/12/2016. Where was the moment in your speach when we could understand that you are leaves us with our Orfen earing? I think its *** in that word, cause it means a lot in russian, but I didnt know that your russian is so well, that you can explain so much in just one word. And you chated with Misha in Skype 26/12/2016, after a week of silence. I said to you - DONT try to lie here!!!
  23. ​Do you want to say that he still farm with you and you didnt kick him, you feel sorry for that piece of? WHAT????