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Everything posted by MrProphet

  1. ​Misha gave that chat to all as soon, as you talk to him and it was a week later you have gone. You better answer what did Misha sell to buy guns, epic jews or other drop from epic? Where did our 70+ EABs from epic were gone at one lovely moment, when you wanted to overenchant yourself? You think that your lie about Misha and CP can excuse your stealing?
  2. ​Dont try to manipulate the moderator what to do. I think ppl see no anwer to the main question and ppl understand who is who. Tell me where to PM plz in game?
  3. ​You dont play active now or just afraid that our UNactive pack will find and PK you?!
  4. ​​Do you play active? What character is online now and you will play in the future?
  5. ​OK, and now the situation requires you to use it))))))))
  6. ​I asked you a concrete question whoes orfen earring 3 lvl? Dont try to look like a fool.
  7. ​You started to look like a fool again)))) So make question one more time... using google translate its not good. cose you ask me who was orfen... ​Ok you know that I'm not so well in English as you, I ask you again - Whoes was first Orfen earring 3 lvl, that we got?
  8. ​You started to look like a fool again)))) Just like yesterday on TS when you wrote that dont understand russian)))
  9. ​I wanna say that we told about epicks when started to farm them and got Orfen 3 lvl. May be you remember who's was that Orfen? Yep dee, cose he was active dd. i get core when was on taduliz, when i change for wl i dont use nothink, until i was necr and get secound orfen. ​You wanna say that its Dee's own Orfen now?
  10. ​I wanna say that we told about epicks when started to farm them and got Orfen 3 lvl. May be you remember who's was that Orfen?
  11. ​What a shit? We really started to farm and get epics since 1.5 when we left Perkunas as a CP. We have 5 people (Tipitapi, Taduliz, Dee, Ancord, Fanaxx returns) from team played that time except you. You are trying to prove not that you are not a thief, you are trying to prove that we are not CP and you can steal from us.
  12. ​Zorg answer to that guy honestly, was any agreement or no? ​Oouh, I forgot you cant be honest........
  13. ​Zorg answer to that guy honestly, was any agreement or no?
  14. ​are we comparing aoba+5 and lance with 2x epics lvl 3? as i said, i dont know your internal cp politics, but its not me who started this discussion, it was one of your cp members what i can say is that u could talk that out with them, and i bet u would either find solution together or not, but u wouldnt look like noob which leaves cp w/o telling single word with those epics If you read topic you will see what its 3lvl orf and 2 lvl aq and i have say on ts that i leave, just thay dont wana hear maby it. but like i say, def on forum uselles, cose thay can say all what thay want. and the same tipitapi (mrprophet) was also stop play month two ago... cose was unactive cp... and now he say abaut me... who never was stoped play but all time was looking for ppl for cp. and abaut mrprophet nobody can say the same. cose he dont find any player... you are forgot abaut it mrpropnet? when you come you see me on ol/wl and taduliz for example and you say no dd,ok i go off... or on siege when we fight all and deff you say fuck i dont need it, yours tactic is useles, and we was withoud any heal.... i can remember lots situation like that... so dont post nothink.... ​And what? Means you can take orfen and run? No bro i must say plz give me it cose i wana leave.... ​Ofcourse no, cause you are coward thief and couldnt speak with us honestly. If you will be 8, and one leave yes ofc. and i will give back and leave withoud nothink. but if you was 2 i do t need to say for everyone in ts or mail i leave becose bla bla bla.... i have say on ts, and in chat for skype when he pm me. next 3 days when i leave, cose 2 days i was at work and not play. he pm me and i say o e time the same that i leave from cp. what you need more ? mail to home with info ? maby he dont say for you abaut it... cose one friend pm me on fb and say that i say i am on rest... and its was funny for me cose i write him i stop play with you... ​BLA BLA BLA LIEER
  15. ​are we comparing aoba+5 and lance with 2x epics lvl 3? as i said, i dont know your internal cp politics, but its not me who started this discussion, it was one of your cp members what i can say is that u could talk that out with them, and i bet u would either find solution together or not, but u wouldnt look like noob which leaves cp w/o telling single word with those epics If you read topic you will see what its 3lvl orf and 2 lvl aq and i have say on ts that i leave, just thay dont wana hear maby it. but like i say, def on forum uselles, cose thay can say all what thay want. and the same tipitapi (mrprophet) was also stop play month two ago... cose was unactive cp... and now he say abaut me... who never was stoped play but all time was looking for ppl for cp. and abaut mrprophet nobody can say the same. cose he dont find any player... you are forgot abaut it mrpropnet? when you come you see me on ol/wl and taduliz for example and you say no dd,ok i go off... or on siege when we fight all and deff you say fuck i dont need it, yours tactic is useles, and we was withoud any heal.... i can remember lots situation like that... so dont post nothink.... ​And what? Means you can take orfen and run? No bro i must say plz give me it cose i wana leave.... ​Ofcourse no, cause you are coward thief and couldnt speak with us honestly.
  16. ​are we comparing aoba+5 and lance with 2x epics lvl 3? as i said, i dont know your internal cp politics, but its not me who started this discussion, it was one of your cp members what i can say is that u could talk that out with them, and i bet u would either find solution together or not, but u wouldnt look like noob which leaves cp w/o telling single word with those epics If you read topic you will see what its 3lvl orf and 2 lvl aq and i have say on ts that i leave, just thay dont wana hear maby it. but like i say, def on forum uselles, cose thay can say all what thay want. and the same tipitapi (mrprophet) was also stop play month two ago... cose was unactive cp... and now he say abaut me... who never was stoped play but all time was looking for ppl for cp. and abaut mrprophet nobody can say the same. cose he dont find any player... you are forgot abaut it mrpropnet? when you come you see me on ol/wl and taduliz for example and you say no dd,ok i go off... or on siege when we fight all and deff you say fuck i dont need it, yours tactic is useles, and we was withoud any heal.... i can remember lots situation like that... so dont post nothink.... ​And what? Means you can take orfen and run?
  17. ​I think you need go back to primary school and learn to count people and epics.4/9 is not 90 or 99% and Taduliz has only Core 3 lvl but has done much more work for that epic than you did. So than more epics you have than i know.. tadu core, you core, dee orfen and aq. ancord aq and some more 2 and 1 lvl in bank..... its not change nothink guys... if you play abaut items go play, like you say on ts if i dont give back you leave clan... gl ​Your english is so poor, I said that we will leave ally if Soil dont dismiss you from his CP where you tried to hide from us at another character Wallhart this week. What was done next?
  18. I think nobody doubts that you are well equipped!​
  19. ​I think you need go back to primary school and learn to count people and epics.4/9 is not 90 or 99% and Taduliz has only Core 3 lvl but has done much more work for that epic than you did.
  20. ​You are just coward lier and thief. Orfen was not always on you it was transmitted between you and Ancord or Dee sometimes Taduliz. You could talk to us for a week time about your opinion, but you just ran away with it, nothing said to any CP member. If i dont ansver you if my decision... i dont see any reason why in forum i must ansver question abaut "why i dont pm you when i leave"... on ts last day i have to say "i dont play with you anymore,play with self"... its was for taduliz(unreal)(misha) cose like all time it was 3 ppl online... if wana personal ansver from me to you, you can all time pm me. ​You was not online a week at Mordekayzer and even in TS. Where should I PM you? Yesterday you afraided to unmute dinamic and micro in TS and was silent like a coward.
  21. ​You are just coward lier and thief. Orfen was not always on you it was transmitted between you and Ancord or Dee sometimes Taduliz. You could talk to us for a week time about your opinion, but you just ran away with it, nothing said to any CP member. You left CP because you found a reason to steal epic. Your online is much more poor than my, Dee or Taduliz and you say something about no people or unactive people in CP)))) Unactive was really you. Now you can write any excuses for yours action, but nobody belives you. Now you can try to play Bes or Elven Elder or rename them but the truth will goes on.
  22. ​Too late! Everybody knows, everybody.
  23. MrProphet

    Here we go again

    ​Ahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahh​hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahh​hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahh​hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahh This is top post on this forum since its creation. AHAHAHA. I didnt knew its even possible If zorgzor is not taduliz then my nick on forum is not datplays, or... i just can't find words for that U re awared im playin here since 1st hour of the server online? I can tell u every monkey move of Zorgzor/Taduliz on server, what clans he was, who he scam, when he rolled from tyr zorgzor to ol taduliz, coz his weak warrior cp couldnt hold 1.0 mobs OMG U WON ME with this comment ​I think you can only BLABLABLA, and know only what happened in Perkunas and also not yet just a fragment of info. Half year left since we left Perkunas. If you know - write here who and what he scam, contingent of our CP, who do I play for? And I know I won you anyway