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Whiskey last won the day on May 12 2016

Whiskey had the most liked content!

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8 Neutral

About Whiskey

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    Advanced Member

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  1. ​I give you Emi+11 and BW Heavy set for Emi+13 ​I have to turn down this offer. Thanks for your interest though.
  2. WTS/WTT +13 Eminence Bow TRADES FOR + MAGE WEAPON OR FULL ADENA OFFER PREFERRED. Leave other offers here, or PM forum. Thanks.
  3. Just an FYI, the fade-in transitions you have per each new clip allow you to see what's censored prior to those things being censored.
  4. ​Price PL set +6 ??? ​Can you beat 50kk?
  5. ​ price for doom leather armor? ​15kk?
  7. ​Sorry--I there is no notification on the forum if you aren't quoted in a post, so I didn't see your replies. I'm already in a clan, but I'm just asking you because I'm excited to see you guys here. I've watched several of your vids on YouTube ^^. Hope you guys build up fast and become a new force here.
  8. Please direct all proxy issues to this thread in the Report section: http://l2classic.club/forum/index.php?/topic/10348-proxy-lag/ The better we can centralize this as one single topic on the forum, perhaps the more efficient we'll at least get a response and action from the GMs and Devs.
  9. Whiskey


    ​Screenshot of him being under 4 PKs when this happened.. However, maybe it's coincidental to the way un-registered players can drop items when dying to guards during a castle siege. So death by NPC still poses a chance to drop items. Maybe he's just really unlucky.
  10. Whiskey

    Proxy Lag

    ​bump Any news? "New" proxies still lagging heavily.
  11. Whiskey

    Not adequate

    In case everyone is unaware, Ashinojoe says the same flame to everyone he dislikes. It's entirely amusing, but equally pathetic.