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Everything posted by merenda

  1. merenda


    sorceror?? !!!! solo? ama exeis k se h ee kalos
  2. merenda


    telika ti ekanes???
  3. merenda


    kalos hrthes .. ftiaxe sws na sothis tha briskis pante party na xpareis. k san sws k san oti thes ta leme mesa
  4. merenda

    duo pve,advice?

    kalutera toxoti me pp telos!!! analogos k ti thes na kaneis..k pws tha xpareis .. kalh arxh ta leme ...
  5. will be sws ... pm or mail me if u want ,name raki
  6. merenda

    Για solo pve

    Μιας και δεν ξέρω από classic καθόλου αν μπορείτε να μου πείτε τι είναι καλύτερα. . Τοξότης με Προυστ ή μάγος με shilen elder...
  7. ante kali arxh..... to skeftome na xekinisw pali...
  8. merenda


    10 euro gia ena mina premioum kai eisai ok
  9. Όπως γράφω κ παρα πανω. .. ξέρει να μου πει κανειςΓιατί έχει τόσους πολους τοξότες? ????
  10. re pedia kamia gr clan na mpoume ???? eimaste 2 atoma exoume enan toxoti k enan spelhowler k apo enan bufera o kathenas. 37 lvl eimaste k aneuenoume..
  11. merenda

    poli pk !!!!!!

    re pedia poli pk ti ginete oute se x10 den eixe toso poli eleos !! tespa ... ante kalo xp
  12. prin ena mina ebaza paysafe apo ellada . telos!!! ante kalo xp
  13. pantos ston oficial l2 classic ebaza paysafe na xerete.....
  14. kamia ellinikh clan na mpoume eimaste 2 atoma enas toxotis k enas spellhowler me bufers o kathenas. pantos opou paw me pernoun pk !! eleos. akoma eimaste 25 lvl alla eneuenoume kala..
  15. kati alo na rwtisw.. biblia gia ta skill ta exei kanena magazi na ta poulaei ??? h olla drop apo mobs??? thxx
  16. merenda

    SA se d weapon

    phra ena top d weapon k exei na tou balw sa empower kai acument isxioun afta h oxi ? k an nai pou paw gia na ta balw ??? thx ..
  17. OK alla den exw katalabi pou tha balw ta 10 euro wste na pezw me 2 box tautoxrona!!!
  18. lipon kati alo na rwtiso .. poios xerei apo pou tha brw to newbie weapon ticket??? gia na parw top ng apo ton npc. k apo pou tha brw na parw ta coin of luck ???? k pou tha mpw na balw ta 10 euro na energopiisw k ena deutero acc pou thelw. thx perimenw ...
  19. hii hthela na rwtisw an ginete allo ektos apo pay pal gia na energopihsw k alo acc ..opws paysafecart.. gia na exw 2 acc tha plirwnw 10 euro to mhna h 10 k 10 = 20 euro to mhna ? thx
  20. diladi tha exw plhrwsei gia kati pou meta ta b aneuenei polu h timh tou se euro k tha me kilaroune k tha mou pesei k tha to xasw?? me tipota file mou den axizei. kalutera oficial. kalh dinamh k kalo xp se olous..
  21. eleos re sus tote den axizei ....